Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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PnoTopr.w M\(.AziNK — Advertising Sixtion "This Way, Please, To Win a Satin Skin" Dear Reader: Everyone admires a satin skin. Its captivating daintiness lures glances that linger longinglyJust think, you can now make your skin a satin skin. The discovery of Satin Skin Cream and Satin Skin Powder, offers the one way, the fulfillment of deferred hopes, the only way to secure a satin texture skin. Satin Skin Cream is a benevolent balm with a blessed healing, reviving touch. As dew refreshes the flowers. Satin Skin Cream brings new life to the skin, a wondrous satiny softness of alluring attractiveness. There are two kinds of Satin Skin Cream: First, "COLD," second, "CREASELESS." Both different from other so called creams and you need BOTH. The "Cold" for night nourishment; "Greaseless" for day use and to hold powder. S.ATIN SKl.N POWDER, "Perfection for complexion," is the refined finish, the artistic, fascinating finale. Yes, Satin Skin "shows." It is plainly visible in one's improved appearance; tells you aren't using any ordinary, but a superface powder, which besto%v3 a smart a la mode satiny finish. There is a true tint for every type, blonde or brunette, brown eyes, blue or gray; a harmonizing blending shade, the last word in distinction and elegance. No matter what powder you are now using, you need Satin Skin at once to bring you a classy complexion. Tints: Pink, flesh, white, brunette, naturelie. The new shade, "Naturelle," is stunning for street use. There's only one way to securea satin skin: Use Satin Skin Cream and Satin Skin Powder. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS Complimentary samples upon receipt of your druggist's address and stamped, addressed, return envelope. SATIN SKIN LABORATORY, Mnfr., DETROIT, U. 3. A. The Truth ( Continued) I recommcDd the us« nf Vanita to all who are troublfd with any facial blemiebes. RlTTH Stonehousk. VANITA Makes Beauty \ :»iiilu. the nt'Wi'-it . most <lc■•htlDl j-n-i-arntioii. ban* urinkk's. eliminatoji I i (iiishef-. gives a Klorious II M cnmplc^ion and hand(Tie fieure. B^ndorsed by .|i-/ens<'f refined ladicti. A ■ riii-tiolid cr*-am for maH.•:.«*-(indniKhtr> use. COSTS l!UT T-'h :i month. Send for a mi.nlh s ?.iit>pl> or frutcirciiiar C. PARK HUMPHREYS 4867 Hazel Ave., Philadelphia The Secret of a Perfect ^ r • Am:i/int4 new eas> mi.'tlio<l uuickl\ gi\es Y OIC© * " voiff of Burpassin^ beauty for siiif^iii^ and speukiu^;. iSIakee > our voice etn'Qger. cle^irer. wider iit ninge. Throujih the woii.lerful FElTCHTINGKli secret of voeal control, anyone can now have ii i>frfei't Simple, silent exercises in spare inomentBat home. Stuttering, Btanuneriu^, lispinfc banished. rDPP RHAIf explains the wonderful Feuchtinircr secret of a perriVLC DUV/n feet voice. Write for it today. S«h how you can easily Kavo a beautiful singinK and speaking voice. No costor obligation. Perfect Voice Inslilute. Studio C-153, 1922 Sunnyside Ave.. Chicago, ID. FRECKLES POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr. Berry's Freckle Ointment; Your drugRist or by mail, 65c Free book. Or. C. H. Berry Co., 2975 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. SAVE YOUR BODY & ronscrve Your Health and Effieiencv First ^i^^ Conserve Your Health and Efficiency First **I Would Not Part With It for $10,000" So writes an enthusiastic, grateful customer. "Worth more than a farm,' says another. In like manner testify over KO.tKKi people who have worn it THE NATURAL BODY BRACE Ovcrcomeg WEAKNESS .