Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1942)

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BRUSH AWAY ^-^-TTand look 10 YEARS YOUNGER Now. at home, you ran quickly and easily tint Iclltalo reaks of Er^y to naturul-appoaniiK shades — (roni liKlitest ontie to darkest black. Hrowiuitone and a small brush )e8 It — or your money back. Used lor 30 years by tlioujids o( women (men. too) — Brownatone Is guaranteed u-mless. No skin test needed, active colorlug agent la irely vegetable. Cannot aftect waving o( hair. Lasting — )e9 not wash out. Just brush or comb It In. One appllca10 imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray ipears. Kasy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair, ic and $1. lis (."> times as much) at drug or toilet counters , a money-backguarantee. Get BROWNATONE today. 25c OSIERY REPAIRED Ik, Nvlon or Rayon. Send only 25c d 3c stamp for each .stocking Exllent woiK THRIFTY HOSIERY iRVICE, 325 So. Wells, Dept. 175, Chicago. Fistula Facts— FREE 40-page FREE BOOK— tells facts about stula. Rectal Abscess, Piles and other ctal and colon disorders; also related Iments and latest corrective treatment, lornton & Minor Clinic, Suite H-1105. 926 cGee, Kansas City, Mo. WWEARDMMOHDS? I Diamond-Dazzling Blue-White genuine Zircons from the Mines of far away Mystic Siam are so effective and inexpensive. Thrilling beauties that stand .((■id; cut glass and are full of diamond FIRE! Exquisite mountings! Write for FItEE Catalog. Address: National Zircon Co. Dept. 45. Wheeling. W.Va. Cata/oti FREE! FREE ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted with 5ew customers, we will beautifully enlarge me snapshot print or negative, photo or licture to 8x10 inches — FREE — if you en■lose this ad. (10c for handling and return nailing appreciated.) Information on hand inting in natural colors sent immediately. Iqmt original returned with your free enargement. Send it today. 3EPPERT STUDIOS, Dept. 446, Des Moines, la. (lelp Kidneys f Back Aches Jo you feel older than you are or suffer from Getg Up Nights. Backache. Nervousness. Leg Pains, .ziness. Swollen Ankles. Rheumatic Pains. Burning, nty or frequent passages? If so. remember that your Ineys are vital to your health and that these svmpis may be due to non-organic and non-svstemic Kid■ and Bladder troubles — in such cases Cystcx (a jslclan's prescription) usually gives prompt and ous relief by helping the Kidneys flush out poisonous ess acids and wastes. You have everything to gain I nothing to lose In trying Cystex. An iron-clad irantee assures a refund of your money on return of . ,, A, empty package unless fully :i S| •■ijL satisfied. Don't delay. Get ^ T Cystex (Siss-tex) from your druggist today. Only 35c. • A FREE SAMPLE^ will prove the value of Dr. Guild's GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMATIC COMPOUND in relieving asthmatic paroxysms. In use over 70 years. Economical — 24 cigarettes, only 50<, powder 25fand $1.00 at nearly all drug stores. Write today for FREE SAMPLE. The J. H. Guild Co.. Dept.D-3, Rupert. Vermont. Use only as directed on package. is this charming and appealing story of an English family during this war. Greer Garson is Mrs. Miniver, mother of three children, and Walter Pidgeon her architect husband. It's a picture for Hollywood to be proud of. (Aug.) MY FAVORITE 5fK— Harold Lloyd RKO Radio: Kay Kyser is a frustrated bridegroom who is yanked into the Army on his wedding day, then released as a secret member of the F.B.I. Ellen Drew, his bride, who is unaware of his F.B.I, affiliation, believes the worst when Kay is jailed with Jane Wyman. (Aug.) NIGHT FOR CRIME, .4— Producers Releasing Corp.: Murder mystery, with the victim a movie star, played by I.ina Basquette. Glcnda Farrell is the newspaper reporter and Lyle Talbot the studio press agent. Newspaper columnists Jimmy Starr, Edwin Schallert and Erskine Johnson play themselves. (Oct.) NIGHT IN NEW OR7,£^.V5— Paramount: Preston Foster is a police lieutenant who's accused ot murder by Albert Dekker, another police officer. Patricia Morrison is Foster's silly wife, and Cecil Kcllaway is dragged in to complicate things even more than they are already. (Sept.) ONCE UPON A THURSDAY— UG U: Marsha Hunt is the maid secretly married to employer Richard Carlson, but when Carlson returns from a trip he becomes engaged to Frances Drake, believing Marsha has divorced him. When they learn at the engagement dinner party that Marsha is about to publish a book of memoirs, the results are most amusing. It's a gay little picture. (Aug.) ONE THRILLING W/CHr— Monogram : A bedroom riot is this comedy with John Beal as the bridegroom who has twenty-four hours to honeymoon with bride Wanda McKay before his imluction into the .