Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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1 22 Piioiopi.AV Ma(, \/.im; — AiJVKH i isiNo Si:(. I ION NO SHINY NOSE ) A LA MEDA powdering in the i morning beautifies your com — plexion for all day. Every ;in\ crevice of the skin receives its protecting velvetj touch of tajWeda Cold Creamed Riwder And because it is Applied the La Meda Way, you will find yuui toilet will not be .effected by wind, rain nor perspiration. Highly beneficial and recommended for con~lant daily use. Tints: Flesh, white, brunette. .^iiv druggist or toilet counter anywhere can get LA .MEDA COLD CREA.VIED POWDER for you — or it will be sent postpaid on : rceipt of 65 cents for a large jar. Trial Jar FREE 1 A MEDA MFG. CO., 1U3 E. Urtield Bouloard. CHICAGO Ht-nd h«n'isomc miniature le^t jai uf LA MEDA < '■.Id Creamed Powder in the 'i"* I enclosp IM '.■enti tttlver and 2c stamp for postaice and pa<'kin(r. Or 12<•ifjiinps if more convenient. / uauallu ft"!/ my toilet goodji fronts Send No Money! Ladies' Solitaire — Examination Free — 10 Months to Pay Examine ring EIFtST, then if you decide to keep it pay only $2.(M). Buying direct assures you the Rock Hottorn Price, ir""^^ A perfectly cut bluewhite Diamond in ladies'solid gold .setting atonly$2.8f)amonth ! Take Advantage of this amaxing offer today. YOUR MONEY BACK if you are not satisfied. A'o Seatriiy -A'o R,:d Tape. A Postal Brings You the Greatest Diamond, Watch and Jewelry Book Ever Published W ln-th'T >t>vl orfl'T thiw rint; or not, Irt hh t**-nd yoii this Oe Luxe Catalog FREE, oontiiiiiiim deB<-rii>ttnii8 f»f rincs. watfh<*»«. diamonds und other iirtirle of jiwi lr: Kveiyihintr ~.Dt ou FHEE EXAMIN.UION. Address Dept. 42N. Capital SI. 000,000 "the house of qUALITX" LWSWEET INC 1650-1660 BROADWAY, NEW YORIC !(educeYourFlesh X.I. t|;. wIhtc dvirc'l In wcurinK Dr. Walter's l-.imous .Medicated ReducingRubberGarments / or Men and Women < ..ri r I hi entire ho.l v nr 'in> par! l-*ndorM}d by l(>ii>l 111! |lh>>lclllDO. lid for illustrated booklet. Dr. Jeanne P. H. Walter Bu>i R»A«rr. $6.00 35.1 Sih Av.. N. Y i^'li',;*; 'if ■ ) Oiin Rfdurrr $2.S0 ( Ent.on 34lh St. .3rd Door l.a>l i Humoresque C Concluded) The mother repealed the words of tin specialist. For weeks Gina and the mother planned and sought the word, the thougl • that might awaken Leon to himself agaiii It was in vain. Nothing could break the drab chill that had settled over the genius ' of Leon Kantor. Then Hancock came. He did not tru-i himself to speak to Leon. .As he left In encountered Gina Berg. "Well, what are you going to do?" Han cock demanded abruptly. 'I? ' Gina looked at Hancock in aston ishment. "Ves, you !"' Hancock reiterated. ' Yoi, can make him play again." , "Tell me how ! Oh tell me how !" Gina j smothered her resentment for the hope in Hancock's words. ; "The doctor said he might come back if he got a shock. You shock him some [ way, somehow. Take his violin to him and when he refuses to play pretend you are going to smash it — smash it if you have to do i it to make good." I "When?" I 'Now — this is as good a time as any." LEON" was sitting listlessly when Gin;i entered. I "Leon," she spoke firmly, almost gaily. "I have been thinking it over and I think you are right — you can t play any more. The violinist-that-was shook his head. "You remember before you went away >ou played Alan Seeger's 'I Have a Rendezvous with Death'?" Leon nodded. "You wouldn't play it again would you? — because I am going to do something I know you will like." Leon looked at her with an air almo-i expressive of interest. Gina ran from the room and returned with Leon's priceless Stradivarius, the instrument