Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1943)

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nothing to eat but a chocolate bar; and how the studio had first insisted upon changing his name to Bob Gregory but his agent had wisely insisted that it be left Ladd. We left with the most favorable impression we'd ever garnered from a newcomer. And incidentally, your letters, four huge piles of them, were neatly stacked on his dressing-room desk ready to be answered. Glad to have you there in spirit at least — and maybe Ladd isn't, too! Last-Minute Reports: Oleg Cassini was suddenly transferred from the Coast Guard to the Cavalry, which means Gene Tierney will transfer her San Pedro visits to another and more distant point . . . Victor Mature's G. I. haircut has cut down his glamour appeal, but doesn't seem to affect his appeal with Rita Hayworth, whose coiffure makes up in curly fussiness what Vic's lacks in waviness . . . The tragic plight of Barbara Bennett, who lost the custody fight for her five children and whose three-day disappearance in Hollywood caused considerable alarm, has touched filmtown deeply. Certainly there are two sides to the situation and much more than meets the casual eye, but sympathy is none the less given. The mother of Miss Bennett's ex-husband, Morton Downey, has the children in the East. Rumor has it Barbara and her present husband, Addison Randall, are about to be separated . . . Hollywood said good-by to two men this month with another, Tyrone Power, scheduled to leave any minute. Henry Fonda, after his assignment in "The Immortal Sergeant" was finished, took the oath as an humble seaman. Henry has been studiously engaged at mathematical problems during his off hours in hopes of qualifying as a gunner's mate. Hollywood said good-by, too, to Lt. Van Heflin of the Field Artillery. After two years of R.O.T.C. training in High School and three years at the University of Oklahoma, (some years ago) Van was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Field Artillery and sent off to Fort Sill for advanced training. Later he was placed in inactive reserve. But that wasn't enough for Van who had traveled the world on Merchant Marine ships and become a Third Mate. So is it any wonder the Army was delighted to have so militarily informed a lad enlist again. His commission (which he did not ask for) was voluntarily bestowed upon him. His wife, Frances Neal, who will become a mother in the spring, has been placed under contract by Van's own studio, M-G-M. FEBRUARY. 1943 owl csate i&J-ove when Your Hands have winning softness" "It's up to a girl, herself, to have nice hands," says Irene Hervey, one of Hollywood's lovely Stars. "Jergens Lotion is easy to use and it does help prevent mortifying roughness. Yes— I use Jergens; and I hear the other Stars in Hollywood prefer Jergens Lotion, 7 to 1." You have Hollywood's HAND Care— •t to orofessional care lU.bred coarseness ^Y help rough sun to ^c special mgru 10cto$l.00a I" 3TgSce^ oursclf. Jergens ^nl a oy to use-fragrant, Lotion is a juy and not a bit sticky. Jergens Lotion for Soft, Adorable HANDS 19