Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1942)

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How to Bid... How to Play CONTRACT BRIDGE Dudley Courtenay, world-renowned bridge expert, writer and teacher, offers you a new kind of bridge book. A real self-teacher for beginners, average and advanced players. Here are all the standardized bids of the CULBERTSON and other championship systems, including the BLACKWOOD CONVENTION. This new book is complete in every detail. It explains how to bid . . . how to play . . . how to win. And it's standardized for 5 years — no changes, no new rules, laws, etc., until 1947. Get your copy of this great book— TODAY. ONLY $100 160 pages, 73/4"xl03V size. Durable binding. If you are unable to get this book at your own bookseller, use the convenient coupon on this page. Bartholomew House, Inc., Dept. PM-t, 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Send me, prepaid, a copy of Standardized Contract Bridge Complete. I enclose $1.00. Please print name and address PULVEX FLEA POWDER -also kills Lice and Ticks 25c AND 50< STOP! BEFORE YOU BUY DIAMONDS— See the world-famous Blu-Brite tiery white Zircons from Siam. LikeDiamonds — theydazzleeveryone — but are 989b less expensive! CDCC Write today for FREE TKCC Color Catalog. Buywitn confidence from America's only distributor of the genuine BluBrite Zircon. KIMBERLY GEM CO., INC. 5th Ave., Dept. 2MU. N. Y. C. i in N. Y. —Visit our showrooms. Can't Keep Grandma In Her Chair She's as Lively as a Youngster— Now her Backache is better Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes snows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. [ jlne. 1942 It's typical Runyon, amusing and completely in character. Your Reviewer Soys: Gosh, it's funny. ^ Kid Glove Killer (M-G-M) It's About: A scientific crime detector. NOW here is a B to shout about. Van Heflin, who made such a hit in "Johnny Eager," proves his worth. As the scientific crime detective, Van Heflin is smooth and easy. Lee Bowman is logical, slick and reasonable. Marsha Hunt, as the girl who almost marries Bowman before he is found out, is an actress of intelligence and ability. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to recommend this picture. Your Reviewer Says: A goodie. No Hands On The Clock (Paramount) It's About: A private detective whose honeymoon is interrupted by a mystery. CHESTER MORRIS is on his honeymoon with Jean Parker in Reno when the son of a wealthy rancher disappears and Chester is egged on to take the case. It's kind of scary and certainly keeps one guessing right up to the end, we'll say that for it. Your Reviewer Says: Not bad. Casts of Current Pictures "ALMOST MARRIED" — Universal: Gloria Dobson, Jane Frazee; James Manning 111, Robert Paige; Dr. Dobson, Eugene Pallette; Michael, Charles Coleman; Aunt Matilda, Elizabeth Patterson; Mrs. Clayton, Maude Eburne; Musicians, Slim and Slam; Szvanson, Ferris Taylor; Bright, Olin Howland; Hurley, Will Lee; Louella, Jan Wiley; Perkins, Herbert Haywood; Marvin, Lionel Pape; Mrs. Marvin, Mary Forbes. "ALWAYS IN MY HEART"— Warners: Marjorie Scutt, Kay Francis; MacKenzie Scott, Walter Huston; Victoria Scott, Gloria Warren; Booley, Patty Hale; Martin Scott, Frankie Thomas; Angle, Una O'Connor; Philip Ames, Sidney Blackner; Lolita, Armida; Joe Borelli, Frank Puglia; Red, Russell Arms; Frank, Anthony Caruso; Rosita, Elvira Curci; Warden, John Hamilton; Steve, HarryLewis; Dick, Herbert Gunn, and Borra Minnevitch and His Rascals. "BASHFUL BACHELOR, THE" — RKO Radio: hum, Chester Lauck; Abner, Norris Goff; Ceraldine, Zasu Pitts; Cedric, Grady Sutton; Squire Skimp, Oscar O'Shea; Marjorie, Louise Currie; Widder Abernathy, Constance Purdy; Sheriff, Irving Bacon; Joe, Earle Hodgings; Pitch Man, Benny Rubin. "BLACK DRAGON"— Monogram: Dr. Melcher, Bela Lugosi; Colomb, Bela Lugosi; Alice, Joan Barclay; Don Martin, Clayton Moore; Saunders, George Pembroke; Hanlin, Robert Frazer; The Dragon; Stanford Jolley; Kearney, Max Hoffman, Jr.; Van Dyke, Irving Mitchell; Wallace, Edward Piel, Sr.; Ryder, Bob Fiske; Colton, Kenneth Harlan; Stevens Joe Eggenton; Cabby, Bernard Gorcey. "BULLET SCARS"— Warners: Dr. Steven Bishop, Regis Toomey; Nora Madison, Adele Longmire; Frank Dillon, Howard da Silva; Pills Davis, Ben Welden; Hank O'Connor, John Ridgely; Mike, Frank Wilcox; Joe Madison, Michael Ames; Dr. Carter, Hobart Bosworth; Jake, Roland Drew; Leary, Walter Brooke; Jess, Creighton Hale; Hank Mann; Dude, Sol Gorss; Mitch, Don Turner. "BUTCH MINDS THE BABY"— Universal: Susie O'Neill, Virginia Bruce; Butch, Broderick Crawford; Dennis Devlin, Dick Foran; Brandy Smith, Porter Hall; Harry the Horse, Richard Lane; Blinky Sweeney, Shemp Howard; Mrs. Toluici Rosina Galli; Wyoming Bill. Fuzzy Knight; Cactus Pete, Grant Withers; /. Wads i «»*&?. 1010! V6R f>V* ROLLS DEVELOPED 25c Coin. Two 5x7 Double Weight Professional Enlargements, 8 Gloss Deckle Edge Prints. CLUB PHOTO SERVICE. Dept. 19, LaCrosse, Wis. 'HEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved promptly. Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist and has been used by mothers for over fifty years. One bottle is usually enough for one baby for the entire teething period. DR. HAND'S TEETHING LOTION Just rub it on the gums Buy it from your druggist today 101