Photoplay (Jan - Jun 1943)

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6*AW &<As to 1. "It's a suit year" says Bonita who's starring in "Hitler's Children." This has a jacket with ....:. I L..4.4. . ...L:x ,4.:a_l:__ . __„_ ,l:_a swirl buttons, white Blouse: "Heart's Desire stitching, swagger skirt, with plunging neckline The suit: In navy or black. Around $35. 9-15. The hat: A felt padre hat with ribbon trim. In black, brown, navy, grey, cafe au lait, red. About $6.50. Blouse: White, pink, chamois, yellow, blue, lilac. 12-20. 30-38. Around $4 2. Sprihg Tonic: for under a coat, later as a summer suit — a saddle-stitched butcher linen, embossed buttons The suit: In red, luggage, navy, kelly green. About $10.95. 10-18; 9-17. The hat: A milan bonnet with high crown. In red, black, navy, brown, toast, foam blue, dusty pink, yellow and coffee. About $10 3. Young and gay: A gored navy skirt; a red jacket with revers and pockets in navy. The square yoke and narrow extended shoulders give an expensive tailored look Also in brown with beige jacket banded in brown. Twi Tricara. 10-18. Under $18 56 you want to buy these Photoplay Star-Maker Fashions quickly see coupon at right