Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1929)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section l\ V ■t Rotwi Fashion decrees that the figure be slender and graceful. Women who are fat in spots — in the abdomen, hips, throat, underarm, or elsewhere — need no longer worry! Simply use the wonderful Frances Jordan Reducer 10 minutes daily! It does away with massage treatments— with hot baths, dieting, strenuous exercise, and drugs. It removes the fat just where you ivant it removed — no tvhere else. There is no discomfort — no exertion— no wrinkles nor flabby flesh! The Frances Jordan stimulates the circulation and the fat spots are absorbed. It relieves constipation and tones up the nerves. This remarkable Frances Jordan originally sold for $15.00. Very large sales now permit us to sell direct to you for $5.00. Act today! Send $5.00 in cash, money order or check. Satisfacrion guaranteed or money refunded. Ireducer Frances Jordan, Inc. s02g finance bujiding. philadelphia , FEMININE|H||IENE :: x :V:o(;;4luJ^iij;s Jc0)^^ Pariogen. the harmless antiseptic tablet which requires NO WATER, or the usual accessories, makes feminine hygiene convenient anytime or anywhere, Pariogen contains no carbolic acid, bichloride of mercury or other caustic poisons, yet KILLS the most PERNICIOUS GERMS in a few seconds. Prescribed by Physicians, Pariogen tablets come 12 in a tube for $1.00. If your druggist is unable tosupply you, send your name and address with a dollar bill. A fuU size tube will be sent with the absolute guarantee that if you simply write and say "not satisfied** your dollar bill will come back in the return mail. ATneiican Druq & Cheniical Co. 418 South Sixth Street. Minneapolis, Minn. Turn Your Talent Into Money Cartoonists earn Xrom S50 to S250 per week — some even more. Remarkable new Circle System of Drawing teaches you In half the usual time. Send for booklet and sample losson plate explalnlne full details of the Course. No Salesman will call. THE NATIONAL SCHOOL OF CARTOONING 620 P»nton Building CI«»«Und. OMo For $1.25 You can obtain the next six numbers of Photoplay Magazine, delivered to you by the postman anywhere in the U. S. (Canada $1.50, Foreign $1.75.) This special offer is made as a trial subscription. Also it will avoid the old story of "Sold Out," if you happen to be a little late at the news-stand. Send postal order to Dept. lA. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE 750 N. Michigan Ave CHICAGO Brief Reviews of Current Pictures [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 1 DUTY'S REWARD— Elbee.— More cops, crooked politics, etc. {Dec.) END OF ST. PETERSBURG, THE— Sovkinc— What the Soviet wants >'0U to believe. St. Petersburg destroyed by trick camera angles. (August,) EXCESS BAGGAGE— Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.— Vivid and realistic picture of stage life. See it. (August.) FAMILY PICNIC, THE — FoxMovietone.— Pioneer all-talking comedy. See it and write your own remedy. (September.) FANGS OF FATE— Pathe.— Klondike, the dog growls through an old story. (September.) FAZIL — Fox. — Proving the sheiks make bad husbands. Torrid necking in the desert. Not for the kindergarten class. (August.) FIGHTIN' REDHEAD, THE— FBO.— Buzz Barton eats up the Western scenery. (September.) FIRST KISS, THE— Paramount.— Young love, played by Fay Wray and Gary Cooper and set in a deep sea background. (November.) FLEET'S IN, THE— Paramount.— Clara Bow among the sailors. Of course, you won't miss it. (November.) FLEETWING— Fox.— A story of Araby, a girl, a sheik and a horse. (September.) FORBIDDEN LOVE— Pathe.— English film brought to this country merely because it stars Lily Damita. ( Dec.) ♦FORGOTTEN FACES— Paramount.— Underworld story of regeneration and sacrifice. Fine story, fine acting, and 100 per cent entertainment. (Sept.) *FOUR DEVILS— Fox.— Dramatic and beautifully presented story of Continental Circus life, with great performances by Janet Gaynor, Ctiarles Morton and Barry Norton. You'll want to see it. (Dec.) *FOURWALLS— Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.— Story of Jewish gangster, splendidly played by John Gilbert. Don't miss it. (September.) FURY OF THE WILD— FBO.