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P. and A.
Ever see a finer looking young family? It's Lita Grey Chaplin and her two husky sons, Charles, Jr., four, and Sianey, three
LITA GREY CHAPLIN has licked the game! After her divorce from the little gray comic (no pun!) Hollywood put her on the wellgreased skids.
A year after she tried her wings in vaudeville she is still flying high in the two-or-more-a-day. She is a personal success, with a crooning
blues vaice that does things to the fans. She has put it over in an exceptionally big way. How come? Hear Lita!
"I never thought of going on the stage after my divorce," she says. "I had had enough grief. I wanted to be left alone.
"But I found out who my friends were, after my trouble. I found one — my mother. The rest were fair-weather. I got freezing nods, or averted heads. I didn't worry much about thai, but one day I heard a group of men discussing me. One said I was 'just a dumbbell'— that I had no education and could do nothing; that if I hadn't married Charlie I'd be juggling trays in a cafeteria. He said I should be ashamed not to give my babies something they could respect.
"That settled it. The next day I chose a manager, and two weeks later I opened in San Francisco. That was a year ago. I'm still in vaudeville. Dumbbell, eh?"
She's played from Coast to Coast, has Lita. Her blues voice has theater patrons winging. She's aces on the air.
Nowadays, when her name pops up in lights before a theater, people go in, not only to see the ex-wife of a great comedian and
Charlie Chaplin's exwife beats bad luck, gossip and publicity
the mother of his children, but because they like to hear her sing.
Lita Grey Chaplin has won out. She wasn't satisfied to sit back and take it on the chin. She wasn't content to live on her 8850,000 settlement from Charlie. She vowed she was going to make a career for herself that would be a credit to her two handsome little boys, and she's done it. Even if she marries Phil Baker, the comedian, she's going on with her work.
She has had some interesting offers to appear on the legitimate stage, and if a particularly juicy pliim is dangled before her she may snatch at it.
But if she doesn't enter a stage production, Lita is planning to complete her vaudeville tour and go back into pictures when she returns to Hollywood.
It has taken a lot of courage to do what Lita has done — make herself a sound and solid position in the world of public entertainment absolutely on her own and in the face of some pretty unhappy, unpleasant publicity. Everyone has to admit that.
And she's come through with healthy views of life. The bitterness of her tribulations has left her with clear vision and no illusions about herself or anyone else. But, on the other hand, she's not too cynical about either life or love.
Lita Grey Chaplin has just made good, that's all!