Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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20 Photoplay Magazine for January, 1930 THIS WONDERFUL SOAP ivul kelp you , too, to jjcun a oem/hntl skirt EXCESSIVE OILINESS IS A DAISGER to your skin, as well as being unattractive in itself, for it leads to blackheads and blemishes. You can correct this condition by using the treatment given on page 3 of the Woodbury booklet. In a week or ten days yon will see the beginning of a wonderful improvement. A FINE, SMOOTH TEXTURE is one of the greatest charms your skin can have. Woodbury's Facial Soap will help you to keep that youthfulness of texture. If the delicate pores of your skin show the least eign of becoming enlarged—begin, tonight, to use the treatment given on page 4 of the Woodbury booklet. BLEMISHES, ACNE, can be overcome! The famous Woodbury treatment for blemishes will help you to rid your skin of this trouble. Use this treatment every night nnlil the blemishes have disappeared. The regular use of Woodbury's in your daily toilet will keep the new skin that is constantly forming clear and smooth. ■ THIS IS THE SOAP that has helped millions of women to gain a smooth, soft, beautiful skin. Around each cake is a booklet containing the most famous 6kin treatments in the world . . . Get a cake of Woodbury's today and give your skin the benefit of these famous treatments! If you have a skin that is fire and smooth — use Woodbury's to preserve its youthful texture. If you are troubled with some defect — use Woodbury's to bring your skin back to normal condition. 25 cents at any drug store or toilet goods counter. A SKIN SOFT AS VELVET, glowing with life and color, will result from the Woodbury steam treatment, which should be used whenever your Bkin seems a bit sallow and lifeless. You will find this treatment deliciously stimulating and refreshing. BLACKHEADS ARE A CONFESSION that your cleansing method is wrong. To clear your skin of this trouble and to keep it smooth and flawlessly clear, use the treatment given on page 7 of the Woodbury booklet. ■ Send for large-size trial set! The Andrew Jebgens Co., 2201 Alfred St., Cincinnati, Ohio For the enclosed lOe— please send me largesize trial cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap, Facial Cream and Powder, Cold Cream, treatment booklet,".-! SHn YouLore to Touch." and instructions for the new complete "Woodbury "Facial." NameStreet. City_ © 1929, The A. J. Co. Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.