Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1929)

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I02 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 1 1 1 J^a 1 Wk H Gossip of All the Studios nere is Liyfyeaitiy K^liere is dyOi in ike navne KLjii^aoelli *V Ij'cien S/ina tnere is beauty awaiting you in ElizaDetn Amen s Venetian Toilet Pre|)arations whicn sne nas created for cleansing, toning ana nourisning every ty|3e oi skin. Venetian Cleansing Cream Its pure and subtle oils melt into the pores, gently removing all impurities and leaving the skin soft and recepiive. ^i, ^2, $3, $6. Ardena %)elva Cream A delicate cream for sensitive skins. Recommended for a full face, as it smooths and softens the skin without fattening. ^i, $2, ^3, ^6. Venetian Ardena Skin Tonic Stimulates circulation, strengthens and whitens the skin, gives it zest and fineness. 85c, ^2, ^3.75, ?9. Venetian Orange Skin Food Builds firm contours, nourishes the underlying tissues, renews tired cells and banishes lines and wrinkles. ^i, ^1.75, $2.75, ^4.25. These and other exquisite items of Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Toilet Preparations are on sale at the smartest shops ELIZABETH ARDEN 673 Fifth Avenue, New York LONDON MADRID BERLIN ROME PARI : ELIZABETH ARDEN : : Dcpt. P2, 673 Fifth Ave , New York City : : Please send me Elizabeth Arden's book 'THE z : QUEST OF THE BEAUTIFUL." : : ': i^ifv .^f^ff I CONTINUED FROM PACE 96 ] TMAGINE the consternation of the poor -•■producer who recently used in one of his pictures a boy in his early teens. The boy possessed an unusually attractive boyish voice which the producer thought would register well in a talking picture. The silent version was completed, but the producer was held up for some five weeks' time while awaiting his sound apparatus. To his complete dismay, ■ when the youngster returned for the sound work, his voice had changed to a husky bass. TX THEN sound pictures were first made, '^ they called 'em "Soundies;" when talking pictures came next, they called 'em "Talkies;" and now that we have murder mystery pictures, they call 'em "Creepies." "N/OU must not, under any circumstances, •*• come to Hollywood and say, "the talkies." My word, no! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has ruled against it. It's as uncouth and ill-bred as saying "movies" instead of "motion pictures." My word! "D AMON NOVARRO will keep his make■'^up in cold storage while in the South Seas making "The Pagan" for M.-G.-M. He's taking along a nifty little electric refrigerator so he can keep the grease paint on ice. And there ain't no prohibition in them there South Seas! EDDIE NUGENT tiptoes in with an index finger at his lips, "Terrible murder afoot," says he, "just heard them talking about making 'The Last of Mrs. Cheyney.' Shouldn't somebody tell Lon about that?" WHEN Lupe Velez arrived in Los Angeles there was but one dollar in her pocketbook. She looked with longing at an expensive limousine that whizzed by the depot. "In one year I'm going to have one like that," said Lupe to herself. She has one exactly Hke that. "It isn't paid for," says Lupe, "but I've got it." ANITA PAGE wanted to find out what time she had to report on the set so she called the assistant director, whose name is Sandy Ross. Her five year old brother, Moreno, ."learing her call for the assistant came flying to his mother. "Oh, mama, hsten, 'Nita is caUing up Santa Claus." LEW CODY wins for gallantry. Just before the actor left for Europe and way points he was at the Cotton Club when a young man approached and held out his hand in greeting. "Hello, Lew," he beamed. "How's Mabel? That's fine. Say, meet a friend of mine. Lew — Mr. Blank of Kansas City. Good scout. Drop in and see him sometime. ..." Lew slapped them both on the back. Said he was glad to see his friend again and invited them both out to the house. When they had gone Lew said to the friends at his table: "I don't remember that man at all, but he must know me awfully well." Later in the evening the gentleman in question found Lew in the lobby. "You're a great guy, Lew," he said. "You don't know me at all. I've never seen you before. I was just trying to impress this friend of mine from out of town." JERRY HOFFMAN, column constructor for "Vanity" paper, and one of Hollywood's favorite raconteurs, tells about meeting the actor at a talkie review. "It's a great picture," declared Jerry, amiably, in that quaint Hollywood fashion. "Great? Don't I know it. The director has just asked me to come to the studio in the morning and make a trailer taking six bows." A RTHUR CAESAR was initiated to his ■**-first conference. He was faced by a group of long faced, serious looking individuals. Nobody smiled. Nobody spoke. Arthur entered and shouted, "What! No sound?" TTIERE is a very interesting rumor in -' Hollywood. It seems that Warner Brothers wanfed George Jessel to play the title role in "The Jazz Singer" but were unable to give him the money he demanded. Al Jolson agreed to do it for a block of Warner stock. He was given the stock when it was selling at 20. Now it has gone up to 125 and Jolson, so "they" say, has made a neat little pile. It will buy Ruby a couple of bracelets anyhow. "DERT LEVY tells this one on Gus Edwards. •'-' "Gus never listens to a word that is said. He's always too busy," says Bert. "Every time I see him he asks, 'How's the wife?' and is talking to somebody else before I have a chance to answer. The other day he did this once too often. 'How's the wife?' he asked. " 'She's dead,' I answered. "'That's great,' said Gus. "Five minutes later he asked me, 'How's the wife?' " A RTHUR CAESAR'S smart cracks are as ■'^•popular along Hollywood Boulevard as they were on Broadway. Caesar, writing talkies for Fox, tells that he mentioned Achilles in one scene. "Take it out," said the producer, "it takes up too much footage." ' I 'HE M.-G.-M. studios have a quaint custom ■^ of putting the actresses on the top floor of the dressing room building and the actors on the ground floor. On the steps leading upwards, this legend is painted: "Men not allowed in ladies' chessing rooms." A certain well known actor acquired a crush on one of the women stars during the making of a picture, and trained his Enghsh sheep dog to run up the steps to the ladies' dressing rooms. This necessitated the master going after him, thus presenting an opportunity for a chat with the star. But the crush is over now and the actor is interested in no fair one. The dog, however, having learned his lesson well, still insists upon tearing up the steps, much to the annoyance of the actor; so the other day the actor stood at the bottom of the stairs and shouted, "Dumb dog! Come back here. Why do you persist in running away?" MY dears, another good janitor was sent to the dogs the other day when "Rivits" Jackson, who sweeps up at First National, was given a "bit" by George Fitzmaurice in "Stranded in Paradise." Every advertlsemcnl in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Is guaiactced.