Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for March, 1930 l33 Are YOUO Spiked to j Your Job • Take inventory of yourself. Are yon getting anywhere? What is the outlook for your future? Don't let yourself get stale on the job. There are thousands of men and women right now in offices, factories, or working at trades literally spiked to their jobs. Success is not just simply a matter of luck. There is a real reason why some people of seemingly less ability step ahead of the fellows who really know. Whatever you have, your success depends ou your ability to put over your ideas with others, in short, your ability to sell. And what is there so mysterious about this business nf selling? Like every other seemingly difficult problem, it is very simple after you have once solved it. You are cheating yourself of your greatest success if you don't know and practice Salesmanship. Our new book. Salesmanship Simplified "The Key to Big Pay" Contains 300 Pages of proven methods that will double your income It's the greatest book ever published on Salesmanship, containing page after page of snappy, tothe-point paragraphs in plain, understandable English, which you will be quick to absorb, showing you just how to handle each individual situation. This information is supplemented by over 100 specially posed photographs, carefully selected to bring out the finer points in Salesmanship. These photographs in themselves are virtually a course in selling. This 300-page volume is printed on high quality paper, in clear-cut, legible type, handsomely bound in beautiful red embossed art Fabricoid. It is a book you will be proud to own. Think what this great book will mean to you. It will train you to earn bigger money than you have ever earned before. It will equip you to meet competition; break down barriers that have heretofore seemed impassable; show you how to go out and accomplish the things you have always wanted to accomplish. Others are doing it. You can, and owe it to yourself to take advantage of the unusual opportunity this great book offers. This remarkable book will be sent you Absolutely Free with a two years* subscription to OPPORTUNITY MAGAZINE, the leading and most interesting salesman's macazine published. Every issue chocklull ol interesting articles on stlling and hundreds ol new ideas for Making Money. In its columns you will also And attractive offers from large, responsible business houses, who are lookiDg tor men and women who know how to produce. Don't Send Any Money Just send In your name and address. Pay the postman $2.00 when this book arrives, and your subscription will start at once. Thousands have gladly paid $2.00 for OPPORTUNITY alone but you get this great book free of extra cost in addition to your two years* subscription. Address: OPPORTUNITY MAGAZINE Desk 142-P 750 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois the other rooms, he said, "I will now show you my library, which my architect says is one of the swellest libraries in Beverly Hills." So he couldn't find the library again and he has had quite a quarrel with his architect, because Harold says it is going to be very inconvenient just when he is in the middle of a crossword puzzle and having to go to the library to read up in the Encyclopaedia what xylotomus means, not to be able to find the library, or if he finds it to get lost and not find his way back. A XD Harold says that he is willing to hire -*»-butlers and bus boys and maids and chauffeurs and houseboys and gardeners and golf professionals and swimming teachers and nurses, but he is darned if he is going to hire guides to show him around his own house. . . . Just then a famous film personality who was in the picture we were going to see came in with twenty guests, and I was curious, because the twenty guests immediately separated and went to seats in different parts of the house, but the film personality remained being seen in the lobby. So I said how funny this was to the young lady, and she laughed and said, "When he goes in the}' will all start clapping, because that is how one becomes popular in Hollywood." . . . And it was not very long after that before there was a sudden rush of all the women to one end of the lobby and I said that it must be Rudy Yallee or Gary Cooper, but of course I was wrong again. "Rudy Yallee has left Hollywood and anyway, it's his voice the girls love, not him, and as for Gary Cooper, the management would not allow the girls to flock around him, not unless they wanted the theater wrecked, because Lupe Yelez is expected back any minute," she said. "No," said the young lady, "that is not Rudy Yallee and it is not Gary Cooper, it is not even an actor, it is a dialogue writer, because now you know all the handsome men seem to be writing dialogue. Well, this man is not only handsome, he is from Paris where he was King of the Night Clubs and Pal of the Prince of Wales, and it is said that he has a Reputation you could cut with a knife, and that all his fiancees either drown themselves or take poison, and he has been shot at twice, and once a lady threw a gigolo at him. So it is only natural that the girls should flock around Jed Kile)'." SO that is the sort of thing you must expect in a city which is practically entirely inhabited by shrieks and sheiks. . . . Well, we went inside and to our seats and right behind us was Grant Withers, who was picked for leading man in a newspaper talkie called "In the Headlines," and is very clever. And the lady who sat next to him, who must have been his mother, said to him, "Look at .U Jolson and that song-writer-looking fellow next to him, look at the way they are chewing gum." So Grant Withers said what was really very clever considering he is only an actor, he said, "Well, why shouldn't he chew gum, he's a millionaire, ain't he?" . . . And Clara Bow came in and everybody clapped and the temperature of the theater rose ten degrees. And Al Jolson stuck his gum underneath the seat and went on the stage and sang "Little Pal," and it is my opinion that Al is a quite good singer but a little mushy, and as there is a constant supply of little boys like Davey Lee in Hollywood, he ought to go on being a success for a long while. So the interval came and we all went back into the lobby and were seen and commented on for ten minutes, and then the young lady said, "Now if we hurry we ought to get a table at the Ambassador, we can go to Henry's later." So I was astonished and said, "Yes, but what about the picture, we have not seen the picture yet." Pin Money For Our Readers PHOTOPLAY now offers its readers the opportunity to convert their spare time into real money by becoming its subscription representatives in the town or c o m m u n i ty in which they live. You, as a reader of Photoplay, will be quick to realize the money-making possibilities this offer affords you. Your friends — your neighbors — in fact, all the homes in your community— are prospective subscribers for PHOTOPLAY. Who, today, is not interested in moving pictures — the chief recreation of the American public? Be the first in your community to take advantage of this offer, and get started at once. The coupon or a post card will bring further details. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE, Dept. RE-3-30, 750 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. I am interested in your money-makinp offer to your readers. Send me the details at Name.. . . Address. City .State. When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZIXE.