Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1941)

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Freckles Write /orFREE BEAUTYBOOKLET It tells a delightful story about Stillman's Freckle Cream. More than just a freckle cream . . makes skin lighter . . it's texture softer . . smoother. Over 32,000,000 jars have been purchased at drug and cosmetic counters in the last half century. A postal card brings this interesting story to you. THE STILLMAN CO. Dept. P AURORA, ILL. Slillmans cream ^Scratching Relieve Itch Fast or Money Back For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scales, scabies, rashes and other externally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. EXPECTING A BABY? • Ask your doctor about breast feeding, especially during early weeks of infancy. Take his advice on supplementary feeding, particularly about cleanliness. Regularmedical care and advice on nutrition can speed development and improve baby's health. * *«*& ttf-*"' See Your & Doctor Regularly I ff/uuJt CUvcu/ GRAY ,.atu££ooklO • Now, at home, you can quickly and easily tint telltale streaks of gray to natural-appearing shades — trom lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Used for 28 years by thousands of women (men, too) — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless. No skin test needed, active coloring agent ifl purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Easy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair. 60c at drug or toilet counters on a money-back guarantee. Retain your youthful charm. Get BROWNATONE today. BeanARTIS Trained Artists are capable of earning $30. $50, $75 a week! Our proven method piepares you step bv step at home in your spare time. COMMERCIAL ART. ILLUSTBATING, CARTOONING all in ONE complete course. Mail coupon for FREE BOOK, 'Art for Pleasure & Profit" — fully explains course of training ami opportunities in Ait 2 AKT OUTFITS with course. FREE BOOK gives details! . Washington School of Art. Studio 1 56T. • Ills— 15th St.. N.W.. Washington. D.C. B City state the table by the fire, "we have some dinner." When they have finished eating, Adrienne said seriously, "You know, darling, >you seem different, somehow. No," as he started to speak, "I don't mean the old 'I'm a different man' line of yours. I mean really different. More responsible — more capable. More," hesitantly, "tender and understanding." "I'm not — " John began, but Adrienne, misinterpreting his words, laid her fingers across his lips. "You are," she insisted. "I realized it this afternoon when you kissed me. I knew then that we really and truly love each other. That's why," she went on softly, "I moved back home tonight." As the full significance of her words dawned in John's mind he felt himself go tense with consternation. Surely, he told himself, no man had ever before been in such a predicament — in love with a girl who, thinking he was her husband, was offering her love, herself — and he could neither accept nor give any decent reason for refusing. "Adrienne," he managed at last to gasp, "you've got to let me explain." Adrienne shook her head. "No explanations. The past is over. We have only the future. Oh, my dearest, it will be such a happy future." Too dazed to reply, John let her lead him through the hall and up the wide stairway. When they'd gone a few steps John halted. "Got to go back," he muttered. "Left the lights on." He turned, prepared to bolt back down the stairs. A DRIENNE'S pressure on his arm in^* creased. "Paul will turn them out," she said, not stopping. A few steps more, then John said, "I'm afraid I left a cigarette burning." "Paul," Adrienne didn't pause and John was forced to stumble after her, "will empty the ash trays." A few steps more, and John worked his cigarette case out of his pocket. It rolled down the stairs. "Dropped my cigarette case," he said brightly. "I'll go back and get it." "We'll go back and get it," Adrienne corrected firmly and together they went down the stairs. Then, John's ingenuity for escape at an end, together they climbed the stairs again and entered the large bedroom on the second floor. "Adrienne," John cried hoarsely then, "there's something I've got to tell you." Adrienne faced him expectantly. "I know what it is, dear," she said. "I've been waiting all evening for you to tell me. Tell me now," she urged softly. "Take me in your arms and tell me you love me." "Adrienne," he began, then, "Oh, Adrienne, I love you," he cried and swept her into his arms. Their embrace lasted only a moment, then with, "I'll only be a minute, dear," Adrienne slipped into the dressing room. When the door had closed behind her John impulsively started toward it. Then he forced himself to stop and with the furtiveness of an animal escaping from a trap he dashed through the opposite door, ran swiftly down the stairs and out of the house. |_| E spent the night on a bench in the ' ' park, smoking innumerable cigarettes. Time after time he was tempted to return to the house, to Adrienne, but each time he beat down the temptation. By morning he had outlined a plan of action. His reasoning was almost in the form of a schoolboy's exercise, built up from premise to premise. First, he and Adrienne loved each other. Therefore, VACATION STARTS RIGHT —when you board an air-conditioned Step into a climate that's cool as a breeze in the tall pines— stretch out in an easy chair that fits your every mood— start having the time of your life as you cruise away by Greyhound toward your particular choice of summer playgrounds. It's a grand feelingknowing you're saving two-thirds of what you'd pay to drive your own car. And the sightseeing's just double— you go one way, return a different scenic route at no extra cost. So take it easy this trip— get a headstart on vacation fun the Super-Coach way! EXPENSE-PAID TOURS assure you extra economies, extra good times! Transportation, hotels, sightseeing, entertainment are arranged for you by experts, on tours to almost anywhere— any length, any time. Principal Greyhound Information Offices: New York City • Cleveland, Ohio • Philadelphia, Penna. Boston, Mass. • Chicago, Illinois • San Francisco. Calif . Ft. Worth, Texas • Washington. D. C. • Detroit, Michigan St. Louis. Missouri • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Lexington, Ky. • Charleston, W. Va. • Cincinnati, O. • Richmond, Va Memphis, Tenn. • New Orleans, La. • Windsor, Ontario (44LondonSt.,E.)#Montreal,Quebec,(1188DorchesterSt.,W.'> MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY to neorest Greyhound office listed obove, for free copy of booklet "Th is Amazing America," with cartoons ond descriptions of the country's 140 most unusual places. Jot down name of any special place you'd like to visit on margin below Name Address .MF-6 JUNE, 1941 105