Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1942)

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two hours we were out of touch with the world. Bob Hope was way up in suburban Azusa about to I'eceive the keys of the city at a Bob Hope banquet. In the midst of things the whole town went black, of course, and Bob says he finallj' came out of it with a key to the back door of Pomona. And oh, how they don't love Robert in Pomona! NOTICE— MgcDonald Fan Clubs: Jeanette MacDonald has just received word from her enormous English fan club that the money formerly used for stamps and j lotograph requests is now being given to the Red Cross. They wondered if Jeanette minded. Far from minding, Jeanette is so pleased she asks us to pass the word along to all her fan clubs, expressing her pleasure at the idea. Cal feels other stars may have the same reaction. Why not write your favorites and find out? Live Alone and Like It: Eighteenyear-old Linda Darnell has moved into her own tiny apartment and has gone into the business of housekeeping with all her young heart and energy. There is no servant waiting for Linda upon her return from the studio with warm food ready and served. Linda hustles up her own and does a good job of it at that, especially at broiling steaks and chops. On Sundays Linda \dsits with her family who agreed the only solution to a crowded household and to the quiet Linda must have when making pictures was the separate home idea. Linda felt her early rising at 5:30 and retiring at 9:30 was too much strain on the family's daily life. And then, think how glad everyone is when Sunday rolls around again. Hearts and Flowers Corner: Actor Richard Ney is the happiest young man in Hollywood since Greer Garson has become his dinner partner. The two are seen everywhere together. . . . Cutest twosome in town is Ray MacDonald and Betty Jane Graham, Judy Garland's close friend. With Jackie Cooper and Bonita Granville, Betty and Ray are once-a-week patrons of the Vine Street bowling alley that features Mike Riley's crazy band — the one that throws things at the customers. Lana Turner walked in the other night just in time to receive a custard pie in her beautiful face. The amazing thing is — no one gets mad. Maybe these Hollywood kids are setting a good example of how to keep good-humored to some of the older stars who need it. . . . It's still John Payne and Sheila Ryan despite the fact John escorted JULY. 19Vt In Ho//ywood, m GOTIAHAVt POLISH!" Mc CREJt Starred in the Poramovr\l Piclure "THE GREAT MAN'S LADY" Joel McCrea says: "Even when an actor's role is that of a diamond in the rough, everyone expects his teeth to be well polished!" With screen standards so high, it's a mighty fine tribute to CALOX TOOTH POWUKK that so many stars use it. Two ways to yoc/r dentist so can you fol/oivs both! -with Ga/ox Notice your dentist's technique when he gi\es you a dental cleaning. First, he thoroughly cleans your teeth. Then, and only then, does he polish them. In your home care why be satisfied with less than BOTH cleaning and polishing, when you can get Calox.^ CalOX gives yOU /ffr special ingre.lients tor cleaning atui brightening. With every stroke of the brush, Calox helps detach food particles, removes deposits, cleans off surface stains. And with every stroke (■alox polishes, too, making your teeth shine with their own clear, and natural lustre ... In Hollywood, many a star trusts to Calox-care. Try Calox Tooth I'owder for \iout smile! McKesson & U(ihl)iiis, li\c.. Hriili.'»'i"""t . ( 'onii. 15