-.nd ORGANIC AILMENTS of WOMEN aiul MEN. w liips erect, triaccf ul liRure. BrinKs restful relief, comfort, ability to do things. Iirnlth and strength. Wear It 30 Days Free ^ At Our Expense I 'ors iiHn> with the ^^rlli^ aiu I 11 ill of HtanrliiiK a ltd wiilkiiiu. I't'idiicfN iiiid HU|ip(irtH iiiirdiicfd iiiteroal oiijuiih; ndiK CH enliirued iiWdoiiu n f truiKhletiH iindstrerii.'t li eiiH the Itiic k; corriM lH Htoophiu Hhon IdoiK; divehn'M IniiLrH. rhc-l find liiiHt ; rel levcH hnrkache. cnrviit iir*'ii. iu-rv(»iiHn(>M>.. rn|.t iin'f . conril i imCion <'"nifor«iible and Pufty to ;v<Tir Keep Yourself Fll VNriti> rmliiv for illii>«tnit<>d li-f. nieafiiireiiiciil hliittk. otc, and ri'ii'l oiir ver> libera) i>ro()Ottitioit . HOWARD C. RASH i'ri's. NnliirMl Hotly nrnrc Co. 330 Rush IU<ln-. SAI.INA. KANSAS moment.*' Evi Urnored Becky's proffered hand, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Becky called liehily ov er her shoulder to Tom. and Went into the garden. Tom drew up a chair for Eve. "I only hinted at the truth of what has been going on between Fred and Becky the other day." she faid. ''Why, she had an appointment with him for today. She broke it by telephone, and Fred was furious about it. He blamed me." Tom slapped the table with his open band. "Eve, I don't believe a word of it. And I don't want to hear about it. You're a spoiled, jealous woman.'' " Here's your proof. " Eve threw down the reports of the detective agency before him. Tom went to the door and called Becky. "Eve tells me that you have been seeing Fred practically ever>' day," he said, searching Becky's face. "Do you want me to deny it? It's like a trial isn't it?"' Mrs. Warder answered lightly, trying to make herself feel more easy than she did. "Did you break an appointment to see Fred this afternoon by telephone?" This time Becky was cornered. She decided to play for time, until some new sort of fib could present itself to her. "The whole thing is false. If you think I'm a home-breaker. Eve. you've made a mistake. What do you mean coming to my precious home to make trouble?" "You know what I mean." Eve replied. "I must go — I'll leave the papers for you to look over. Tom.'' For the first time, Becky seemed to realize that the papers Eve had brought might have anything to do with her. As Tom saw Eve to the door, fifty thoughts crowded into her mind — she would take them, tear them up. Tom came back and sal down beside her. "I want you to be truthful, my dear," he spoke deliberately. "You have married a man who has every confidence in you. My faith in you is the best thing in my life — but it is a live wire and neither of us can afford to play with it." As he finished he reached for the papers on the table. Becky, frightened, tried to delay him. "Tom. dearest,"' she said, embracing him, "truthfully. I love you. and you are the only one I have ever loved." Tom looked deep into her eyes. "Becky." he said. "I tell you frankly that I do not know what to think. I believe that you do love me. but I want to get to the bottom of this sickly mess. Eve tells me \ ou telephoned Fred not to come this afternoon." "Eve never could tell the truth."' Becky flared. Tom picked up the papers and began glancing them over. Becky looked over his shoulder. She had never really srasped the full significance of them before. "Detectives."' she shuddered. "Oh. this is awful. You don't mean — and Eve hired — the suspicious cat." "Becky, bow could you have gotten into such a mess? " There was anguish in Tom's voice. "The reason I saw Fred at all was because Eve wanted me to I was trying to bring them together again." Tom smiled rather wearily at thi^. Then Tenk<; came in to announce that Mr. Weld was at the door to take Tom to the golf ( Uih For the fir-t time in their wedded life. Tom went mit of the door without kissing K. I k\ good bvc. T Ue \\V. importance of always telling the truth was becinninc to iiercolate into kv"< disturbed mind "Oh. if I hadn't Eviry a.lvorUtiiiHMit hi I'UoTorLAY MAti.V/.lNK I3 sii»r*»twa.