— More real meat for Ranger. (November.) GANG WAR— FBO.— Yep, bootleggers and crooks again. (September.) GATE CRASHER, THE— Universal.— Glenn Tryon in a hit-and-miss comedy. (September .) GEORGE BERNARD SHAW— Fox-Movietone.— Mr. Shaw entertains his public with an imitation of Mussolini. It's a wow. (September.) GERALDINE — Pathe. — Light and amusing comedy with Marion Nixon and Eddie Quillan. (Jan.) GIRL HE DIDN'T BUY, THE— Peerless.— Light story of a Broadway love affair with an original twist to the plot. (August.) GIRL ON THE BARGE, THE— Universal.— A little slow but pleasant enough. Sally O'Neil wears her one expression. (Dec.) GOLDEN SHACKLES see the picture for the plot. -Peerless. — You (August.) can't GRAIN OF DUST, THE— Tiffany-Stahl.— Interesting drama based on the David Graham Phillips novel, with the grief rather heavily stressed. (Nov.) GREASED LIGHTNING — Universal. — Dumb Western. (September.) GREEN GRASS WIDOWS— Tiffany-Stahl. — Walter Hagen in a goofy golf story. He should know better. (September.) GUARDIANS OF THE WILD— Universal.— Too bad that Rex, the wonder horse, can't write his own stories and put some horse-sense into them. (November.) GYPSY OF THE NORTH— Rayart.— A better than usual melodrama of the Northern mining camps. (August.) HALF A BRIDE— Paramount.— Wherein a bride is cast away on a desert island with the wrong man. (August.) HANGMAN'S HOUSE— Fox.— A good drama of Ireland, with some splendid backgrounds, a fine horse race and an excellent performance by Victor McLaglen. (August.) HAPPINESS AHEAD— First National.— What might have been merely tawdry melodrama is turned into fine entertainment by the splendid acting of Colleen Moore, Edmund Lowe and Lilyan Tashman. (August.) HARVEST OF HATE, THE— Universal.— In which the great talents of Rex, the wild horse, are ignored to make footage for a trite romance. (Jan.) HAUNTED HOUSE, THE— First National.— Too much Chester Conklin and not enough mystery. (November.) HEAD MAN, THE— First National.— What happened in a small town when the Ladies' Auxiliary drank too much lemonade. (August.) HEAD OF THE FAMILY, THE— Gotham.— Rather cuckoo farce. (Jan.) [ CONTINUED ON PAGE 118 1 Photoplays Reviewed in the Shadow Stage This Issue Save this magazine — Refer to the criticisms before you pic\ out your evenings entertainment. Ma\e this your reference list. Page A Lady of Chance— M.-G.-M 76 A Man's Man— M.-G.-M 104 Apache, The — Columbia 104 Behind the German Lines — UFA-Para mount 76 Black Birds of Fiji — Australasian 76 Blow for Blow — Universal 104 Canary Murder Case, The — Paramount 54 Captain Lash — Fo.x 56 Case of Lena Smith, The — Paramount. 54 Domestic Meddlers— Tiffany-Stahl 104 Dream of Love — M.-G.-M 56 Eva and the Grasshopper — UFA 103 Flyin' Buckaroo, The — Pathe 103 Flying Fleet, The— M.-G.-M 52 Ghost Talks, The— Fox 56 Gun Runner, The— Tiffany-Stahl 104 House 6f Shame, The — Chesterfield. ... 76 Huntingtower — Paramount 104 In Old Arizona — Fox 52 Iron Mask, The — United Artists 53 Jazz Age, The— FBO 103 Jeanne D'Arc — Societe Generale de Films 52 Lady of the Pavements — United Artists 55 Last Warning, The — Universal 76 Linda — Mrs. Wallace Reid Production. 76 Lion's Roar, The — Educational 56 Lookout Girl, The— Quality 104 Marquis Preferred — Paramount 76 Page MataHari; The Red Dancer — National-Big Three Production 76 Naughty Duchess, The — Tiffany-Stahl . 76 Noisy Neighbors — Pathe 104 Office Scandal, The— Pathe 104 One Man Dog, The— FBO 103 Pace That Kills, The— True Life 76 Phipps— M.-G.-M 56 Rainbow, The— Tiffany-Stahl 104 Redskin — Paramount 55 Restless Youth — Columbia 103 Seven Footprints to Satan — First National 76 Shady Lady, The— Pathe 55 Shopworn Angel, The — Paramount. . . 103 Silent Sentinel, The — Chesterfield 76 Small Town Sinners — Hugo Brahn .... 104 Somme, The — New Era 103 Speed Classic, The — Excellent 103 Stool Pigeon — Columbia 104 Synthetic Sin — First National 55 That Party in Person — Paramount. ... 56 Three Week-ends — Paramount 55 Tracked— FBO 76 Tyrant of Red Gulch— FBO 76 Uneasy Money — Fox-Europa 76 Veiled Woman, The — Fox 76 Wages of Conscience — Superlative 76 What a Night — Paramount 76 Wolf of Wall Street, The— Paramount . . 55 Every advertisement In PHOTOrLAT MAGAZINE is guaranteed.