Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1942)

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KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste W If you have an excess of acida in your blood, your 16 miles of kidney tubes may be over-worked. These tiny filters and tubes are working day and night to help Nature rid your system of excess acids and poisonous waste. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it rriay cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puthneaa under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Fre<iueiit or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there ia something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Kidneys may need help the same as bowels, so ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by milhons for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pilla. rM:H.'!.l!IV^O(.l:]L'[riJ![.)|.H Fascinatiii>^ oc f upation quick Iv I farruni at home ", in apart' time. Famous Koehne method bnnjrs out natC f:r^__y/ or»J. life-like cotora. Many earn while learninK bend ' today for free booklet and requirements. NATIONAL ART SCHOOL 1315 Michiean Ave.. Dept. 1387 Chicago. U^.A. \y ^„i<X^Eam Extra Income dail^-. Show smarts Earn Ext . ... il Christmaa Cards with nam for SI. Another biar money-maker— g-lamorouH Box 21 assorted Christmas Folders. Sells forjl. liMV' protit. ManyotherboTea. Amazintrvaluea. Sampleson approval . WALTHAM ART PUBLISHERS. Dept. 624 " 160 North Washington Street Boston. Mass. n.iaAtum' What Can I do for Dry Skin? ^Ori^- KREMOLA SKIN BALM! Yes, it Is balm to that withered looking skin. Freshen up vour skin with a generous application of KREMOLA SKIN BALM night and morning. Only $1 for a 2 ounce jar. The Victory economy iar 8 oz., only $3. Mail order to KREMOLA COMPANY, Dept. CB-1, 2975 South Michigan Ave., Chicago. 111. or send 10c to cover mailing for generous sample. WHY WEAR DIAMONDS? Wlii.n Iiiamona-I>3i!liiii. Olue-White f^ ,. \Ustic Siam are 80 effectiv* and inexpensive. ThrilliDK beaiiti'-B that ■ a . I id, cut glass and are full of dia. II. 1 IRE! Esqiiisite mountinBs! Writ* i:,r FKKF; Catalog, .\ddre8s: NATIONAL ZIRCON CO. Dept. 9 Wheeling. W. Va. ILLINERY HOME • Design and make exclusive hats under personal direci(tn of one of America's noted designers. Complete mate-■lals. blocks, etc., furnished. Every step illustrated. You make exclusive salable hats right from the start. We teach you how to start a profitable business in spare time. I»w cost and easy terms. E.xpert milliners are in demand. .Free National Placement Dept. Send today for particulars. i\ LOUIE MILLER SCHOOL OF MILLINERY ^^308 N. Michigan Avenue, Dept. 36 Chicago, III. CHECKED /TV >l.////y Relieve itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other skin troubles. Use pure, cooling medicated D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes, comforts and checks itching fast. 35c trial bottle proves it — or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8x 10 inches tr smaller if desired. 47" V^^ 3 for $1.00 / FY J"'' ma'l photo -.TT"^ j t • or snapshot ^-Jf I ■ ek you w.ll receive /.\ ^ ' art of Kroup picture. Safe etum of oriKinal photo wanteed. 3for$1.00 SEND NO MONEY Tnap-'^o" my size) and witiiin u week you will receive our beautiful enlargement, tfuaranteed fade '--I , iM. Pay postman 47c plug postage — or send 19o V ^ / ■ith order and we pay postaire. Big 16x20 . i ich enlargement sent C. O. D. IHc plus p.»st Btor send KUc and we pay postaire. Take advantajro of thiB amazlnff er DOW. S«nd your photoa today. Specify size wanted STANDARD ART STUDIOS 13 S. Jelierson St., Dept. 1552-IM. