Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1941)

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Why Can't ALICE FAYE Find True Love? ONE GIRL who ought to be happy is Alice Faye. Yet the secret fact is that she is not. Among Screen Guide's scoops for June are the intimate details of her romances. SCREEN GUIDE, the large-size picture magazine of motion pictures, is edited independently. It tells without fear or favor the truth about strictly "human" stars! OTHER FEATURES IN JUNE SCREEN GUIDE— This Is The Real Hollywood. Here is the Hollywood behind the scandals, the Hollywood that rises above the dirty rumors! How Remarriage Has Remade Bette Davis! Photos prove the truth! I Made My Home in Hollywood by Rita Hayworth. See what it iosts to build, decorate a Hollywood manse. Figures and facts! Are Hollywood Night Club Romances Real? Read Hedda Hopper's '"inside" gossip. All this and heavenly color portraits, too — Betty Grable, Don Amecbe, Olivia <lt 1 I, it ill. mil, Tony Martin. Also fzossi/>, ret it us, h, ,iut\ bints, fashion news! FREE— If you haven't seen SCREEN GUIDE recently, write to Dept V6 for a sample copy of a recent issue. Address: SCREEN GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois Screen Guide JUNE ISSUE Now on Sale at ALL NEWSSTANDS learned the true secret of genius— simplicity, straightforwardness, naturalness. Three rousing cheers. G. Rayne, Vancouver, Canada HONORABLE MENTION WHY do the studios "push" such questionable talent as Ann Sheridan, Lana Turner, Betty Grable. Linda Darnell, Virginia Bruce. Gene Tierney, Paull.l.iid and Olivia de Ilavilland on the public'' If they can act, I am Sarah ardt. The female romanticists will resent this. why don't the studios star I • Howard and ('hail. Bi ■ ' i in a gangster picture? Lei Leslie Boy be a gang l< and Charlie Hoy a rival "crime defender" who kill each other for the love of gunmoll Joan Fontaine. Oh, yes, then lei Toughy Joan act animated (which will probably kill her) and then the screen will be rid of three sissy-pai Emily Cherry, Norfolk, V., Why doesn't Warner Brothers studio wake up and realize what a swell creen l.t they have in Jeffrey Lynn? He has proved in the few times he had a chance thai he can acl Mrs. Alfred A. Rose. Vicksburg, Miss. John Barrymore may have bags under his eyes, two chins and numerous wives, bul for all that lie is one ..I the very best ns m the liic in. l'l. . e, somea mi atj pai t in i ■ d drama. Etui i I. Morris, I AM the victim of a new and apparently ' incurable malady known to science (and movie fans) as galloping Jaggeritis. The patient usually complains of loss of sleep, general dreaminess and inability to concentrate and shows a marked tendency to haunt theaters playing "Brigham Young, Frontiersman" or "Western Union." Symptoms generally appear within a short time attel e\| a pan of very penetrating and very blue eyes, a crisp metallic voice and various and sundry other items which are the exclusive property of an exciting gentleman named Dean Jagger. Dorothy E. Dickson. Altadena, Calif. IF movie patrons could look behind the ' scenes at the revolting cruelties pracM ..1 on helpless animals there would be an immediate boycotl on the thrillpacked Westerns where the Noble Hero dishes madly off a high cliff. The background of every such "punch" is a toll of broken legs, internal injuries and hideous suffei ing for the hoi Ived. Sylvia L. Peters, Eugene, Ore. LAST night Lai appeal ed on the movie horizon, new foi inc. at least His name is lax Harrison and in him I found an actor delightfully differenl from any I have ever seen Besides a twinkle in he eye and a sense of humor. Mi Harrison caii also appeal erious and even 1 [is is a ran pel sonality that has never been apparent m any of our present .a pasl daj actors, I a ri -, Johnson, Indianapolis, Ind, TWICE I have been to the movies lately ' in company with my teen-age daughter, only to sit there and wish we were home. Both films — "The Philadelphia Story" and "Virginia" — showed beautiful estates and beautiful women. But two flagrant faults stand out in each — drink, drink, drink; Katharine Hepburn dead to the world in more than one scene and Madeleine Carroll saying. "Let's get tight" every time a crisis came up. A mother who cares, Mrs. Calvin W. Sherman. Clyde. N Y I AM an American! That's why "Land ■ of Liberty" thrilled me so tremendously! I have always loved our flag and the country it stands for. but they mean more than ever to me now. after seeing the struggle people have gone through to make them what they are. That sweeping panorama of the growth of our n.. did something for me. And seeing those scores of stars, each doing his part magnificently lut each subordinate to the real star — The United States of America brings a lump to one's thrt Adeline Swanson, Boulder. Colo. CONGRATULATIONS to some body for discovering Dan Dailey Jr. Besides proving himself a good actor, he is handto the right di ri ee He has an ceritj about him that mak< s you leil you know him intimately lh lnnks and ■.it- like the boy in xt door or youi college roommate might. His twinkling snaii and flashing dimples can i the fans ol ( table, Boj i i .aid Taj loi forget their idols. Fran* ts \\ akf.ley, Rome, Ga. photoplay combined u»ltli movh mirror