Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1920)

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88 PiioTOPr.A^ Magazine — Ad\ r itnsiNf. Six riox Plays and Players ( Continued ) You Want to Earn Big Money! And you will not be satisfied unless you earn steady promotion. But arc you prepared for the job ahead f>f you? Do you measure up to the standard that insures success? For a more responsible position a fairly good education is necessary. To write a sensible business letter, to prepare estimates, to figure cost and to compute interest, you must have a certain amount of preparation. All this you must be able to do before you will earn promotion. Many business houses hire no men whose Reneral knowledge is not equal to a hiKh school course. Why? Because big business refuses to burden itself with men who are barred from promotion by the lack of elementary education. Can You Qualify for a Better Position? We have a plan whereby you can. We can Kive you a complete but simplified hitjh school course in two years, givrng you all the essentials that form the foundation of practical business. It will prepare you to hold your own where competition is keen and exactinR. Do not doubt your ability, ljut make up your mind to it and you will soon have the requirements that will brinp you success and big money. YOU CAN UO IT. Let us show you how to get on the road to success. It will not cost you a single working hour. VVe are so sure of being able to help you that we will cheerfully return to you, at the end of ten lessons, every cent you sent us if you are not absolutely satisfied. What fairer offer can we make you? Write today. It costs you nothing but a stamp. American School of Correspondence Dept. H-971 ChicaKo, U.S.A. American School of Correspondence, Dept. H 971 Chicago, 111. 1 want job checked — tell me how to get it. ....Arcliiifct K.nOO to flS.OOO ... Bailcjinu Conlructor S.'i.OOi) to 110.000 ....Automoliili KnKinivr »1.0(iO to ....Autoinobiif Kcpnirmun fi.BOO to »1.000 ....Civil Engineer 15 000 to $15,000 ....Slnjcturui KrnrM>*"T 54,000 to llO.OOO ....Buflinesit Mann^fr J.'i.noo to 115,000 ... r<T»inp<l I'llhllc Arcounlaiit 17.000 to 115.000 .... Accountant A Auditor 12,500 lo 17.000 ....Drftftfmnn A Dn«i«nfr •2..'rOO lo ll.Ooi) ....ElfCtrical Kriifinivr 14.000 lo tio.ono ....General liUJucatlon In one yta. ...Lawyer fS.OOO to SI5,0C0 ...Mi-cliani«-iil KntiintiT Sl.nOO to Jlu.(X)0 SuiH'rintendont S3.00O to J7.000 ...Employment Mann(ri>r t l.OoO to tl0,(K)0 . .-Steam Knulni>(>r »2.n<ifi to 14,000 .. Foreman'^ Course J2.0(J0 to 14,000 ...Photoplay Writer 12.000 to tio,ono ...Sanitary KnRinpcr 12.000 to fS.OOO ....Telephone Knginn-r 12 600 to 16,000 ... TcloRraph Kn^ineir 12.600 to J6.000 Hiuh School Uradlialf In two yearn .. Virv Inauranre Kxpert t3,0O0 to 110,000 I Name y A.l.lrr.» Haven t you often wished you could take the top off a motion picture studio and watch the wheels (Jo round? Here s the next hest thing: climbing! with your still camera to the beams of Goldwyn s studio and .seeing three different .sets — the center one in the process of **Shooting. This room without a ceiling was built for an Edgar story. You can almost hear the sputtering of the overheads and the calls of the cameramen for "Lights! IT is not often that anythins happens to dim the smiles and moisten the eyes of Broadway's idols. The stars of that Great White Way are most of the time as dazzlinR, as unfalteringly bright as those huge cic( I ric sions which proclaim them to the world. But there was recently a gathering of celebrities whose names are synonyms for Broadway's best gifts of fame and wealth and gaiety, in which those celebrities palised to bow their heads and wipe away their tears. It was at the last rites for Olive Thomas — one of the loveliest and the bestloved of them all. Olive Thomas had died tragically, three thousand miles from the bright gay street and the bright gay friends she loved. She first came to Broadway a little girl, and Broadway saw her rise from chorus-girl to film queen. And Broadway knew her as the same "Ollie" — generoushearted, radiant — from Roof days and through her increasing fame. St. Thomas Church — a solemn impressive gray-stone pile in Fifth Avenue — was the scene. The Reverend lamest M Slires. one of Manhattans most pronuneni clergymen, officiated. And among those in attendance were Harrison Fisher, the artist, who painted Olive Thomas so many times and who railed her the prettiest girl in America; Myron Selznick, who produced her pictures; Thomas Meigh.m, her goofl friend; Eugene O'Brien and Owen Moore, who worked with her in the same studio; Gene Buck, composer of Follies music to which she often dance'f across the Follies stage; Edgar Selwyn. Irving Berlin, Montagu Love, and other> Friends o! Follies and tilm days came Rubye dcRemer. May Murray, May Leslie, and Kay Laurell. .And now the name of Olive "Thomas, one of Broadway's bc-t beloved, has flickered out in Broadway's signs; but the memory of the warm-heartel little girl will live long in the hearts of those who really knew and loved her. DON'T tell we told you, but we hear there is to be an early addition to the Wheeler Oakman family. Vcji — and that Priscilla Dean Oakman is going into temporary retirement upon the completion of her latest Universal picture, which is another crook play for the original Exquisite Thief. Priscilla is supported in it by friend husband and Lon Chaney. SPF.AKIN'G of comediennes: wonder why Messrs de Mille. Tucker or GrilVith don i sign up Harriett Hammond. Phyllis Haver, or Marie Prevost ? They look like Swanson or Compson material lo us. THE Ouponts — now in control of the ("loldwyn Company — arc going to uplift the lilm industry if they have lo do it with dynamite. (Continued on page go) i:vcrv itlveitiKiiiciil In niUIul'LAY MAUAZINU li guitantccd.