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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section
rlere are the facts
boiled doion about troubles of the Gums
The Cause .... Soft food, hasty eating The Effect .... Tender, bleeding gums
The Warning "Pink tooth brush"
The Remedy .... Ipana and massage
QUICKLY and telegraphically, those four lines above give you the gist of the profession's findings about troubles of the gums.
You might attend dental clinics, study the professional journals, or simply chat things over with your own dentist. However you check up, wherever you seek the facts, you will find authorities agreed on this: the present rise of tooth troubles originating in the gum structure is traceable to these soft, delicious foods that modern taste demands.
"Take an ordinary dinner, for instance, from the soup to the sweets," writes one famous specialist. "//;^f re were anything that demanded real mastication we should soon grumble at the cook."
Which is precisely why gum troubles today are almost a national scourge — why X-ray files the country over are becoming crowded with pictures showing the dire results of gum neglect!
For, like any living tissue, the gums need exercise! Deprived of itby modern fare, they grow weak and tender. And teeth become affected — sometimes their loss is threatened.
hook out for "pink tooth brush"
If your tooth brush "shows pink," it's an infallible sign that worse troubles are on the way — gingivitis.Vincent's disease or possibly pyorrhea. Gum massage is the profession's weapon against "pink tooth brush." "Massage moves along the sluggish blood itream," says a standard text, "and
makes way for the fresh blood from the heart to flow through the mouth tissues. "
Give your gums this gentle frictionizing twice daily. Speed the rich, cleansing blood through the tiny vessels of the gum walls — wastes are swept away — depleted tissues are restored — pink, healthy gums are yours again!
Ipana Tooth Paste has a special ingredient that gives it power to tone the gums as well as clean the teeth. It contains ziratol, an antiseptic and hemostatic widely used by gum specialists. So thousands of dentists recommend Ipana for this massage. They know the health it brings to gums as well as the beauty it brings to teeth.
Give Ipana a full month's trial
We will gladly send you a 10-day sample of Ipana. The coupon will bring it, and your first brushful will show you that Ipana has a delicious taste and a remarkable power to brighten and polish your teeth.
But it's better to start at once with a full-size tube from the druggist. It contains over 100 brushings — a much fairer test of Ipana's power to firm up your gums and to improve the health of all your mouth! eisaa
73 West Sueet. New York, N. Y.
Kindly send me a trial tube of IPANA TOOTH PASTE. Enclosed is a two-cent stamp to cover partly the cost of packing and mailing.
IPANA Tooth Paste
City ■
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