of his many triumphs. "I know you wouldn't want any onr else ever to play the violin you have made so famous — so — " Gina raised the instrument over her hea<l " — So I will destroy it." With a cry, Leon leaped to his feet and with his right arm seized the girl's wrist. Swiftly she handed him the instrument and bow. Abstractedly, mechanically, Leon ncstlee; the violin under his chin and swept the bow across the strings. But it was not the pieci he had played before he went to war. Tht notes of the "Humoresque" came rainysweet, soft as the patter of showers in an orchard abloom in Spring. Hancock opened the door. Sarah and Esther tiptoed in. They heard the composition through, frozen as they stood lest the charm be bioken. When Leon dropped his bow a new light shone in his eyes. He had come back. Sarah and Esther went out as silently as they had come. Leon drew Gina to him. "Now I have a rendezvous with life.'' AnA as he spoke Hancock softly closed the door. For Hancock was a most excellent manager. Real Recognition THEY tell it on the film Rialto thai Maurice Maeterlinck, before his departure for the Coast as a new .\Iec-in-Pictureland, was clo.seled with a picture producer who was not a little interested in the Bclgiaa's venture. The producer slapped the treat while haired poet on the back, looked him earnestly in the eye, and burst out: "Good bye, Sir. Maeterlinck; / kuo-x you'll make good." Free Book Coo tain inif conu' •torv of the oriifiO and history of ttat wonderful I o • irument— tb« SAXOPHONi J nii book tt-lls you whf n to u&» Sajcophon.— cifufly , In i^u in htit. ttcfl or H. hm, : l.w •■po^e I-' ilo p:irt l wouiO lift." to kt.Mw l ' !i »me r h i ■: • ■ r . ^ • lod^e I: t .rf .-k ; f . '^'PL AY f HE SCALE IN ONE EVENIN3 with lh»? ifm i-i.%T\ ft*nO ><>'.. »r you will be iflkt Ir.y ( -'pulKr ur* 1 THE FAMOUS %uesche^GralK^C6rflfet The blreeet tone find the most p*rf«t of »oy Conwt made. X)oubie your pU-asure. popularTty and iocooe by p)ayiDg a B je^cht-r-Grand <'orr»ftor Tron.tx)ne. 6 Days* Free Trial You can order any Buescher Instrument and try it 6 day* Id roar own bufD«, u Ithout ot'liraUon. If [•rrf«tl> utiafWd. par for tt uo eur pft>mrnU). Atk u> to •cod rou d&ixm of uaari In your totality Bin iMv.*tr«le<l('-BtAlotf of Tru^ ToD* Bad<1 and Orrb<retr« lorlrumroU cent fre« Buescher Band Instrument Co. 272Jacl>>on Street ELKHART, INO. It s OFF Because It's OL'T Destroys perma. nently the hea\-tO-vr growth on arms, face or body .becaute it eradicates hair and root. No caustics. No electricity. ZIP is the rapid. .ife, painless, reliable and (Vagrant compound used by leading actresses, debutantes, i-i-aut\' specialists. At better class stores or direct by mail. \X'ntc tor Free Booklet. Call to have Free Demonstnition. Corrc<pcndence confidential. MADAME BERTHE. SpecialiMt Dt^pt. 9. 12 W. 40th Strpet. New Vorti Are You Insured against missing your next copy of PHOTOPLAY? Did you ha\'e trouble getting your copy at the newsstand last montn? Avoid the old stor)' "Sold Out" if you happen to be a little late at the newsstand. Fill out the coupon below and mail to us with money order or check for {'2.50 [Canada S:; Kol .ind the next t\NpKo issups of PHOTOPLAY Kill be dilivcrod nglit to your door by the Do it today. V PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE I Dept. I6-G, 350 N. Cl«rk St.. CHICAGO ICenllrmen . I rnclo«e hciewith 53. so [Ginid.l J J .ool for which you will Icindiv enter inv subscription for , PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINB. for one year, effectiv-e I witii the Sepf'^her, lOJo. issue. I Sfnd !•■ I Strrtt AJdrr. lii!' B\er} iulretliserocm In PIlOTori^Y MAGAZINE 1» suaraiitrcJ.