\rmy. But into their room parade gangsters, cops and robbers, dumb house detectives and hoodlums. Tom Neal and Warren Hynier add to the laughs. (Oct.) PACIFIC RENDEZVOUS— M-G-M: Both Lee Bowman as a naval officer who craves action but gets a desk job of deciphering code, and Jean Rogers as the girl in his life, deserve better material than this. Spies Mona Maris, Carl Esmond, and Blanche Yurka are so obviously spies it all becomes a bit ridiculous. (Sept.) Y' PANAMA HATTIE— M-G-M: A pleasant, delightf ul-in-spots musical that boasts Ann Sothern as star, Dan Dailey Jr. as the rich soldier boy, and a trio of comics. Red Skelton, Rags Ragland and Ben Blue. The singing of Lena Horne, the dancing of the Berry Brothers and the dead-pan warbling of Virginia O'Brien also brighten it up no end. Little Jackie Horner is very good. (Oct.) l^V^ PIED PIPER, THE— 20th Century-Fox: Monty Woolley is an elderly Englishman in France when the Nazis invade. As a favor, he agrees to take two English children back to England with him. but the pair expand into a group as .Mr. Woolley travels back through devastated France, and then the Nazis catch up with him. It's drama with a chuckle, a laugh with a tear; in fact, the picture's a gem. (Sept.) PIERRE OF THE PLAINS— M-G-M: John Carroll is a devil-may-care French^anadian accused of murder but too busy helping a friend escape another murder indictment to care much. We don't care about it either. Ruth Hussey is shamefully miscast and Bruce Cabot, Phil Brown and Henry Travers are poor, weary fellow travelers. (Oct.) POWDER rOii'A'— RKO-Radio: A stupid little number, with Edmond O'Brien as a scientist who invents an explosive and must be protected at all times by Vic McLaglen. But then lioth Edmond and his bodyguard are almost blown up. Girls wander around and get all mixed up in it too. (Aug.) PRIDE OF THE Y ANKEES—GoUviyn: To the role of Lou Gehrig, beloved star of baseball, Gary Cooper brings all the gentleness, simplicity, and sincerity of the first baseman. Teresa Wright as .Mrs. Gehrig becomes Hollywood's most important young actress, and Babe Ruth plays himself. It's a fitting tribute to a great man. (Oct.) \/ PRIORITIES ON PARADE— Paramount : Johtinie Johnston is a band leader who seeks a job playing for defense plant workers and the whole band takes jobs in the plant in order to furnish the music, with Johnnie working under the tutelage of Betty Rhodes, who sings very well. .\nn Miller is the jealous dancer. Vera Vague and Jerry Colonna the comics. Plenty of talent and fun. (Oct.) PRIVATE BUCKEROO—Vn\ver%a\: Too much of a good thing in this picture, with all the music leaving very little room for plot. Harry James band plays, the Andrews Sisters warble numerous ditties, Dick Foran sings several numbers, and Jennifer Holt, Joe E. Lewis, and Shcnip Howard try to squeeze a word in edgewise. (Sept.) REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR— Republic: Don Barry plays an irresponsible soldier who neglects his duty, thereby causing the death of his pal. Later, of course, he sees the error of his ways. Alan Cur tis and Fay McKenzie are also good, but it's really the dramatic news flashes and timely inserts that keep the story alive and interesting. (Aug.) VITAMINS AT A PRICE EVERYONE CAN AFFORD Less than your newspaper ...less than two slicks of gum — that's the amazins low cost of GROVE'S Vitamins. Unit for unit, you can't buy finer quality vitamins. Potency guaranteed! OVER 10 WEEKS SUPPLY SI 3 Highly Essential Vitamins Justone GROVE'S Vitamin Capsule gives your daily protective requirements of all three— essential vitamins A and D plus famous Bi . . . necessary vitamins to help maintain body resistance, strong bones, sound teeth, healthy appetite, steady nerves, vigor, vitality. Don't risk a deficiency of these three all-important vitamins, A and D plus vital Bi. Today, start taking GROVE'S Vitamins. Guaranteed by L Good Housekeeping V '■.^GROVES i itamins OLD LEG TROUBLE Easy to use Viscose Home Method. Heal3 many old leg sores caused by leg congestion, varicose veins, swollen legs and injuries or no coat for trial if it fails to show results in 10 days. Describe yoor trouble and get a FREE BOOK. R. G VISCOSE COMPANY 140 Nortn Dearborn Street Chicaso, llllnolt PREMIUMS GIVE FACE ABOUT SIZEOFDIME Send NoMoney Now— Wo Trust You. Send NamoS .•\(ictr,-33. Ladies! Girls! Lovelv Warches other premiums or ("asli Civt^n —GIVE AWAY FREE PICTURES with While CLOVERINE Brand SALVE for chaps and mild burns sold to friends at 2ocabox (with FREE Picture) and remit amount as explained in catalog. JTth year. Be First. Write for start invT order Salve. Pictures. Cataloor sent posfape paid bv us. Write Todav! WILSON CHEM. CO.. INC.. Dept. 6S-E. TYRONE, PA. "The Work I Love AND $25 to S30A WEEK! "I'm ;( TRAINED PRACTICAL NURSE, ani th.-inkful to CHICAGO SCHOOL OP NURSING for trnlnlnc me. at home. In my .spare time, for this well-paid, difiniHed work. ' ' YOU can Iwcome a niirEC. too! Thousands of mci and womoi). IS to 60. have studied thin thor ouRh. homo-study course. I.cssc>n.s arc e.isy t< understjind and high school education not ni sary. Many earn as they loam— Mrs. R. V Mich, earned $25 a week while still studylnK Endorsed by physicians. Easy tuition payments. Uniform and equipment included. 43rd year of III CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. IMl too E«»l Ohio Slriwt, ChicjMco. PI. PleaM send tnc booklet aud 16 umplo loMon pacm. N»me_ City. EMBER. 1042 107