Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1943)

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MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many sufferere relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are feature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, pumnesa under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes snows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan s Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan '8 Pills. Mardi Photoplay-Movie Mirror On Sale Wednesday, Feb. 3 To help lighten the burden that has been plaeed upon transportation and handling facilities hv the war effort the March and subsequent issues of PHOTOPLAY-MOVIF; MIRKOR will appear upon the newsstands at a slightly •later date than heretofore. PHOTOI'LAY-MOVIE MIRROH for March will go on sale Wednesday, February 3, On that date step up to your newsstand and say, "A copy of Photoplay-Movie Mirror, please" and your newsdealer will gladly give it to you. 47 GUARANTEED R SolidBterlingsHverbirthstoDering; __ or sparkling white atone ring ; or lovely filigree ring with ruby color set; FOR selling 4 boxes Rosebud Salve at 25c each. Send No Money. Order 4 salve today. Post Card will do. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO, BOX 17.W0QDSB0RO, MARYLAND. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8x lO inches or smaller if desired. Same price for foil length or bast form, groups, laud Ecapes, pet animals, etc, or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo — , guaranteed. 3 TOP $1.00 SEND NO MONEY fc^'i snapshot (any size) and receive promptly your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fadeless Pay postman 47c phis postage— or send 49c with order and we pay postage. Big 1G x 20incn enlargement sent C. O. D. 78c plus postage or send 80c and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing; offer now. Send your photos today. Specify bize wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS 100 East Ohio Street Dept. 1553-B, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS . . and f£&eJk/Qifea/M ycu4Uf&i. • Now, at home, you can quickly and easily tint telltale Streaks of gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Used for 30 years by thousands of women (men, too) — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless. No skin test needed, active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Easy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair. 60c and $1 .65 (5 times as much) at drug or toilet counters on amoney-backguarantee. Get BROWNATONE today. '-. 7 % ASTHMADOR i The medicated smoke of Dr. R. Schiffmann's ASTHMADOR I aids in reducing the severity I of asthmatic paroxysms — helps you breathe more easily. ASTHMADOR is economical, dependably uniform — its quality insured through rigid laboratory control. Try ASTHMADOR in powder, cigarette or pipe mixture form. At all drug stores — or write today for a free sample. R. SCHIFFMANN CO. LOS ANGEIES, CAL., DEPT. P-2 Dr. Renault's Secret (20th Century-Fox) It's About: A man who apes an ape. K\ OW see here! This business of men ■ ^ turning into animals and animals into men has got to stop. Especially when it happens to our good friend J. Carrol Naish under the hands of scientist George Zucco. A body's got so they hate to go out nights with all these animalistic goings on. John Shepperd and Lynne Roberts have the romantic leads. Your Reviewer Says: Renault can keep his secret. Northwest Rangers (M-G-M) It's About: Orphaned lads who grew up to take opposite paths. I ACK HOLT takes over the care of two •J orphaned boys whose parents were massacred by Indians. One grows up to be Bill Lundigan who follows in Holt's footsteps as a North West Mountie. The other grows up to be James Craig, a gambler and a baddie. When Pat Dane, a singer in Craig's gambling hall wins the love of both men, hell pops in all directions. Guess who gets her? John Carradine is good as a rival gambler. Your Reviewer Says: The Mounties always get their girl. character, Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cabbage Patch Wiggses, and her brood of geographically named children. Never has there been a finer Mrs. Wiggs than Fay Bainter and never a more talented brood than Carolyn Lee, Betty Brewer, Mary Thomas, Carl Switzer and Billy Lee. Vera Vague as Miss Hazy, a daisy pining for love, and Hugh Herbert, head of a matrimonial bureau, are priceless. All the homey, laughable and tragic events of the Wiggs family have been retained which makes it a must-see. Your Reviewer Says: Cozy. ^Whistling in Dixie (M-G-M) It's About: A radio detective involved in a Dixie mix-up. DED SKELTON has one of those radio ^ crime detective programs with girl friend Ann Rutherford as his assistant. To Ann comes a message for help from little Diana Lewis, a girl friend down in Dixie. Ann and Red take off for Georgia to find themselves involved in a phony murder mystery centered around an old fort, with one silly, ridiculous incident following another, leaving the audience wild with glee. "Rags" Ragland plays twins to add to the confusion. George Bancroft, Guy Kibbee, Peter Whitney and Lucien Littlefield swarm over the place. Your Reviewer Soys: Tut, tut, such monkeyshines! Street of Chance (Paramount) Lady from Chungking (P. R. C.) It's About: An amnesia victim who awakens to a murder charge. BURGESS MEREDITH gets hit on the head and wakes up to discover he's been an amnesia victim for over a year and a man wanted for murder. He, himself, undertakes to unravel the murder mystery with many surprising results; one being that we were still sitting in our seat when he had finished. Claire Trevor plays a maid and Adeline deWalt Reynolds a paralytic. Your Reviewer Says: Moral — Don't get hit on the head. Wrecking Crew (Paramount) It's About: Men who tear down buildings. BOY, there's a job, tearing down a building, or wrecking the joint, as it is known in refined language. Anyway, two friends, Richard Arlen and Chester Morris, about whom lingers the belief of a jinx, take on a job together and end up on a wall ready to tumble to the ground six stories below and no way to get down. How do actors get themselves in these messes anyway? Jean Parker is the girl. Your Reviewer Says: A pair of Humpty Dumptys, no less. " Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (Paramount) It's About: A breadwinner and her brood oj jive. HERE she comes again, and for the third time on the screen, that lovable 100 It's About: A Chinese heroine who aids two American flyers. ANNA MAY WONG is a Chinese woman of aristocratic birth who pretends affection for a loathsome Jap general in order to obtain secret information. This information is relayed to two American Flying Tigers, hidden by Miss Wong. The boys use the information to bring back other friends to annihilate the invading forces. It's pretty well done and Harold Huber's playing of a Jap scoundrel is outstanding. Rick Vallin and Paul Bryer are the Americans. Your Reviewer Says: Fair to middling. Cat People (RKO-Radio) It's About: People who turn into cats. WE'VE known catty people by the dozens, but never any such as this, thank heavens. Imagine, if you can, Simone Simon's succumbing to the inherited ability to turn into an evil cat destroying those whom she hates. Kent Smith, her groom, Tom Conway, a psychiatrist who pays dearly for his help, Jane Randolph, who sympathizes with Kent, all suffer at the hands of Simone. It will give you icy jitters, but it's kinda fun at that. Your Reviewer Says: Meow! " Silver Queen (Sherman-U.A.) It's About: A gambling debt and gambling love. (JARRY SHERMAN, the producer who ' ' makes those swell Westerns, has turned out a little goodie (if one remembers it's strictly a Western) all about a photoplay combined with movie mirror