Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1943)

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Why Hollywood Told Greer Garson: "Don't Marry!" IF the days you used to give grudgingly to menstruation's functional pain and depression are now too precious to waste, try Midol. Unless you have some organic disorder calling for special care, these tablets should quickly prove your former sacrifices needless! But don't regard Midol as just another means of relief for "dreaded days headache." Its comfort goes farther. For while it is free from opiates, Midol helps lift your "blues" — and an exclusive ingredient speedily eases spasmodic muscular pain of the period. To have Midol when you need it, get it now at your nearest drugstore. MIDOL Relieves functional periodic pain rners The real thing for mounting SnapthoU, Corda, Sumpi, etc. No paste needed. Neat. easy to use for mounting prints tight or loo^e. Sold at photo supply and album ///^7 counters or send 10£ today for pkg. [i'J^Ii of 100 and free samples. **^ Eottl Art Corner* Co., Chicago, in., Address DepL 70-P . 4717 North CUrk, St. If Your Hair Is Gray or Graying Amazing Vitamin Discovery Gives New Hope Now at last there is hope for men and women who endure gray and graying hair.Extensive tests prove an amazing vitamin discovery can actually check graying hair and in many casesactually restore much of the gray hair to its original natural color when the gray is caused by a lack of these vitamins. This remarkable vitamin is brought to you in PANATES. Different from ordinary treatments, PANATES includes not only the anti-gray hair vitamin, but also wheat germ oil vitamin E activator as well. PANATES is not a dye ... it actually is a valuable vitamin food supplement. It works by supplying anti-gray hair vitamins from within, literally feeding the color back to the hair through the hair roots. The full 90-day PANATES treatment, including 90 wheat germ oil capsules, is only $4.79. A 30-day trial, including 30 wheat germ oil capsules, is only $1.79. If C.O.D., jx>stage is extra. Send for either size on the positive guarantee of results or money back. Or write for convincing information. No cost or obligation. PANATES COMPANY, Dept. 810, 310 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. III. 82 (Continued from page 29) during the time of Richard's Hollywood leave when Greer Garson, herself, was trying to decide. The light in her room burned till dawn several mornings, while the actress thought and weighed values and listened to the silent echo of a charming voice saying, "When are you going to marry me, dearest? When?" Through it all Greer's mother, who lives with her, remained in the background. "I know Greer will do what she thinks best," was all she said. The day the pair took out their license, Hollywood was positive the boy had won. But the three-day marriage law prevented them from using their marriage license until the day Richard was due for active duty in San Francisco. Hollywood, as a whole, heaved a sigh of relief, for Hollywood is a snobbish town that revels in the caste system of "earned stardom." And Greer has earned her stardom. I ET us sketch for you briefly the back* ground and romance chart of these two. To begin at the top and work back, Greer Garson is today considered the Number One Star of Hollywood. Only her Mrs. Miniver surpassed her Mrs. Chips. The role of Edna Gladney in "Blossoms In The Dust" brought her an Academy Award nomination. There were many who thought she should have had the Oscar. "Random Harvest," yet to be released, cinches any doubt as to Miss Garson's place in the sun. Richard Ney had only begun in pictures. His role as Miss Garson's son in "Mrs. Miniver" was followed by a less juicy plum in "The War Against Mrs. Hadley." Fortunately, both films were gems. For years Greer Garson toured the provinces of England in little stock companies, fighting her way to the London stage through bitter disappointments and frustrations before her Hollywood debut. And even before Hollywood's acclaim, Miss Garson experienced months upon months of bitter loneliness and neglect by those who had brought her to this country from England. She was ill and ignored by the M-G-M biggies. Her mature wisdom and understanding permitted her to emerge the calm, gra cious woman she is with no resultant bitterness or unhappiness. Richard Ney has had no such mellowing experience behind him. He had had only scant stage experience prior to coming to Hollywood. Before that and after his graduation from Columbia, young Ney took part in a television company at the World's Fair. His disappointments and heartaches are ahead. Hers are behind her. Greer was born and educated abroad. Young Ney was born and raised in the small town of Lakewood, Connecticut, where his father is an insurance broker. For a while young Ney conducted a column in the Lakeville newspaper and later graduated from Columbia with a major in English. While on tour with the road company of "Life With Father," Richard enlisted in the Naval Reserve and, after his two M-G-M pictures, was called into service. Both Greer and Richard have been married before and both marriages ended in divorce. While producer Benny Thau was phoning Miss Garson. young Ney, then unknown, was paying ardent court to Michele Morgan, a fact little known in Hollywood. Thus the town felt these two people with such varied backgrounds and experiences would never find happiness together. That was why Hollywood was so relieved when, finally, the anouncement was made that Greer Garson and Richard Ney would not be married until after the war was over. Yet with a license ready and waiting, the pair may wed during his next leave. Or perhaps Greer may stick to that final decision and wait until the end of the war. But, in the end. it's up to her to decide. And, perhaps, if she decides yes, the bright gaiety of Ney's may be the one thing the actress needs to complete her circle of happiness. Perhaps it may work out splendidly after the war permits them to take up marriage in reality. At any rate, hearts are beating high at this moment, hearts filled with the same problem, or one so similar, hearts of women who are waiting tensely and hopefully for the eventual decision of a woman they love and respect — Mrs. Greer Garson Miniver. The End Stars-and-stripes pose of Greer Garson and Ensign Richard Ney doing the Mocambo with man-about-town Harry Crocker. Ney was on leave and in love; Hollywood was wondering whether Greer would say "yes" photoplay combined with movie mirror