Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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PiioTOPr.AV Magazinf — AnvEnTisiNf, SF.rTiON 89 The most humiliating moment in my life When I overheard the cause of my unpopularity among men A CHICAGO girl \vi itt's to iTic : "Oh, if I had only read one of » 30ur articles years ago! Many times 1 have heard women criticize voii for publicly discussing such a delicate personal subject. But I know what I Avould have been saved had I known these facts sooner, and I know that man\ of these women who criticize you would benefit by taking your message to themselves. "I learned the facts about myself, as unpleasant facts often are learned, bv overhearing two girl friends talk about me. " '\\'hy don't the men dance \vitli her,' one of them said." Here came a lew words I couldn't catcli, and then — 'of course she's imconscious of it, poor dear, but she does suffer frightfully from perspiration.' "It was the most humiliating moment in my life! I, who had pri<led myself on my daintiness, had ovtrlooked what men coidd not." An old fault — common to most of us It is a physiological fact that there are verv few persons who are not subject to this odor, though seldom conscious of it themselves. Perspiration under the arms, though more active than elsewhere, does not alwavs produce excessive and noticeable moisture. But the chemicals of the body do cause noticeable odor, more apparetit under the arms than in any other place. The underarms are under very sensitive nervous control. Sudden e.xcite inent, embarrassment even, serves as a nervous stimulus sufficient to make perspiration there even more active. The curve of the arm prevents the rapid evaporation of odor or moisture — and the result is that others become aware of this subtle odor at times when we least suspect it. How well-groomed men and women are meeting the situation Well-groomed men and women everywhere are meeting this trving situation with methods that are sitnple and direct. Thev have learned that it cannot be neglected any more than any other essential of personal cleanliness. They give it the regular attention that they give to their hair, teeth, or hands. They use Odorono, a toilet lotion specially prepared to correct both perspiration inoi>ture and odor. Odorono was formulated b\' a physician who knew that perspiration, because of its peculiar <|ualities, is beyond the reach of ordinarv methods of cleanliness — excessive moisture of the armpits is due to a local weakness. Odorono is an antiseptic, perfectiv harmless. Its regular use gives that absolute assurance of perfect daintiness ihat women are demanding — that consciousness of perfect grooming so satisf\ing to men. It really corrects the cause of both the moisture and odor of perspiration. Use Odorono regularly, just two or three times a week. At night before retiring, put it on the underarms. Allow it to dr\, and then dust on a little talcum. 1 he next morning, bathe the parts with clear water. The underarms will remain sweet and drv and odorless in any weather, in anv circumstances! Daily baths do not lessen its effect. Saves gowns and cleaners' bills Women who fiiul that their gowns are spoiled bv perspiration stain and an odor which drv cleaning will not remove, will find in Odorono complete relief from this distressing and often expensive aimoyance. If vou are troubled in any unusual way, or have had any difficulty in finding relief, let us help vou solve vour problem. Write toda\ for our free booklet. You'll find some verx interesting information in it about all perspiration troubles! Address Ruth Miller, The Odorono Co., 514 Blair .Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. .'\t all toilet counters in the United States and Canada, ^^c, 60c and $1.00. By mail, postpaid, if your dealer hasn't it. Men will be interested in reading our booklet, "The Assurance of Perfect ( irooming." Address mail orders or request as follows : For Canada, to The Arthur Sales Co., 61 Adelaide St.. East. Toronto, Ont.: for France. toThe Agencie Aniericaine, 38 Avenue de I'Opem, Paris; for Switzerland, to The Agencie Aniericaine, 17 Boulevard Helvetique, Geneve: for England, to The American Drug Supply Co.. 6 Northumberland Ave.. London, W. C. 2: for Mexico, to H. E. Gerber& Cia., 2a Gante, 19, Mexico City: for U.S.A., to The Odorono Company 514 Blair Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio N\1icn vou uTlte to a<li'cnl9tr3 iilcisc lUMal'ti I'lIOToi'L.A V AZI.N'E.