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Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1929)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section H3 Questions & Answers I CONTINUED FROM PAGE 100 ] Mrs. a. J , Portland, Ore. — Patsy Ruth Miller was the leading lady in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Conway Tearlc did not play in it. Charles Wilson, Decatur, Ga. — Barbara Kent was born in Gadsby, Alberta, Canada, on Dec. 16th. 1909. Her real name is Barbara Cloutman. She is four feet, eleven inches short and weighs 103 pounds. She has auburn hair and blue eyes. "Lonesome" and "The Shakedown" are her most recent pictures. Ray Von Kolb, Binghamton, N. Y. — You and your friend are both wrong. How do you like that? Paul Lukas was born in Budapest, Hungary, on May 26th, 1896. Anna of Alabama. — .Mways glad to help out my friends who have scrap-books. 01i\e Borden was born in Richmond. \'a., in 190". Florence Allen hails from East Orange, N. J. Yakima Canutt first saw the light of day in I'enawawa, Wash , on Xov. 29th, 1896. Ben Bard came forth from Milwaukee, Wis, Sorry, but he does not tell his age and Johnny Mack Brown doesn't tell the public his wife's name. And that's that. John Hanover, Newport, R. I. — Nancy Carroll was born in New York City on Nov. 19th, 1906. Sue Carol is 20 years old and is under contract to Fox. Anita Page is 18 years old and her real name is Anita Pomares. Katherine Muir, Argentina, S. A. — How's the weather down there? Really I think your art is quite fine but the picture didn't look a bit like me. Mary Brian was born in Corsicana, Te.x., just twenty years ago. She is five feet, two inches tall, weighs 109 pounds and has brown hair and blue eyes. Her next picture will be "The Man I Love." Betty Bronson's next will be "One Stolen Night." Joan's name is pronounced all in one syllable. Jobyna Ralston's real name is just that — but it is spelled Raulston. C. S. and C. H., Staltnton, Va.— Hello, both of you. To begin with, Johnny Mack Brown was born on Sept. 4th, 1904, in Gotham, Ala. He is six feet tall, weighs 165 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. Hugh Allan is twentylive years old and his latest picture is "AnnapoHs." The college scenes in "Varsity" were filmed at Princeton University. Gary Cooper and Lupe Velez have announced their engagement. Artie, Baltimore, Md. — Lt. Col. Charles G. Rich was Irene's first husband. They were divorced in 1920. Her second husband is D. V. Blackenhorn. They were married in April. 1927. F. S., Mount Union, Pa. — I can see that William Collier, Jr., is your big favorite. He receives his fan mail at Warner Brothers Studios, 5842 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Your maid was right. AHce White and Charles Delaney played the two leads in "Show Girl." Yes, indeed, William Haines is still fancy free. M. J. B., Harrisburg, Pa. — Bebe Daniels is five feet, three and one-half inches tall, weighs 112 pounds and has black hair and dark brown eyes. Before appearing in "Senorita" she made "Miss Brewster's Millions." "The Palm Beach Girl," "Stranded in Paris" and plenty of others. Her latest offering is "What a Night." Renee Adoree and Dorothy Janis appear with Ramon Novarro in "The Pagan." I hear that Eva Von Berne is appearing in a picture in Germany. Now, is your mind at ease? To Really Get Rid of Arm or Leg Hair So It Won't Grow Back Coarse and Bristly Reappearatice of hair is slowed amazingly without josleiing coarsened re-growth ANew Discovery That Not Only Removes Arm or Leg Hair Instantly But That Utterly Avoids Inviting Bristly Re-growth ANEW way of removing arm and leg hair has been found that not only removes every vestige of hair instantly, but that banishes the stimulated hair growth thousands of women are charging to less modem ways. A way that not only removes hair but delays its reappearance remarkably ! It is changing previous conceptions of cosmeticians about hair removing. Women are flocking to its use. The discovery of R. C. Lawry, noted beauty scientist, it is different from any other hair remover loiown. WHAT IT IS It is an exquisite toilet creme, resembling a superior beauty clay in texture. You simply spread it on where hair is to be removed. Then rinse off with water. That is all. Every vestige of hair is Neet Cream Hair Remover gone; so completely that even by running your hand across the skin not the slightest trace of stubble can be felt. And — //le reappearance of that hair is delayed siirprisinglyl Wlien re-growth finally does come, it is utterly unlike the re-growth following old ways. You can feel the difference. No sharp stubble. No coarsened growth. The skin, too, is left soft as a child's. No skin roughness, no enlarged pores. You feel freer than probably ever before in your life of annoying hair growth. WHERE TO OBTAIN It is called Neet — a preparation long on the market, but recently changed in compounding to embody the new Lawry discovery. It is on sale at practically all drug and department stores and in beauty parlors. In both $1 and 60c sizes. The $1 size contains 3 times the quantity of the 60c size. ACTION! CAMERA! $>iQ50 IJ^F.O.B. IVPhlla. He your own camerainan taking actloD movies of parade: cvent.s. etc. Or pltiy parts yourself, see liowwell you screen while your friends "shoot" you in action. Vicam Standard MovleCaraeratake'^ 25 ft of standard film. lOqulpped with F 5 Universal lens. Loads In daylieht Film developed free. Filrii can l>e shown from any standar<i projector. ORDER TODAY C. O. D. OR SEXD fOc IN STAAfPS FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET VICAM PHOTO CO. The Form— Developed Quickly This Beautiful Woman Says: ■*/ hare provn that any ivomnn can hav a hrautlful form if shr wflt only use your m'thod. Friends enty mv prrfect ftoure." (Name on UeQUfSt.) eighteen years this inethcd hiis heeii u.sed succe.-isfully — endorsed l>y physicians of niitlinml repiitatinn — praised literally hy thoiisjinds who have beautified their furtiiB. Send your name and nddrea'i for this valuable Information wit h actual photographic proof — nil sent FREE THE OLIVE CO. Dept. 20 Clarinda, Iowa When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE,