Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1943)

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r The DM«S ^ lor GOLDS , raids than any more coia* o susceptible to me ore susic jj _u^ j.~ to have Children unde other agt serious c Sinus a disordZ}dsofchmood. m - compn cmere colas „ ^ecaUSe oj i r hi are n '•'"•• , more su^<,r ,, w ' j*„ th?repeatea ««» be traced to th^ep ihnnd. In later llJ\ „._„/;. severe 'under far ^ 77old[ whether in a cations. A cold, w enemy may adunX^yjjSTcon deserves New Light on the Importance of Antiseptic Gargle in Combating Colds Unfortunately there is no known preventive for the Common Cold in children or in adults. Certainly Listerine Antiseptic is not such a specific. Yet careful tests, made over an 11-year period on human "guinea pigs", have proved that this safe, refreshing germicide is often a remarkably effective aid. Fewer Colds in Tests In these tests, regular twice-a-day users of Listerine Antiseptic had fewer colds and fewer sore throats than nonusers. Moreover, when colds and sore throats did develop among Listerine users, they were usually milder in character and disappeared more quickly. The explanation for this success, we believe, is found in Listenne's quick germ-killing action. Listerine spreads over mouth and throat surfaces; it kills millions of threatening germs on these sin tact's known as the "secondary invaders which, when body resistance t0 be treated accor is lowered, may invade the tissue and set up or aggravate infection. In other words, it attacks these germs before they attack you. Note Listerine Antiseptic's record: Outstanding Germ Reductions Tests showed germ reductions on mouth and throat surfaces ranging up to 96.7%, even IS minutes after the Listerine Antiseptic gargle, and up to 80% one hour later. You can see the importance of using Listerine at the first hint of trouble. Listerine Antiseptic may not always keep you or your child from catching colds. It may not always lessen the severity of a cold. Yet we think you will agree, in the light of the above record, that Listerine Antiseptic is a precaution deserving of your most serious consideration. Lambert Pharmacol Co., St. Louis, Mo. Listerine Antiseptic for oral hygiene TOP ROW, left to right: Pneumococcus Type III, Pneumococcal* Type IV. Streptococcus Viridans. Friedlander's Bacillus. BOTTOM ROW. left to right: Streptococcus Hemolyticus. Bacillus Influenzae, Micrococcus Catjrrhalis, Staphylococcus Aureus. The "Secondary Invaders" Above are some types of "secondary invaders", millions of which may exist on rhe mouth and throat surfaces. They may cause no harm until body resistance is lowered when they may invade the tissue and set up or aggravate the troublesome aspects of the infection you call a cold. You can see how important it is to attack them before they get the upper hand. Note How Listerine Reduced Germs Actual tests showed reductions of bacteria on mouth and throat surfaces ranging up to 96.7% fifteen minutes after the Listerine Antiseptic gargle, and up to one hour after the Listerine gargle. FEBHcARY, 1943 13