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Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for March, 1930 l7 To Rid Teeth of Destructive Germs gt^-that is found by dental research rj*<BL to discolor teeth and foster serious tooth and gum disorders FREE ... a 10-day tube of Pepsodent Discolorations disappear. Teeth find new protection. HAVE you noticed what you believe to be symptoms of decay? Then it is time to change your method of tooth cleaning, for decay results from germs — pyorrhea from germs and tartar. Now germs can be effectively combated by a special method that removes from teeth the cloudy film in which they breed. Germs are covered and imprisoned by a ding)', clinging coating on the teeth and gums called film. There they breed by millions in contact with teeth and tissues. Germ-laden film fills every tiny crevice in enamel. It clings so tightly that you may brush until you harm the teeth and gums without dislodging it effectively. That is why all ordinary methods fail in combating film successfully. To reach and remove these germs, film must be combated. To remove film dental authorities developed the different acting tooth paste, Pepsodent. When Acts in a different 'way First, Pepsodent curdles film, then light brushing easily removes it . . . safely, gently. No pumice, harmful grit or crude abrasive, but a fine, creamy paste commonly prescribed for soft teeth and tender gums. When shall we send your supply? You can tell that Pepsodent is different from all other ways the instant it touches your teeth. Can see the difference in results before your free tube is empty. Here is a way to lovelier teeth plus far greater protection from these serious diseases. Write to nearest address immediately for your supply to try. Use Pepsodent twice a day. See your dentist at least twice a year. AMOS V ANDY Have Become America's Favorite Radio Entertainers Laughs and tears make the experi -^J*"^"? ences of these two boys part of your > own daily life. Chil T dren will enjoy them too. Tune in every night except Sunday at: 7 p. m. on stations operating on Eastern time 10:30 p. in. on stations operating on Central time 9:30 p. m.. Mountain time — 8:30 p. m.. Pacific time * FREE 10 -DAY TUBE 'Pg-ftso^a.rA Mail coupon to The Pepsodent Co., Dept. 543, 919 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, 111., IT. S. A. Name City.. Other Offices: The Pepsodent Co., 191 George St., Toronto 2, Ont., Can.; 8 India St.. London. E. C. 3, Eng. ; (Australia). Ltd.. 72 Wentworth Ave.. Sydney, N. S. W. Only one tube to a family 33S3A you write to advertisers please mention PIIOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.