Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1925)

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ii6 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section mont. Directed by Lambert Hillyer. The Zane Grey. Scenario by George C. Hull and cast: O'Malley, Milton Sills; Lucille Thayer, Lucien Hubbard. Directed by William K. Dorothy Mackaill; Margie, Helen Rowland; Howard. The cast: Gene Stewart, Jack Holt; Danny 'the Dude, Warner Richmond; Herbert Madeline Hammond, BLUie Dove; Brarui, Noah Brownie, Thomas J. Carrigan; Capt. Collins, Beery; Bonita, Alma Bennett; Al Hammond, Claude King; The Doctor, Allen Brander; Sgt. William Scott; BiUy Stillwell, George Patterson, Charles Graham; Clerk, Jack De Nichols; Monty Price, Mark Hamilton; Nelse, Lacey. Robert Perry; Stub, Gene Pallette. Says ""^ '^^ 3Ime. la Marquise: From a letter written by Mme. la Marquise d'E.— "Weuiomenof Paris, Gty of Light, keep our hair always brilliant with a touch of henna in the shampoo. "Our hairdressers have proved to us that a touch of henna in the s\asapoo—justatouch, remember— means beautiful hair, -whether the hair is blonde, or brunette. The secret is in how the shampoo is prepared." HENNAFOAM SHAMPOO gives you the secret of the French hairdresser. It makes the hair lustrous by the magic of just the right touch of Ae?;«tf, scientifically blended with cleansing vegetable oils. * SHAMPOO t cannot get Hennafoam Shampoo &om your dealer send 50c to afoam Corp., 511 West 42nd St.,N. Y, FtH-'HS: Send for Catalog r Free E: tjewelr>-. Pearls, Watches, Wrist Watches, Mesh Bags. SUvei Sent prepaid for your Fi plains everything. We and prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed Beml-monthlyoVmontfa \ybite Gold. 17 Jcweln. SS'^i V 1 lofHs'brosT&co"'"'"'' ' RADIO FANS-^iSa.Vt?rr?m^7V773^ fvery Friday night from 0;30 i" 10. central. stimdard time. I YOU LIKE TO DRAW? • CARTOONISTS ARE WELL PAID "PRIVATE AFFAIRS"— Producers Dist. Corp. — From the story by GeorRe Patullo; Adapted by Alfred A. Cohn. Directed by Renaud Hoffman. Photography by Jack JlacKenzie. The cast: Agnes Bomar, Gladys Hulette; Fred Hcnlev, Robert Agnew; Amy Liifkin. Mildred Harris; Lee Cross, Da\'id Butler; Atf Stacy, Arthur Hoyt; Irma Stacy, Betty Francisco; Howard Bomar, Willis Marks; Joe Hines. Charles Sellon; Andy GUlespie, Hardee Kirkland; John Maddox, J. Frank Glendon; Ben Morse, Frank Coffyn; Sam Hanks, Charles W. Mack. "THE MARRIAGE WHIRL" — First NATI0X-4L. — From the stage play by J. Hartley Manners. Adapted by June Mathis. Directed by Al Santell. The cast: Marian Hak, Corinne Griffith; Arthur Carleton, Kenneth Harlan; Tom Carrol, Harrison Ford; John K. Carleton, E. J. Ratcliffe; Reuben Hale, Charles Lane; Dick Mavne, Edgar Norton; Toinetle (French Dancer), Nita Naldi. "PASSIONATE YOUTH"— Teuart. — Adapted to the screen by J. Grubb Alexander. Directed by Dallas M. FiUgerald. Photography by Milton Moore. The cast: Mary Rand, Beverly Bayne; John Rand, Frank Mayo; Henrietta Rand, Pauline Garon; Bruce Corbin. Bryant Washburn; Peggy D'Arcy, CarmeUta Geraghty; Matt Rutherford, Ralph McCuUough; Jimmy Wellington; Ernest Wood; Prosecuting Attorney, Lawrence Underwood; District Attorney, Jack Fowler; Harry Perrin, Walter Deming; Deacon Collins, James McElbern; Judge Ford, WilUam McIUwain. "THE M.AD WHIRL"— Unh-ersal. — From the story by Richard Washburn Child. Adapted by Frederic and Fanny Hatton. Scenario by Edward T. Lowe, Jr. Dkected by William A. Seiter. Photography by Merritt Gersted. The cast: Cathlcen Gillis, May Mc.\voy; Jack Herrington, Jack Mulhall; Gladys Herrington, Myrtle Stedman; Margie Taylor. Barbara Bedford; John Herrington, Alec B. Francis; Benny Kingsley, Ward Crane; Martin Gtllis, George Fawcett; Julia Carting, Mane Astaire, Spivins, Joseph Singleton. ' THE WHITE OUTLAW"— Universal.