Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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Photoplay Magazixk — AovKinisixc Section 109 Plays and Players ( Concluded) Motion Picture Ingenue — ' Yes, dear, I am." Grace Kingsley — "Well, that's a nice little story." Ingenue — "Yes, isn't it, but please, Gracie, don't publish it now, because I haven't got my divorce, yet." DON'T look for the name of Mrs. Morgan Belmont in the cast of "Way Down East," for you won't see it. The society leader has taken the name of "Diana Duncannon" for film purposes. According; to everyone at the Griffith studio, Mrs. Belmont was the most popular person out there. She was democratic as the humblest extra girl. On one occasion, an injured dog enlisted her services. A handsome Coach dog fell off the sea wall on the studio grounds and dislocated a joint in one of his legs. Mrs. Belmont knew all about dogs and while other people were wondering what to do, she showed the nearest men just how to push the bone back into place. RUMOR alonj Hollywood Boulevard and at the Studio Club appears much concerned with the frequent — increasingly frequent trips of Lew Cody to New York. It is even being predicted and prognosticated that Lew has seen his former Friend Wife, Dorothy Dalton. in "Aphrodite" more times than art could justify. In fact, nobody in Hollywood would be surprised to see an announcement of an intrepid fourth or fifth reunion in that case. But then, nobody in Hollywood is surprised at anything. CAN an artist's temperament bar a general manager from the set? Is nine A. M. too early for a pretty girl star to face the cruel camera? And has a star a right to take two or three days off at the company's expense if her tooth aches and she is in no mood to laugh and look sweet while the nerves are splitting her head with aches and pains? To these questions Mary Miles Minter says "Yes "" And Mary won her nine days' trial in Federal Judge Trippet's court in Los Angeles against the American Film Company to recover parts of her pay which the film company had deducted from her S2250 a week salary. The jury gave her S4,ooo, practically all she asked for, and Mary shook each juror's hand and gave each a smile. The contention of the defense was that Miss Minter's painful toothaches did not develop until she was at dinner with Adolph Zukor, who at that time told her she might be employed by the Realart corporation if she wished. Subsequently, the defense stated, she was employed by them at a considerably greater salary than $2 250 a week. On one occasion she is accused of laughing into the camera at the American studio and spoiling the scene. For a short time the courtroom was turned into a picture house, and the picture with the alleged laugh of Mary was displayed. Mary denied that she laughed purposely — and the jury, after watching the film, agreed with her. A question was raised as to Mary's real age, and an affidavit introduced made by Pearl Miles Reilly, Mary's mother, in 191 2 in which she then swoie that Mary was born April i, 1892, so that Mary could appear in some picture in New York without violating the child labor laws. But Judge Trippet held to the last affidavit of Mrs. Reilly, that Mary was bom April i, 1002, as khe correct affidavit of Mary's date of birth. Why Teeth Stain You leave a film-coat on them All slatements approved by high dental authorities Most teeth are dimmed more or less by a film. Smokers' teeth often become darkly coated. That film makes teeth look dingy, and most tooth troubles are now traced to it. Millions now combat that film in a new, scientific way. This is to offer a test to you, to show the unique results. You must end film The film is viscous you can feel it with your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. Ordinary brushing methods leave much of this film intact. So millions find that well-brushed teeth discolor and decay. You must attack film in a better way, else you will suffer from it. It is the film coat that discolors, not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Efficient ways Dental science, after painstaking research, has developed effective ways to fight film. The world's highest authorities now approve them, after careful tests. These ways are combined in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. And leading dentists everywhere now advise its daily use. A ten-day tube is being sent to everyone who asks. Watch these new effects One ingredient is pepsin. One multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva to dissolve the starch deposits that cling. One multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva to neutralize mouth acids as they form. Two factors directly attack the film. One keeps the teeth so highly polished that film cannot easily cling. Pepsodent has brought a new era in REG U S. ^MBMMHHWM^M^HBBH* The New-Day Dentifrice A scientific film combatant combined with two other modern requisites. Now advised by leading dentists everywhere and supplied by all druggists in large tubes. teeth cleaning. It fights the tooth destroyers as was never done before. Send the coupon for a 1 0-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how teeth whiten as the filmcoat disappears. You will always brush teeth in this new way when you watch the results for a week. Cut out the coupon now. 10-Day Tube Free 466 THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. 779, 1104 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to Only one tube to a family When you write to acinirtlsori please mcnllon PHOTOPLAY MACJAZI.VE.