Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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20 Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 <^D'o da uf Sk in_ is just a VJj 1 Li + +■ Desquamation medical term for the invisible peeling that goes on in every healthy skin, and brings out the new skin just underneath. J~\ESQ UA MA TION. It's J—S happening all the time to every healthy skin. Invisible peeling. A veil of dead skin so light and thin you cannot see it. But it's enough to darken and thicken your skin. To cover up the fine, transparent beauty that lies just underneath. Are you discouraged about your skin? Does it seem muddy? sallow? dull? As if the rosy tint of pulsing blood never could glow through it again? Then you are not giving it the help it needs! Here is the prescription worked out by the head of the Woodbury laboratories for just such skins as yours: — FIRST BATHE THE FACE gently in warm water. Then rub up in your hands a generous lather of Woodbury's soap (which was made especially for this purpose). Work this gently into your skin — from the chin up toward cheeks and temples. Now wash off with warm water. Your skin feels new, liberated. The Woodbury lather has freed it of the tiny, invisible dead cells that covered its surface, for Woodbury's acts on the face as soap and a specialtreatment made to aid the skin's natural processes will do for you. Woodbury's is 25 cents a cake at any drug-store or toilet-goods counter. It also comes in convenient 3-cake boxes, o meet the Woodbury laboratories' exacting requirements for a facial soap, Woodbury's is very finely milled. This also makes it last much longer than ordinary soaps for general toilet use. ordinary soaps cannot. Now tone the new fresh skin. Bring it glowing health and vigor with a brisk splashing of cold water. Now go over your face for thirty seconds with a piece of ice wrapped in a soft towel. Ah! how good it feels! Pat your face dry with the towel. Pass your hand over it. How cool and fresh. Smooth! And look! There's the glow of returning color! SEND FOR THE LARGE-SIZE TRIAL SET The Andrew Jergens Co., 2209 Alfred St., Cincinnati, O For the enclosed to* — send me latge-size trial cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap, Facial Cream and Powder, Cold Cream, treatment booklet, and instructions for the new complete Woodbury " Facial." In Canada, The Andrew Jergens Co., Ltd., 2209 Sherbrooke St., Perth, Ont. Whatever creams and lotions and powders you may use, never forget this important aid to the natural desquamation every skin undergoes. See what a special Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is fcuarantted. Name_ Streets City_ _State © 1930. The A. J. Co.