Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1929)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section lo: Dark warm colors may be fairly intense. Rich dark reds, deep dark browns, warm tans and rosy beiges, sometimes dark rosy grays or taupes, black if the skin is clear, are all flattering. Medium values, those neither light nor dark, in warm rose and coral shades, which of course are really red and red-orange, golden oranges, yellow-orange and dull creamy yellows deserve a prominent place on the list of colors becoming to the brunette with vivid coloring. If she has a clear healthy skin she may find green, especially dull greens which have been neutralized until they are less aggressively cold, wearable — but seldom as flattering as warm colors. Blues should be avoided in almost all instances. Violets are e.xtremely doubtful, frequently giving the skin a dark greenish cast. Warmer red-violets may be permissible, if the complexion is e.xtremely good — but why should any vivid brunette wear them when the red-oranges are infinitely more becoming, harmonizing with and emphasizing her own rich coloring? THE brunette with olive skin, frequently called the Latin t>'pe, not only has less vivid color in lips and cheeks, but her background coloring is more subdued. Its orange tone is more grayed or neutralized so that it appears almost yellow green rather than a pure orange. This coloring is distinctive, interesting, possesses a subtihty which gives character to the individual. It may of course be modified by the use of rouge and lipstick, making the flesh tints more vi\id, in which case colors more nearly like those worn by the vivid brunette may be recommended. The brunette with olive skin, however, does well to dress so that her unusual hues arc emphasized, not changed or concealed. She may do this by wearing warm colors which have been neutralized until they assume a dusky, grayed, shghtly olive cast. Vivid warm colors may also be worn, \-ivid reds and oranges, dark warm colors and those of medium value, even slightly lighter than those worn by the vivid brunette may be worn when the skin is clear. Red-violet is frequently becoming although red-orange deserves first place in the wardrobe. Softened grayed cool colors, those which have been neutralized until the coolness has taken on a tinge of warmth, soft olive greens, dark dull greens, very dark navy blue, are sometimes e.xtremely becoming, especially when worn with an accent of warm color. Light and bright cool colors, particularly blue, make the skin seem dark and too yellow. T^HE olive skin does not possess sufficient •*• color to permit the wearing of decided neutral tones unless accents of stronger color are combined with them. Warm beiges and browns, those decidedly orange and red-orange rather than yellow are most pleasing of the neutrals. Warm rosy grays, particularly rosy taupe, may be worn if the skin is clear. Black, especially when combined with an accent of warm color, emphasizes the individual's truly distinctive coloring. The cool dark tv-pe, the brunette with cool skin, blue-black hair, frequently with eyes of cool color, possesses little in common with other brunettes, although she is frequently confused with them, may herself make the mistake of dressing like them. She is however so different in actual coloring that we shall consider her color problem in a later article. Next month Miss Hempstead will write about the correct color for blondes. And PHOTOPLAY'S cover will be a color chart for girls with light hair and blue eyes. Watch for the color chart and article in the March PHOTOPLAY. our HAIR Has Added Loveliness — when Shampooed this way Why Ordinary Washing .. fails to clean properly. Thus preventing the . . Real Beauty . . Lustre, Natural Wave and Color of Hair from showing THE beauty, the sparkle . . . the gloss and lustre of your hair . . . depend, almost entirely, upon the way you shampoo it. A thin, oily film, or coating, is constantly forming on the hair. If allowed to remain, it catches the dust and dirt — hides the life and lustre — and the hair then becomes dull and unattractive. Only thorough shampooing will . . remove this film . . . and let the sparkle, and rich natural . . . color tones ... of the hair show. Washing with ordinary soap fails to satisfactorily remove this film, because — it does not clean the hair properly. Besides — the hair cannot stand the harsh effect of ordinary soaps. The free alkali, in ordinary soaps, soon dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins it. That is why women, by the thousands, who value . . . beautiful hair . . . use Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. This clear and entirely greaseless product, not only cleans the hair thoroughly, but is so mild, and so pure, that it cannot possibly injure. It does not dry the scalp, or make the hair brittle, no matter how often you use it. Two or three teaspoonfuls of Mulsified make an abundance of . . . rich, creamy lather . . . which cleanses thoroughly and rinses out easily, removing with it every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. The next time you wash your hair, try Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo and just see how . . . really beautiful . . . your hair will look. It will keep the scalp soft and the hair fine and silky, bright, fresh looking, wavy and easy to manage and it will — fairly sparkle — with new life, gloss and lustre. For Your Protection Ordinary Cocoanut Oil Shampoos are not— "MULSIFIED." Ask for, and be sure you get— "MULSIFIED." Mulsified ^°^s?>1'Si%o°''' When you write to advertisers please meutiou PHOTOPLAy MAGAZINE.