Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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Photoplay ]VL\gazine — Advertisixg Section A sweater for every frock — now that you can wash them yourself •'I do believe that's another sweater, Betty! You have more sweaiers than any other THREE girls I know." "Well, as a matter of fact, my dear, it isn't a new one — it's just washed.'" "That fuzzy, woolly sweater washed ? I simply don't believe it!" **Of course it's washed, goosey. In Lux suds just the same as your blouses. It does look new, doesn't it?" Lux whisks into the most wonderful suds. You just swish your sweater around in them and squeeze the rich lather again and again through the soiled spots. There's not the least bit of rubbing. Rubbing hard cake soap on wool is simply fatal, you know. Either you get the tiny fibres all mixed up and maned, or else you pull them so far apart they never can go back. And of course when you scrub the soap out again, you're scrubbing the pretty colors out, too! The Lux way is so different. It's so careful and so gende with the delicate wool fibres. You can trust the brightest Shetland, the fuzziest Angora to these pure suds. Your newest gay golf sweater with its short sleeves and big checked scarf that tucks through the belt and floats away — don't let it grow loose and baggy, nor get ridiculously small and tight. Launder it the Lux way. It will come out soft and shapely, fit just as perfectly as the day you bo ugh tit. Lux is so easy to use, so wonderfully quick. And it can't possibly hurt any fabric or color that can be trusted to water alone. Your grocer, druggist or department store has Lux. — Lever Brothers Co., Cambridge, Mass. HOfF TO irASH Sir EATERS USE two tabiespoonfuls of Lux to a gallon of water. Whisk into a rich lather in very hot water and then add cold water until lukewarm. Work your sweater up and down in the suds — do net rub. Squeeze the suds againand again through soiled spots. Rinse in three lukewarm waters. Squeeze the water out — do not wring. Spread on a towel to drv in the shade. Cttyrtgkttd 1930, by Ltvtr Bris.Ct When you write to advertisers please mentioo PHOTDPUAT MAG.\2r\E.