Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1929)

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Are YOUO Spiked to [ Your Job • Take inventory of yourself. Are you getting anywhere? What is the outlook for your future? Don't let yourself get stale on the job. There are thousands of men and women right now in offices, factories, or working at trades literally spiked to their jobs. Success is not just ciniply a matter of luck. There ia a real reason why some people of seemingly lees ability step ahead of the fellows who really know. Whatever you have, your success depends on your ability to put over your ideas with others, in short, your ability to sell. And what is there so mysterious about this bvisiness of selling? Like every other seemingly difficult problem, it is very simple after you have once solved it. You are cheating yourself of your greatest success if you don't know and practice Salesmanship. Our new book, Salesmanship Simplified "The Key to Big Pay" Contains 300 Pages of proven mettiods that will double your income It's the greatest book ever published on Salesmanship, containing page after page of snappy, tothe-poin t paragraphs in plain, understandable English, which you will be quick to absorb, showing you just how to handle each individual situation. This information is supplemented by over 100 specially posed photographs, carefully selected to bring out the finer points in Salesmanship. These photographs in themselves are virtually a course in selling. This 300-page volume is printed on high quality paper, in clear-cut, legible type, handsomely bound in beautiful red embossed art Fabricoid. It is a book you will be proud to own. Think what this great book will mean to you. It will train you to earn bigger money than you have ever earned before. It will equip you to meet competition; break down barriers that have heretofore seemed impassable; show you how to go out and accomplish the things you have always wanted to accomplish. Others are doing it. You can, and owe it to yourself to take advantage of the unusual opportunity this great book offers. This remarkable book will be sent you Absolutely Free with a two years' subscription to OPPORTUNITY MAGAZINE, the leading and most Interesting salesman's macazlne published. Every Issue chockfull of InterestinK articles on stlUuK and Imndreds of new Ideas for Maklns Money. In Its columns you will also find attractive ofTers from large, responsible bu.iiness houses, who are looking (or men and women who know how to produce. Don't Send Any Money Just send In your name and address. Pay the postman 32.00 when this bonk arrives, and your sub.scrlptlon will start at once. Thousands have gladly paid S'.i.00 for OPPORTUNITY alone but you get this great bonk free of extra cost in addition to your two years' subscription. Address: OPPORTUNITY MACAZINE Desk 142-L 750 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois Photoplay Magazine for December, 1929 Movie Fan, Cottonwood, Calif. — Irene Rich is thirty-five years old, five feet, six inches tall and weighs 138 pounds. One of her daughters is now attending Smith College, which may or may not mean that she will be an actress like mother. Dorothy and Elsie Janis are not related, Dorothy's real name being plain ordinary Jones and Elsie's being Bierbower! Kay Francis is a brunette — anci what a brunette! A. P., Frisco, Tex. — You Southern gals certainly can ask questions ! But there's something about you just the same. Here's the height and age chart: Gary Cooper, si.x feet, two inches, twenty-eight years; William Powell, si.x feet, thirty-seven years; Richard Di.x, si.x feet, thirty-four years; Nancy Carroll, five feet, four inches, twenty-three years. Gary and Richard are bachelors. Bill is divorced, and Nancy is married to Jack Kirkland, playwright and scenario writer. Chester L. Sheaffer, Camp Hill, Pa. — David Rollins was born in Kansas City twenty years ago. He attended the Northeast High School there and later went to the Glendale High School in Glendale, Calif., until the movies grabbed him. His latest picture is "Why Leave Home?" Letters about David are coming in by the bale. Mary Lou of Cuba. — Clive Brook is thirty-eight years old. Charles Morton's real name — hold everything! — is Carl kludge. He is six feet tall and twenty-three years old. He might be willing to come to Havana — but I'm afraid he'd bring his wife along. Sorry! Would I do? Ann Harding will be Ronald Colman's leading lady in his next picture, " Condemned." Connie and Shorty, Superior, Ariz. — Arthur Lake played the Unlucky One in " Lilac Time" and Jack Stone played the Kid. Buddy Rogers is twenty-five years old. I won't tell him you're crazy about him. Your secrets are always safe with old Uncle Oscar, my dears. Doug and Mary's co-starring film is "The Taming of the Shrew" by a newcomer named Bill Shakespeare. Alice B. Campbell, Port Townsend, Wash. — No, young woman — I'm not George Ade. I've been accused of being everyone from Henry the Eighth to Will Rogers. Clara Bow is twenty-four years old, weighs 115 pounds and has brown eyes. Ken Maynard is thirty-four years old. Hopeless, Dallas, Tex. — Colleen Moore used to answer to the name Kathleen Morrison. She was born August 19, 1902, and is five feet, four inches tall. Red-headed Nancy Carroll was christened Nancy Lahiff. She is twenty-three years old and the same height as Colleen. No, Laura LaPlante is only twentyfive. Your friend has a genius for being wrong. RosELAN