Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1941)

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what is the "Age of Romance'' for a Woman's Hands? There's Sally in her "twenties" — but don't her hands look older? That's because they're so often rough. But busy Mrs. B. in her "fifties" has the gracious soft, smooth hands that are charming, romantic, at any age. Her secret? Just — simple, regular care with Jergens Lotion! It's almost like professional hand care. Two ingredients in Jergens Lotion are used by many doctors to help hard, harsh skin to rose-leaf smoothness. Your poor hand skin — so often waterdried, wind-dried! Jergens Lotion furnishes new softening moisture it needs. No stickiness! Easy and quick! 50i, 25p. 10^— $1.00, at beauty counters. Start now to use this favorite Jergens Lotion. fREE! . . PURSE-SIZE BOTTLE MAIL THIS COUPON NOW (Paste on a penny postcard, if you wish) The Andrew Jergens Company, Box 3524, Cincinnati, Ohio (In Canada: Perth, Ontario) Please send my free purse-size bottle of the famous Jergens Lotion. Name — Street Cily State WELL-KNOWN PALMIST "PSYCHOANALYZES" MISS WATSON'S HANDS "This life line is very interesting, • says Sonia Barrington, well-known New York palmist, "It indicates a changeful, colorful life." Miss Margaret Watson, herself, writes from Chicago, "I had a problem to keep my hands smooth until 1 began to use Jergens Lotion." FOR SOFT, ADORABLE HANDS the juvenile lead. The show went tr Manchester, to open; and George, a keer golfer, was delighted to find some gooc courses close at hand. On their thirt day the manager asked George if hi knew the juvenile lead's part. "Why? inquired Mr. Murphy. "Because yc will have to play it tomorrow night! was the answer. "Couldn't you put it off until the nex night?" was Mr. Murphy's plea. "I'v arranged to play golf all day tomorrow so I couldn't rehearse." The answer was a somewhat violer no. George, therefore, tried to forge about his golf date, like a good littf understudy. All night, after the show, he worked away at the juvenile lead's role, assisted by Julie and two girls from the company, who volunteered nobly to come to his aid. The next night he went on for the part and says he remembers absolutely nothing about the show, nor what he did in it, from the moment the curtain went up. He must have done fairly well because the man he understudied never came back. So George played the part for the remainder of the tryout and right through the long run in London. While the show was running in London George and Julie met Sir Francis Towle, a very big hotel magnate. He invited them to dine one Sunday and during the evening they heard him inquiring if they would be interested to do a dance act in a night club. "But that's how we started. How did you know?" said George. "I didn'tl" replied Sir Francis. "But I have a spot open and waiting at the Mayfair Hotel, if you'd care to step in there tomorrow." Things happened quickly, after that. Sir Francis telephoned Ambrose, famous dance band leader, who was playing at the hotel; told him to hold his men when the Sunday evening concert ended, as two new dancers were coming down to run over some numbers ready to open the next night. A taxi took them all to the Mayfair. Ambrose and his merry men were there; and to their exhilarating music George and Julie swvmg into their routines. The next night, without Very decorous Is this George Murphy-Cesar Romero dance — but in a moment George will yell, "Save me, Butch!" and then will come the fireworks 80 PHOTOPLAY combined icith movie miuhob