Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for January, 1930 Office Gargle with full strength Listerine night and morning, especially during winter weather. It inhibits the development of sore throat and checks it should it develop. workers . . . travellers largets for Sore Throar YOU people who work in offices or travel during the winter are among sore throat's easiest victims. Constantly present in even normal mouths are millions of disease germs. The most common are those of colds, sore throat, and influenza. When, for any reason, body resistance is lowered, nature no longer is able to withstand their attacks. They get the upper hand, causing disease. And people who work in offices or travel constantly are called upon to meet conditions that weaken body resistance — overheated rooms, poor air, sudden changes of temperature, over exposure To prevent colds Physicians say that most colds are caused when germs are transferred from the hands to food which then enters the mouth. They advise rinsing rhe hands with Listerine before each meal, as a preventive. to bad weather, and contacts with people in crowded cars, trains and buses. At the first sign of trouble, gargle with full strength Listerine and keep it up systematicallyAlso, consult your doctor. Listerine checks colds and sore throat because it destroys the germs that cause them. Thoughabsolutely safe to use full strength, it is fatal to germs — kills even the Staphylococcus Aureus (pus) and Bacillus Typhosus (typhoid) in counts ranging to 200,000,000 in 15 seconds. We 'could not make this statement unless prepared to prove it to the complete satisfaction of medical profession and U. S. government. Keep a bottle of Listerine handy in home and office. Tuck one in your bag when traveling. It may save you a siege of illness. Lambert Pharmacal Company, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. i I S TT F R \ N F The Safe antiseptic kills is a_oo,ooo,ooo germs in i£ seconds ds When tgu write to adreriisers please mention rLTCTCI