Pada, Menominee, Mich. — Sounds to me as if you were trying to start something, young lady. I'm flattered that you think Herb Howe and I are one and the same—but I'm not sure Herb would be! Here's the lowdown on Jascha Heifitz, Florence Vidor's husband: He is twenty-seven years old and hails from Vilna, Russia. He was a child wonder, making his musical debut at the age of five years. He made his American debut eleven years ago when he was sixteen. Jetta's Fondest Admirer. — Please don't call me "Pop" — I'm sensitive about my age. Jetta Goudal was born in Versailles, France, about thirty-one years ago. She is still single. Martha Corey, Eden Park, R. I. — Colleen Moore is twenty-seven years old and is married to John McCormick. Barry Norton is still single. Nancy Carroll is Buddy's leading lady in his latest picture, "Illusion." EARLE LIEDERMAN— The Muscle-Builder Author of "Muscle Uuilttlng," " ScicTice of WrestUng," "Secrets of Strength " "Here's Health," "Endurance," etc. When Even Your Siveetheart Turns A'way— Do you know what it means to be lonely and forgotten? To be without friends? To have your mother becin to lose faith in you? To have even your sweetheart turn away in scorn — even your wife go back on ydu— because you failed to deliver In a pinch — because you weren't able to play the man when ynu had the chance? Some day danger will confnmt ynu "r your friends when you least expect it, and it will be up to you to overcome it or fail. When that time comes will you be ready for it? Will you have the slremjih. the muscles, the stamijia every man owes to himself if he wants to be loved and respected? The Only Thing That Can Save You There comes a time in every man's life when strength — real strength — is the only thing that can save him. In war or in peace, on tlie sick-bed or in the prize ring, your strength either makes ynu the winner or the loser — and losing often means death. Check up on yourself noiv. How are the old biceps? Are those rolls of flesh arf)und your stomach pudgy fat or lean, strong muscles? Are your legs like toothpicks or are they strong and shapely? How's your wind? If ynu got into a life-and-death rough and tumble .scrap would you be on the bottom or on top when it's all over? Come on, now. be fair tn yourself. If you haven't got the punch in a pinch, snap out of it. and be a man. There's a way to get that punch, and get it in a hurry. It's not difficult and It's quick — and it gives you real, live, red-blooded strength. I've given it to over 100.000 men and many of tliem were weaker than you are when they started. But they dnn't call me the Muscle-Builder for nothing. Here's what I guarajitee to do for you: 30 Days Will Do the Trick One short month is all I need to ehow voii jimt what n real mnarlobuildcr can do for yon. In just 30 dnys I II beein by nddinc one wliole inch of real honest inusrie on eoch of your arms, and I'll pul two innra inched of wonderful heuUh-prod urine strcneth nrroHS your cheat. Your head will enap back erect. The thighn niid calves of your Icga will crow ahupely and powerful, and your ahoulders will begin to widen and fill out with e.urvca of niuscle. Life will begin to be worth while. The little iaaVe that BWm so hnrd now, will seem like nothing at all then. 'Vou'll becin to take ik new interest in thinee. Your work will be like pl.iy. and Ilie bu?9 will bexia to notice it. too. Yea. sir, in Jual 30 days you'll beein to be somebody. Then Things Will Begin to Happen Then eive me 60 days mere to work on yon, and ihinna will realljr Btert to happen. This timid weakling that everybody used to take acfvantatce of will now do some orderine around of \\\a own. And when he speaks people will jump, bernuse he's found the eircneth to criforrg his orders. In Ihoae three short months that he is with mo he will hiiva sained anmethinii that takes yenrs to aenuire without my knowlcdi.-'O, Those big. powerful arms— that broad, handsome back— that shupely muBciilar neck. What a pirlnre you'll be in a bathing suit! What s sight in a eymnaaium! You'll be a magnet for all women's eyes. That healthy, agcrea.'aive. erect stride of the man who knows what he wants and iH going to get it just commands attention. Well, that's the atory in o nut-shell. If you're man enough to work s lifiie for the sake of vour strength, aucccas and happincan. just sit rii;ht down and mail me tliis coupon. It won't rust you a penny, and you can see for youraelf why tlionaanda of men have so much fuith in Eurlfl Liederniun. the Muaclc-T uilder. Send for My New 64 Page Book "MUSCUUR DEVELOPMENT" It Is FREE It eontains forty-eight fnll-pnge pKolocrnphs of myself and some of the many pri»e winning pupils I have Irnined. Some of these ciinie to mo Bs pitiful weaklings, implnring me to help them. Look them over now and you will marvel at their present physiQues. Thia book will prove an impetus and a real inspiration to you. It will thrill you through and through. I want you to have it absolutely free. No altines attached to it. This will not obligate you at all. but for the sake of your future health and happiness do not put it off. Send today — right now befora you turn this page. EARLE LIEDERMAN 305 Broadway, New York City Dept. 112, ; EARLE LIEDERMAN. Dept. 112, ; 305 Broadway, New York City 2 Dear Sir; Without ony otiligation on my part whatever nice ■ send me a copy <it your latest book, " Muacular Development.' Name Are.. i Street.. ; City... {Pleaee write or print plaini. When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.