— Story bv Isadore Bernstein. Directed by Clifi Smith The cast: Jack Lupton, Jack Hoxie Marv Gale, MarceUne Day; Malcolm Gale, WUUam Welsh; James Hitt, Duke Lee; iV< iro Cook, Floyd Shackelford; Sheriff, Charles Brmley. "F.AINT PERFUME"— B. P. Scfulberg. — From the novel by Zona Gale. Screen play by John Goodrich. Directed by Louis Gasnier. The cast: Richmiel Crumb, Seena Owen; Barnabv Powers, William Powell; Lcda Perrin. Alyce jlills; Ma Crumb. Mary .\lden; i.i.'.ndpa Crumb, Russell Simpson; Pearl I •/', Betty Francisco; Richniicl's Lover, I I'l McCoIlough; Tweet Crumb, Jacqueline launders; Orrin Crumb, Ned Sparks; Oliver I Poicrrs. Dicky Brandon; A Hotel Guest, Barbara Tennant; The Hired Girl, Joan Standing. "A MAN OF IRON"— CFADmcK.-TOriginal Scenario by LawTence Marston. Directed by Whitman Bennett. The cast: Philip Durban, Lionel BarrjTnore; Cloire Durban, Mildred Harris; il/jr///a Z3»W)aH, Winifred Barry; Mrs. Edith Bowdoin, Dorothy Kingdon; Hugh Bowdoin, Alfred Mack; Denis Callahan, J. Moy Bennett; Maybelle Callolmn, Isobel DeLeon; Prince Novakian, Jean Del Val. "THE LIGHT OF THE WESTERN STARS" — Paeajount.— From the novel by Erery advertisement in pnoTOPLAT MAGAZINE is euaraateed. "AFTER BUSINESS HOURS"— C. B. C. — From the story by Ethel Watts Mumford. Adaptation by Douglas Doty. Directed by Mai St. Clair. Photography by Dewey Wrigley. The cast: June King, Elaine Hammerstein; John King, Lou Tellegen; Sylvia Vane, Phyllis Haver; Richard Downing, John Patrick; Mrs. Wentworth, Lillian Langdon; James Henricks, William Scott; Jerry Stanton, Lee Moran. " STEELE OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED " — ViTAGEAPH. — From the story by James Oliver Curwood. .-Adapted by Jay Pilcher. Directed by Da\-id Smith. The cast: Phillip Steele, Bert Lytell; Bucky Nome, Stuart Holmes; Isobel Becker, Charlotte Merriam; Mrs. Thorpe, Mabel Julienne Scott; Colonel Becker, Sydney DeGrey; Colonel MacGregor, John Toughey. "THE HUMAN TORNADO"— F. B. O.— Story and scenario by Cliff Hill. Directed by Ben Wilson. The cast: Jim Marlow, Yakima Canutt; Cliet Marlow, Bert Sprotte; Marion Daley, Nancy Leeds; Peter Daley, Lafe McKee; Tom Crowley, Joe Rickson; Sheriff Cutter, Slim Allen. "STOP FLIRTING"— Producers Dist. Corp. — From the musical comedy by Fred Jackson. Directed by Scott Sidney. The cast: Perry Reynolds, John T. Murray; Vi-oian Marsden, Wanda Hawley; Geoffrey Dangerfield, HaUam Cooley; Marjorie Ijceds, Ethel Shannon; Suzanne. \era Steadman; Count Spinagio, Jimmie Adams; Butler, Jack Dufiy; Teddy, Jimmie Harrison; Bobby Anderson, David James. "AMERICAN PLUCK" — Cbadwick.— From the novel by Eugene P. Lyle, Jr. Scenario by Ralph Spence. Directed by Richard Stanton. Photography by Lyman Broening. The cast: Blaze Derringer, George Walsh; Princess Alicia, Wanda Hawley; Count Birkhaff, Sidney De Grey; Count Verensky, Frank Leigh; Jefferson Lee, Tom Wilson; Ixrrd Raleigh, Leo White; American Cmistil, Dan Mason. "THE BLOODHOUND"— F. B. O.— From the story by H. H. Van Loan. Directed by William Craft. The cast: Bellmu, 5,?(. Bill McKenna, Bob Custer; Rambo, David Dunbar; Cotistahle Ray Fitzgerald, Ralph McCullough; Marie Rambo, Mary Beth Milford; Betty Bellean, Emily Barry. "THE SPORTING CHANCE "-T^fany Production. — Story by Jack Boyle. Adapted by John P. Bernard' Directed by Oscar Apfel. The cast: Darrell T/tornton, Lou Tellegen; Patricia V/inthrop, Dorothy Phillips; Caleb Winthrop, George Fawcett; Robert Selby, Theodore Von Eltz; The jockey, Andrew Clarke; Kentucky Boy, Kentucky Boy. "FIFTY-FIFTY" — Associated Exhibitors.— Fromthestoryby Alan Dwan. Directed by Henri Diamiant Berger. The cast: Ginette, Hope Hampton; Frederick Harmon, Lionel Barrymore; Nina Olmstead, Louise Glaum; Charles O'Malley, J. Moy Bennett; Grand Duke Popovitck, Arthur Donaldson; Jean, Jean Del VaL "THE LITTLE GIANT"— Universal.— From the story by Hugh McNair Kahler. Scenario by Walter De Leon. Directed by Will Nigh. Photography by Sidney Hickos. The cast: Elmer Clinton, Glenn Hunter; Myra Clinton, Edna Murphy; Uncle Clem, David