Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1929)

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The World's Leading Motion Picture Publication FREDERICK JAMES SMITH Contents Vol. XXXV MARK LARKIN WESTcnK EorroB For May 1929 <^= J4MES R. Quirk' = EDITOR AND. PllBLlbHKR No. 6 !r«5S> The High-Lights of This Issue Cover Design Charles Sheldon June CoUyer — Painted from Life Brief Reviews of Current Pictures 6 A Guide to Your Evening's Entertainment Brickbats and Bouquets 8 The Voice of the Fan As We Go to Press 10 Last Minute News from East and West Hollywood Puddings! 13 Photoplay's Cook Boolv Tells You How to Make Them Friendly Advice on Girls' Problems Carolyn Van Wyck 18 Photoplay's Personal Service Department Close-Ups and Long-Shots James R. Quirk 29 The Editor Tells You What's What and Who Without Fear or Favor She Fell in Love with Her Husband Mark Larkin 32 The Amazing Story of the Strangest Romance in Filmland How They Manage Their Homes Alma Whitaker 34 The First of a Series of Word and Picture Visits to "Cinema Castles" — Pickfair The All Star Blonde Herbert Howe 37 The Hollywood Boulevardier Visits the Celebrated Danish Beauty of Idaho — Jeanette Loff The Great Talkie Sleep Test Dr. Leonard Hall The Professor Talks Right Out — Without Orchestra Accompaniment The Studio Murder Mystery The Edingtons 40 Solution to the Fascinating Thriller of Filmland The Girl From Woolworth's (Fiction Story) Grace Mack 46 What Happened When a Social Lion Tried to Crash the Movie Gate Gossip of All the Studios Cal York What the Film Folk Are Doing and Saying What Are Your Correct Colors? Laurene Hempstead Hints for the Brown Haired Girl The Shadow Stage Reviews of Latest Silent and Sound Pictures The Girl Who Walked Back Herbert Howe Otherwise, Bessie Love That Old Devil, Camera Katherine Albert What It Did to Ruth Chatterton Everything, but — (Fiction Story) France Goldwater What Happened When the Star Quit the Picture and the Double Had Her Moment The Big Boy Tells His Story As told to Dorothy Spensley Gary Cooper Comes to Hollywood Amateur Movies Frederick James Smith Photoplay's Contest Closes with Many Interesting Entries Watch Your Diet Dr. H. B. K. Willis How to Achieve Beauty of Figure and Complexion Through Health 48 53 54 60 65 68 70 72 73 Tips vs. Art The Former Wins Mark Larkin 74 at Least at Henry's 38 Wanted— a New Name for the Talkies 76 Send in Your Suggestion — There's a $500 Prize for the Best One Questions and Answers The Answer Man 88 What You Want to Know About Films and Film Folk Casts of Current Photoplays 152 Complete for Every Picture Reviewed in This Issue <^. -d^ A complete list of all photoplays reviewed in the Shadow^ Stage this issue will be found on page 16 ^i =.^ Published monthly by the Photoplay Publishing Co. Editorial Offices, 221 W. 57th St., New York City Publishing Office, 750 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. The iDternatioQal News Company. Ltd.. Distributing Agents. 5 Bream's Building, London. England James R. Quirk. President Robert M. Eastman, Vice-President Kathryn Dougherty, Secretary and Treasurer Yearly Subscription: $2.50 in the United States, its dependencies, Mexico and Cuba; $3.00 Canada; S3. .SO to foreign countries. Remittances should be made by check, or postal or express money order. Caution — Do not subscribe through persons unknown to you. Entered as second-class matter April 24. 1912. at the Postolllce at Chicago. 111., under the Act of Mareb 3, 1879. Copyright. 1929. by the Photoplay Publishinq Company, Cblcaga