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS CToiiER, 1942 Cowan; Guido, Alexander Granach; Marie, Anne Jeffreys; Otto, Otto Relchow; Kurt, Wolfgang Zilzer; Leonard Jones, Donald Curtis; Hans, H. H. Von Twardowski; Mayor Fadden, Harry Hayden. "LADY IN A JAM"— Universal: Hope Palmer, Irene Dunne; Enriijht, Patric Knowles; Stanley, Ralph Bellamy; BiUiniisley, Eugene Pallette; Cactus Kate, t)ueenie V'assar; Milton, Uardie Albright. "MAJOR AND THE MINOR, THE"— Paramount: Sue Applegaie, Ginger Rogers; Major Kirby. Kay Milland; Mrs. Appleyate, I.cla Rogers; Pamela. Rita Johnson; Mr. Osborne, Robert Benchley; l.itcy Hill, Diana Lynn; Colonel Hill, Edward Fielding; Mrs. Slwckleford, Gretl Sherk; Cadet H^'iaton, Raymond Roe; Cadet Osborne, Jr., Frankie Thomas, Jr.; Cadet Babcock, Larry Nunn; Cadet Miller, Billy Dawson; Cadet Shumaker, Stanley Desmond; Cadet Summerville. Billy Ray; Mrs. Osborne, Norma Varden; Bertha, Marie Blake. "NIGHT FOR CRIME. A"— Producers Releasing Corp.: Susan. Glonda Farrell; Joe, Lyie Talbot; .l/<.)ia. Lina Basquette; Hart, Donald Kirke; Hoffman, Ralph Sanford; li'illiafns, Forrest Taylor; Carol, Lynn Starr; Arthur, Ricki Vallin; Telephone Operator, Edna Harris; LiUcn Smith, Marjorie Manners; Head Waiter, Joseph M. Dc V'illard; Frederick, Niels Bagge; Louise. Ruby Dandridge; Alice. Florence O'Brien; Coroner, Boh Frazer; Columnists : Jimmy Starr, Erskine Johnson, Edwin Schallert and Harry Crocker. "ONE THRILLING NIGHT" — Monognam: Horace Jason. John Jieal; Millie Jason, Wanda McKay; Frankie Saxton, Tom Neal ; Dottie. Barbara Pepper: Pat Callahan. Warren Hymer; Syt. Hagfierty J. Farrell Mac Donald; Pete Ernie .^dams; Joe Lynton Brent; Duke Kccsler Jerome Sheldon; Tubby Jimmy O'Gatty. "PANAMA HATTIE"— M-G-M: "Red'\ Red -Skelton: Hattie Moloney, Ann Sothern; "Raps", "Rags" Ragland; "Rnwiiy". Ben Blue; Leila 'Tree, Marsha Hunt; Flo, Virginia O'Brien; Jay Jerkins, Alan Mowbray; Dick Bulliett, Dan Dailey, Jr.; Geraldine Bulliett, Jackie Horner; Lucas Kcfler, Carl Esmond; Lena Home. Lena Home; The Berry Brothers, James Berry, Warren Berry and Nyas Berry. "PIERRE OF THE PLAINS"— M-G M : Pierre. John Carroll: Daisy Denton, Ruth Hussey; "Jap" Durkin, Bruce Cabot; Val Denton, Phil Brown; Noah Glenkins, Reginald Owen; Mr. IVellsbv, Henry Travers; Celia H'ellsby. Evelyn -Ankers; Scrpeant Dugan; Pat NfcVey; Inspector Cannody. Frederic Worlock; Crying Loon, Charles Stevens; Clerou, Sheldon Leonard; Clara, Lois Ranson. "PRIDE OF THE YANKEES" — GoldwynRKO Radio: Lou Gehrig. Gary Cooper; Eleanor Gehrig, Teresa Wright; Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth; Sam Blake. Walter Brennan; Hank Hanneman, Dan Duryea; Mom Gehrig. Elsa Janssen; Pop Gehrig, Ludwig Stossel; Myra, Virginia Gilmore: Bill Dickey. Bill Dickey; Miller Huggins. Ernie Adams; Mr. Tivitchell, Pierre Watkins; Joe McCarthy, Harry Harvey: Robert II'. Meusel, Robert W. Meiisel; Mark Koeniq. Mark Koenig; Bill Stern. Bill Stern; Coach, .Addison Richads; Van Tuyl, Hardic Albright; Clinic Doctor, Edward Fielding; Mayor of A'ra' Rochelle George Lessey; Hospital Doctor, Edgar Barrier; Lou Gehrig as a boy, Douglas Croft; Veloz and Yolanda; Ray Noble and his Orchestra. "PRIORITIES ON PARADE"— Paramount: Donna D'Arcy, Ann Miller; Lee Dai'is, Betty Rhodes; Jeep Jackson. Jerry Colonna, Johnny Draper. Johnnie Johnston; Mariposa Ginshotham. Vera Vague; Harvey Erkimer, Harry Barris; Sticks O'Hara, Eddie Quillan. "SOMEWHERE I'LL FIND YOU"— M-G-M: Jonny Davis, Clark Gable: Paula Lane, Lana Turner; Kirk Davis, Robert Sterling; Crystal McReagan, Patricia Dane; Willie, Reginald Owen; Eve, Lee Patrick; George L. Stafford, Charles Dingle. "THE TALK OF THE TOWN"— Columbia : Leopold Dilg. Cary Grant; .