Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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At important functions, such as Friday Afternoon Club Meetings and birthday parties, any little girl will look sweet and dainty in white challis, closely dotted with palest pink. The cape collar is sheer organdie, edged with lace. Two rows of small pearl buttons trim the waist, and kick pleats give the skirt the fashionable flare Tots This warm coat and matching beret are of imported camel's hair, in an attractive shade of tan. Ruby Parsley, another Paramount child actress, wears these garments just as their designer intended. Her hat is pushed back to give the fashionable off-the-forehead effect and to show her pretty curls. Her coat is the stylish length which allows the hem of her dress to be seen On pleasant, mild days, Anita Louise wears a double-breasted navy blue wool jacket, with bright brass buttons and pocket insignia. Her beret matches the jacket, and her Roman striped scarf ties stylishly around her throat. The scarf is red, to match the red skirt Paris may have produced bigger mannikins, but none prettier than these dainty mites of the microphone