Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1929)

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!08 ''What makes your ROUGE spread so easily and on so Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section Loosen Up Chest Colds That's what they'll ask when you use (XX>jaiQAS^ BLUE ROSE ROUGE Here's whv . . . the adherent quality that women so desire in a rouge is due, in Lanchere Blue Rose Rouge to a. pure oil, specially selected for the skin. This oil not only makes it easy to impre£;nate the puff with Blue Rose Rouge, but it is the reason why this dainty rouge can be applied so smoothly and evenly — why it stays on so long. Lanchere Blue Rose Rouge imparts the glow of youth and health and enhances natural beauty. Choose the Tint to Suit Your Type Four fascinating shades: Grenadine, Cabaret, Senorita, Bordeaux. For special advice on your make-up problems write to Marie Bonnaed. Lanchere Blue Rose Rouge in slim, silvery cases at your favorite toilet goods counter ^refills only 25c. MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY, Wholesale CHICAGO Sole Distributers NEW YORK Clip and mail coupon btlow for Lanchere Acquaintanci Set and Rouge Chart Special 60c Value for 2y MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY, Wholcsilc, Box 1181, Chicago, Please send mc prepaid [15c enclosed') Lanchere Blue Rn^c Acquaintance Scl containing; Bath Crystals, Face Powder and Soap. Ntf/B/ Stntt a,y Claire dug down deep and bought him an onyx cigarette case with platinum bands across each corner. Inside, in the fair one's own handwriting, is inscribed "Amour de Clairette toujours." Try that on your dictionary. Grant is a nice kid, but studio birds are beginning to whisper that he is taking himself a little too seriously and is rolling up a snowball of enemies thereby. T OWELL waited and waited, but Pauline -'-'never came home to papa. So Lowell Sherman, noted on stage and screen, has brought suit for divorce against Pauline Garon, once a short lived hope of the photoplay. The grief began in August, 1927, when Lowell and Polly had a spat over mean words passed on the set by Pauline and Gertrude Short. Lowell, it was said, sided with Miss Short against the little woman. So Polly packed and stormed out, and from that day to this has never darkened the Sherman door again. Hence the litigation. A LL Hollywood is happy over Mae Busch's ■'^■come-back. There isn't a better loved girl in town than Mae, but she's had a lot of luck lately, all bad. Some years ago, when she was under contract to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, she was continually farmed out to other companies at double and triple the money her contract called for. This didn't seem to Mae to be playing pretty, so she was glad to leave when the document wore out. Since that time she has just had occasional quickie jobs — until the talkies came along. On the strength of her stage experience she has been given an important role in "Nightstick," one of United Artists' biggest pictures. And Mae's happy, and United Artists is happy, and Hollywood is happy, too. WHATE'VER has become of that goodlooking Alan Forrest?" ask the girls. "The one that used to be Lottie Pickford's husband?" Well, five years ago he was one of the most popular come-hither leading men in pictures. Now he sells signs for a living — the sort you put on commercial automobiles where they become legible by reflecting light. And a good living he makes too, thank you, with a flossy set of offices in the same Los Angeles building that houses the western office of Photoplay. Once in a while he works in a picture, but most often he is satisfied with his sign business. "We get no younger," says Alan, ringing another prospect. The IrouUc iviHi the Ihcme songs At present, it would seem, h that the Tilt Pan Alley boys Can't quite locate a iheinel WFJX, Lya di Putti has sailed away from these unfriendly wildwoods and Hollywoods, and another trumpeted importation seeks fame and fortune in the studios overseas. There's a star role for Lya in the British International studio, in a picture called "The Informer," and perhaps more to follow. Hollywood? Not again — while sound reigns, says Lya. Her last gesture was a farewell luncheon to the press at her hotel — where many of those who have spoken unkindly dropped in to have a last look at the body. They found a sparkling woman, twenty pounds lighter than when she first passed the Statue of Liberty, and if she had a broken heart she hid it well behind hospitable smiles. And her present accent is one of the cutest that ever shuddered a microphone. Cheerio, Lya. Drop in again some day. D UTH ROLAND isn't the only Big House ■'^and Lot Girl in the film colony. Carmel Myers is also founding the family 1 I fortune in real estate. Evciy advertlscmont In PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE la guaranteed. iust Ru& Away Danger When your lungs are congested and you have a hacking cough watch out! RubMusterole on the sore spot. There's nothing better for quick, safe relief. Musterole penetrates the skin bringing a soothing, cooling sensation and welcome relief. Recommended by doctors emd nurses. Musterole relieves cold in chest, sore throat, bronchitis, aches and pains in the back and joints. Keep Musterole handy. To Mothers: Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children 's Musterole. BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER You CAN Be Beautiful! A clean, clear, velvety complexion is possible through stimulated circulation. With the Mystic Massager you can have a perfect hot and cold massage at home, without expense. Easy to use. Lasts a lifetime. No preparations necessary, bend $1.50 or pay the postman. Money refunded after usinf; 5 days if not satisfied. Order now. Circular on recjuest. Agents wanted. SPITZER BUILDING. TOLEDO, OHIO Hayfiam^ -IN 90 DAYS! play anything— ;azz to classical! Even if yiiu know nothing about piano music— I'll have yi)ur finBerd d^incine ovt-r the I keyboard with confidence in 90 days. ' If you can hum orwhisLli; a tune you can play It! My students are broadcastini?— makint; money. MAKE ME PROVE XJl Without puzzlini; notesi Without practicing tedious scaleel I've found tho way to brin^ out your musical instinct. New and original system does away wilh yeara of work. YOU WANT THE PROOFI I'll send it. Write mo Quw. D. M. SUTTLE. Director ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1801 Bvrnn.DBpl.1013.Chleagn. III. Setuim^PROOFl Outieura ^oap Shampoos Cleanse the scalp and hair of dandruff and dust and assist in the healthy growth of hair. You will be delighted with their fragrance and efficiency. Send fot trial outlit Soap and Ointment with full direftions. Address: "Cuticura, " Dept. L, Maiden, Mass. flft Dffys' Free Trial ^^^^ New Models n.iw ro^dy for deliver? direct frinD our factory. AsloniKking lowprices end terma, I>o not buy until you pet them_ RIDER a6ENTS wanted to ndeand sample. Make big Tires fa™ usual pric xhibit _ .del9$21.60up. ■antfd SI. 50 each. wheelSj^ a. horns, i-quipment at ' Send No Ml "''" noney. rite for MeaS CYCLE CO. Dept. A-fOCmCAfiO