\'ora Shelley, Jean .Arthur: Michael Lightcap. Ronald Colman; .S'am Vatcs, Edgar Buchanan; Rcgina Bush. Glenda Farrell; Andrew LI olmes, Charles Dingle; Mrs. Shelley, Emma Dunn; 'Tilney. Rex Ingram; Jan Pulaski, Leonid Kinskey; Clyde Bracken, Tom Tyler; Chief of Police, Don Beddoe: Judge Grunstadt, George Watts; Senator James Boyd, Clyde Fillmore; District Attorney, Frank M. Thomas. "TISH" — M-G-M: Letitia Carherry, Marjorie Main; Aggie Pilkington, ZaSu Pitts; Liscie Wilkins. Aline MacMahon; Cora Edwards, Su.san Peters; Charles Sands, Lee Bowman; Judge Horace Bowser, Guy Kibhee; Katherine Boxvser, Virginia Grey; Theodore Bowser, Richard Quinc; Violet, Ruby Dandridge; Reverend Ostermaier, Al Shean; Parkins, Gerald Oliver Smith. "UNDERCOVER MAN"— H. Sherman-Para mount: Hupalong Cassidy, William Boyd; California, Andy Clyde; Breecy, Jay Kirby; Gonzales, Antonio Moreno; Miguel, Chris-Pin Martin: Louise, Nora Lane: Dolores. Esther Estrclla; Bob, Alan Baldwin; Rosita, Eva Puig. * ★ Now It's Fun To nmi This Common Sense Way ★ ★ There is no magic about The Common Sense Way to an alluring figure. But if you follow the suggestions Sylvia of Hollywood has for you in her book No More Alibis you may. perhaps, challenge the beauty of the loveliest movie star! In this amazing book Sylvia tells you how to lose up to fifteen pounds next month — and lose them safely. You won't feel half starved and you won't feel weak. In ten days you'll have new life and vitality. And best of all you will see daily improvement In your figure. Send for your copy of Madame Sylvia's amazing book No More Alibis. Was $1.00 Now Only 25c This 139-page book formerly .sold for $1.00 in stiff-back binding. Now published in paper cover you get the identical information for only 25c — postpaid. Mail coupon NOW. BARTHOLOlMEW HOUSK. INC. Dept. P-10 205 E. 42nd Street. New York, N. Y. Send me postpaid a copy of No More Alibis by Sylvia of Hollywood. I enclose 25c. PLEASE PRINT City State iThe 2.Sc price of this book applies to U. S. oulyl ■A'*'***'*"*-*"*'*'*"**'*'*'**-*"*-*'*'*'**-*'*-* ROLLS DEVELOPED 25c Two 5x7 Double Weight Professional En largements. 8 Gloss Deckle Edge Prints CLUB PHOTO SERVICE, Dept. 19, LaCrosse COIN Wis. MIHRISfMRS MRDSI FREE WITH SiHDCK S NAME $ I.MMHCT Take orders galore. " V;»li.e Viftorv Liae". 20 B.-Hntif..! D.'.iist.n 50 for $1. to 25 for SI. 25. Name imprinted. Sell NstionalK<.i.8 21 Christmas Folders $1. Coita 30c. Worth 52.85. Exclusive, Novel. Pj.tri<.li.-. Expensive Sheer-SheenB. Tips. FoUs. Glitter. Exquisite Etchinxa. tiift. Wraps. Religious, Everv davs. 55 EngravingB— Personal. Business. 21 Aaa't on approval. FREE S.X.MPLES. Supf-r Value. Personal Linu. No inveat SUNSHINE ART STUDIOS. 115 Fulton St., Dept. MA, Hew fork Dlf NO DULL DRAB HAIR when You Use This Amazing 4 Purpose Rinse In one, simple, quick operation, LOVALON will do all of these 4 important things for •your hair. 1> Gives lustrous highlights. 2. Rinses away shampoo film. 3. Tints the hair as it rinses. 4. Helps keep hair neatly In place. LOVALON does not permanently dye or bleach. It is a pure, odorless hair rinse, in 12 difFerent shades. Try LOVALON. At stores which sell toilet goods 25(* for 5 rinses 10^ for 2 rinses 103