Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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144 Photoplay Magazine for April, 1930 'We are advertised by our loving friends" Mina Mae Shannon Pontiac, Michigan Don Field Brown, Jr. Hillsboro, Illinois Mellin's Food— A Milk Modifier O Why does Mellin's Food hold such O • a prominent place in infant feeding % Because it is used with fresh milk — a scientifically correct basis for bottle feeding. Because it acts upon the casein of milk, making the curd flaky, soft and easily digested. Because it favorably influences the digestibility of the cream of milk. Because it adds carbohydrates in the highly assimilable form of maltose and dextrins. Because it adds mineral matter in a form readily utilized for the development of bones and teeth. Because by its use infants thrive and mothers find contentment as they record the satisfactory progress of their babies. Mellin's Especially suitable Mellin's Food when it becomes time to wean Food Biscuits *he baby fr°m *he bottle Biscuits A sample box sent free, postage paid, upon request. Mellin's Food Company Boston, Mass. Every advertisement In PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.