Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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PiiOTOPl.AV Maoazim: — Advertising Section" The Shadow Stage ( Continued ) A Single Drop Lasts a Week Flower Drops— the most concfntratf-d and Bite |>orfume over prodiired, HuUc without alcobuL A sinirle drop lasts a w<-fk. Bottle with lonu" irlass stopper, containinff fnoutrh for 6 monTh-*. Ito^^eor LUaf. $1.60; Lily c»f T he Valley or Violet. $2.00: Uotiianza. onr very latest Flower Drops, $-^..*A Scnd'A)*' stamp'* or t^ilvt-r for miniature bottle. Flow. r Drops Toilet \Vater, 6-oz. bottles $Lio; Talcum, plasH jars 60c; at druicsrists or by zuaU. ^ TftAOC M*OM OCGlSTCfiCO PER n5j>ME tc -roiL^T-^ATER Rleerer's Mon Amour, per ounce, tl.50; GardPn Qni i n. <2.0<J; AUiizar. fr2.«; Pnrfum Hit lizi, $2.W); llonoliilu r.oii.|U. t. $1.(H). At <!ru^-.:i«;t3 or by mail. S. li.l Si i»i for-Ti ial Box— flvi2.0 bottles. flT.-oclors. PAUL RIT6fR & CO. (Binoo i«72) 171 first St., Saa francisfo fas/lion sat/s the use or is necessary so lon^ as sleeveless ftowns and sheer fabrics f r '^j sleeves ore worn. It assists freedom of move I ment, unhampered g,race, modest elegance and correct style. That is why "they all use Delatone" Delatone is an old and well known scientific preparation for the quick, safe and certain removal of hairy growths, no matter how thick or stubborn. After application the skin is clear, firm and hairless, with no pain or discoloration. Beauty specialists rccomm e n d Delatone for removal of objectionable hair from face, neck or aims. Drualftts ••)■ D«laton«: or an orll.nal 1 o«. |»r will b« mallad to any addraaft on rocalpt ol »1 by The Sheffield pharmacal Co^ Dept. L.V. 339 S.Wabash Ave. Chicago. III. C3o Gray Hair Disappears In From 4 to 8 Days .S. icnco liiifl (lisiov. re d thr way for reotontiK bu r t.. ii.i riBtaral <*olor. It la offcretj to women in Mnry T. <joldman't4 Scicntilk Hair Color Kestorur. In from 4 to b diiy» it will end cvL-ry (fray hair. Scientific Hair Color Restorer IiD C" 17 Send today for n trial bottle and our apucinl M\il/Cd comb. Bo pure and K've the exiiei color of voui hnir. I ry it on B lock of hair. Compare th.renults, •lid 111! |'lc a.«nre of ii'unif. «i<ti lb" okl way. . You'll not hnvejtniy huirx once you liovo tried Ibi" b. i ntiCc bkir color restorer Writv now. MARY T. <;<)!. OMAN I ~.'>li Coliliniin I(I<Ik.. riiiil. Minn. Jla>n>l •"> /»»»"<'"""--■'''' I'U Ifi lyv !■> ■ r>,uh,i f FORBIDDEN TRAILS Fox ACO\VBO\' is named a; a guardian to a beautiful sirl. The cowboy is Buck Jones and the !;irl is Winifred VVestover. We never saw such a troublesome child. She is continually getlins mi.xed up with bandits and kidnapers. The cowboy should have checked her in a nice quiet orphan asylum. But he doesn't. He marries her. A lively picture, but, as Sherlock Holmes misht say, elemental. THE FOOL AND HIS MONEY— Selznick EUGEXE OBRIEX in a George Barr McCutcheon story. .-^ picturesque young author hides from the madding crowd in a Swiss castle. A lovely lady (played by Ruby De Remer) flies to that gorgeous spot for protection against her cruel husband. The lady is an .American heiress and the husband is an Italian count. That's why he is cruel. Pretty romance, pretty snow scenes and a pretty light between the author and the husband. And, as we have said, Eugene O'Brien in a George Barr McCutcheon story. JUST A WIFE — National Picture Theatres TUST a Wife. Just a film. Eugene WalJ ter's stage play is not a great success in its warmed-over form. Perhaps this elaborately devised plot belongs to the stage. It has drama and situations. You miss any human appeal. It is stilted and unnatural. However, we will give three silent but wellmeant cheers for Lcatrice Joy, who makes emotional acting positively painle.-s — to the audience. "NO. 99" — Hodkinson N.'\l\ E and merry entertainment. J. Warren Kerrigan is still seen as a convict who, with the help of a pretty young person, walks into a houscparty in prison arcy and emerges its honored guest. We knew all along that he had been falsely acI cused of the crime that put him under such : a cloud during the first reel. Bui "Xo. 90"' is harmless entertainment. Mr. Kerrigan wears a monocle. WOLVES OF THE STREET — Artograph DO you remember when the man who owned the movie theater also took the tickets? Do you remember when the girl in the booth was a'so the chief soloist? Do you remember when pink, blue and green slides were used for the illustrated songs? Do you remember when Tom Ince was making Indian pictures? Do you remember \\hen Mary Pickford was a face and not a name? Do you remember the sort of "thrillers"' that were shown then? When you sec "Wolves of the Street" you will think of them happy ilays before the war tax and the super-extra deluxe special. This picture was made in Denver by a new comj pany and there is a chase and a knockdown tight in every scene. Just like the good old days. I THE THIRTIETH PIECE OF SILVER — Amcric.111 THIS is a lilm version of the old ;:dme "button, button, who's uot the button." A collector of rare coins his one piece that lie values above all others. Xo wonder; it was the thirtieth piece of silver given to Judas for the betrayal of Christ. The gentleman also has a wife, whom he prizes highly. He lives in fear of losing his two treasures. The coin is constantly disappearing and the wife is constantly threateninc a domestic row. The picture is foolish, but not dull. Margarita Fisher and King Baudot have the leading roles. LOVE'S HARVEST— Fo.x LON E'S Harvest " is a light romance that has walked right out of the covers of a story book. It is straight from the nevirnever land of popular fiction. Shirley Mason plays a child role and only grows up in time to slip into the arms of the hero in the last reel and tell him that love is the most wonderful thing in the world. A dog named Buddie figures prominently in the story. Buddie does tricks and s*j does Shirley. THE FLAPPER — Selznick A PERFECT nut sundae jag b "The Flapper." It is all about the goings-on of a silly, harmless and charming boarding school flapf)er who wants to be tough and doesn't care how many ice cream sodas she drinks. It is a resular banana frappe of a picture; amusing without being inebriatine. Olive Thomas is the most delectable flapper that ever evaded a chaperone. Her tiny step-sister has an important supporting role which she plays enchantingly. THE MIRACLE OF MONEY— Pathe WHEX Hobart Henley pa.sses the age of fortylive, we hope life will be good to him. For he is a staunch champion of middle age. When all the other directors are demanding youth, he turns his camera on those who have passed beyond first romance and deals gently with the.«e bachelors and spinsters. Do you remember "The Gay Old Dog"? "The Mirac'e of Money" is its successor. Two old maids uo on a hunt for life, love and happiness. Their quest is inid with touches of humor and sentiment. THE ONE WAY TRAIL— Republic EDYTHE STERLIXG is a lively youns woman in "The One Way Trail." Just because she spells her name with a "y" instead of an "i" you need not think she is all lady-likc and refined. In a story of the lumber country, she is in the thick of the thrills. The story is just the conventional melodrama but there are some interesting details that make the picture cnlerlainina. THE TERROR Fox MORE Tom Mix stunts and more We>tern thrills. This time Tom is a sheriff and it is his duty to find out who is siealinc so d from the mines. Chases and gun -play keep him fairly busy. Mi.x must slay up nights thinking of new ways to break his neck. THE SHADOW OF ROSALIE BYRNES -Selznick IN" movie stories of twin si>liTs, why is one lister good and the other one bad ? Why does the good sister have to suffer for the misdoincs of the bad one? Why do pro diicers consider one dual role picture a neces-ity in the screen cancer of any actress? .\nswer these questions and we shall tell why "The Shadow of Rosalie Byrnes'" came to Ih". Filaine Hammerstein, who always suggests common .sense and a good disjxisition, does her best with unconvincing material. I•^^r) uiheillTn.eiii III riliiT"?"! \Y MxnxZINi: la siiirAntrril.