Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 Do You Know Tour Type ke-Up as Screen Stars Do? MARGARET LIVINGSTON Independent Star Blonde ~ ...Brunette ....^-Redhead Discover How to Actually Double Your Beauty with Hollywood's New Sensation in Society Make-Up... Cosmetics in Color Harmony, Created by Max Factor, Filmland's Make Up GeniusI See Coupon for Priceless Beauty Gift. ALICE WHITE First National Star RENEE ADOREE M-G-M Star BEAUTY I ... t/ie alluring beauty you've so wonderfully true to lifelike colorings that Now in Society Make-Up, Max Factor longed for ... is hidden in the magic of the beauty effect they create is one of en offers to you, and every woman, the make-up a new kind of makeTup known to the trancing loveliness. beauty of cosmetic color harmony which un screen stars of Hollywood. Charm! .. .subtle You've seen, in hundreds of feature pictures, cil .now has been held in Filmland. A senin its fascination... Personality!... magnetic in millions of feet of film, the magic of make nation in Hollywood. will be a beauty in its power of attraction... are complements of up by Max Factor, because Max Factor's revelation to you. this new beauty which is emphasized to the make-up is used exclusively in all the big And you may play the part of a screen star fullest in the beguiling feminine loveliness motion picture studios, and have your complexion analyzed and your own individual color harmony charted for you by Max Factor, Hollywood's Make-Up King. created by this entirely new art in make-up Just as you have marveled at the beauty of the screen stars, so now you will marvel at the amazing beauty this new make-up will bring to you. The secret lies in a make-up ensemble in perfect color harmony to blend with your own individual colorings and type. Color harmony make-ups tested to type and approved by famous stars such as Marion Davies, Anita Page, Joan Crawford, Bebe Daniels and scores of others. Colors in cosmetics.. .powder, rouge, lipstick and other make-up essentials...proved perfect under the blazing motion picture lights; MAE MVRRA And MAX FACTOR Mae Murray marvels at the perfect color effect of Max Factor's lipstick. She knows it is kiss proof and water proof. MAX FACTOR'S Society MAKE-UP^^J a Cosmetics of the Stars'* HOLLYWOOD V You'll discover the one way to actually double your beauty; you'll discover the one color harmony for you to use, whatever your type, whether you're blonde, brunette or redhead. Accept this priceless beauty gift which Max Factor offers you with a copy of his own book, "The Neve Art of Society Make-Up." Fill in coupon and mail today. MAIL 'fORYOUR COMPLEXION ANALYSIS ■ Mr. Max Factor — Max Factor Studios, Hollywood, Calif. 1-5-1S * Dear Sir: Send me a complimentary copy of your 48-page book, TJe New Art I cf Society Make-Up", personal complexion analysis and malce-up color harmony I chart. I enclose 10 cents to cover cost r= I of postage and handling. I Name . ■ Address [o'y_ COMTLtXION COLOR LASHES COLOR. EYES COLOR HAIR m When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.