Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1929)

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124 Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section TKis new self-massagingf belt not only makes you look thinner INSTANTLY — but quickly takes off rolls of excess fat. DIET is weakening — drugs are dangerous — strenuous reducing exercises are liable to strain your heart. The logical method of reducing is massage. This method sets up a vigorous circulation that seems to melt awav the surplus fat. The Weil Reducing Belt, made of special reducing rubber, produces exactly the same results as a skilled masseur, only quicker and cheaper. Every move you make causes the Weil Belt to gently massage your abdomen. Results are rapid because this belt works for you every second. Fat Replaced by Normal Tissue From 4 to 6 inches of flabby fat usually vanish in just a few weeks. Only solid, normal tissue remains. Thi Weil Reducing Belt is endorsed by physicians because it not only takes off fat, but helps correct stomach disorders, constipation, backache. shortness of breath and puts sagging internal organs back into place. Special 10-day Trial Offer Send no money. Write for detailed description and testimonials from delighted users. Write at once. Special 10-day trial offer. The Weil Co., 922 Hill Street, New Haven, Connecticut. r — — — •— ^ — — ^^^ — ^^ — ^^ — I The Weil Connpany, I } 922 Hill Street, New Haven, Conn. I Gentlemen: Please send me complete descrip I j tion of the Weil Scientific Reducing Belt, and I j also your Special 10-day Trial Offer. j I Name j I Address I ANl> CALVI/Sr pet-paif AinOST IlitlEDt/iTELy I DR.WALTER'SSpecialextrastronff Ankle Bands, will support and shape the ankle and calf while reducing them. They fit like a clove. Can be worn un ^ derany kind of hose without detection. ' ^ou can note thedifference inshapeof ankle at once. Can be worn at night and reduce while you sleep, ordunng the day deriving then extra benefit of the support. Write for Dr. Walter's Special Ankle Bunds for $3.75. Pay by chet-k or money order (no casb> or pay postman. Sk7^ Ankle and Calf DR. JEANNE P. H. WALTER 389 Fifth Avenue New York The kind yon have lonRi'd for, -weled movfment. Entrraved White Gold -Jt. Sapphire Crown. Sil r Dial. Ribbon Band. Ster t CliiBp. Send for 20 pack _„ Jarden and Flower Seeds. Sell at inc a packet. Remit as per Dlao In catalog Bent witti eeedR, then , watch is yours. Send No Money now. JQBt name and address. EXTRA GIFT--Send for seeds today and we will show onr opprec[a> tion by in<'l.idine with the seeds for you. a Glorious Mystery front ^apan, Uon t tmsa this mystery gift. It's sent at once. LANCASTER COUNTY SEED CO. Station 56 PARADISE, PA, DEVELOP YOUR FORM! Our scientific method highly recommended for quick, easy devclopnieQt LA BEAUTE CREME lor Itnprovamanl of nsck, f«c«, arms, legs, undavoloped part* Uecd with stcat hucccsb by thousands. InMpcnsivc, hnrmlcBS. pleaeant. SueccBnful rcBiilta or money refunded. Full partioulara and proof (scnlcd) free. Write for epccial offer TODAY. LA BEAUTE STUDIOS Hamilton Tarr., Baltimore. Md. How those high-flying close-ups are filmed. The man with the camera is Le Roy Greiner, specialist in air photography. The camera is anchored firmly over the cockpit on a special stand, to keep it steady in spite of the terrific speed of the plane. This particular scene was filmed for Junior Coghlan's picture, "Marked Money" We've got the same set of circumstances as with Beaumont. He had a motive. Jealousy, or vengeance, because the man was a rotter and annoying his girl. He knew, or suspected, that Beaumont went out to the studio to meet Hardell. He probably saw her go onto the set. Anyway, he up and confessed as soon as I sprung those bloody fingerprints on him. Either he did it, and saw that, through a peculiar happenstance of Beaumont's finding the body, and getting her hands in the blood, it would be pinned on to her ... or, he deliberately assumed the crime because he believes she did it! The latter seems likely. It looks like he might have known she killed the man, and went and deliberately made those footprints to save her!" "Gee, it would take pretty quick thinking, and a lot of nerve to do that!" "That boy was worn out, emotionally, yesterday, but don't fool yourself he isn't a smart one, or that he hasn't got nerve!" said Smith. "I let Clancy bulldoze him a bit to find out! He's got it, all right . . . and he thinks quick, too!" ■jD Y.AN looked up with a sudden thought. ■•-^ "It's a cinch he knew that blood was on his heel . . . when Tie tried to scufi it off! You saw the marks, didn't you? " "Sure. Of course, did you stop to think he might have thought it was catsup . . . from the dummy?" "Coincidental," said Ryan softly. "Huh . . . rather. Too damned much so! And that leaves us only one theory. He knew it was there, and he did it deliberately. That means Beaumont killed the man, and her story is hole-proof ! The scuffing of that blood shows just how quick a thinker that boy is! Plus . . . his training! He's been making pictures for years, and he knows to a finish all the little touches that build up a drama . . . the little, what producers call, 'human touches!' Damn it, they all do. That's what makes this case a humdinger!" "Well, we've disposed of Beaumont and West as well as we can for the present. What about this other bird . . . MacDougal? You know, that guy looks straight, to me!" "He got that expression being a redcoat ! It may cover up a whole bag of tricks," said Smith shortly. "There's one thing sure, though. Since I talked to him, he's found out something new . . . something that pins it on him, sure . . . or on someone close to him . . . daughter, of course . . ._ or he wouldn't have confessed . . . not with two other confessions already on the table! You know, I think he confessed for the reason he said ... he knows those two are innocent . . . and I beheve he's straight and . . ." "T^ON'T be silly, boy!" said Smith, im•'-'patiently. "No man is going to confess to murder just to keep an innocent person from hanging!" " Well, that's just a feeling I had. You know you've always been strong on the intuition stuff. . . ." "Ryan, I've had one about this case, and it won't let me sleep! In the face of all the evidence, I've got a strong hunch . . . that fights with all my reasoning . . . but ... I believe ..." and he pounded one fist in the other, but left the curious Ryan with an unfinished sentence. In a moment he went on, as if talking to himself. "There's the fingerprints on the chairrockers. Somebody crouched down by that chair, and put her fingers ... for they are a woman's ... on the chair to steady herself. Who? And when? Was it Beaumont, witnessing West kill Hardell, and keeping out of it? Was it MacDougal 's daughter, who had sneaked in while her father was at lunch, coming to meet Hardell . . . finding him with another woman . . . goes insane with jealousy and confronts him in anger . . . grabs up the sword, and kills him. Then, terror-stricken, she kneels down to see if she has really done it, and . . . with a wild scream of horror runs from the set, leaving the fingerprints on the way! Either that, or . . . she goes there to meet Hardell, hears her father coming, who has seen her enter the lot while he is across the street, and hides. Her father either sees her crouching by the chair, or guesses it, and does what he has said he would do . . . kills HardeU! "Then the same action. The girl kneels by the man, screams, flees. Well, we'll have the fingerprint report complete soon, now . . . and it ought to tell us something. Looking at the possibilities of the various ways that murder could have happened ... it tells us e.xactly . . . nothing!" Every atlvprtiseraent in PH0T0PL.4Y M.\GAZINB Is guaranteed.