Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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91 Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 DATED COFFEE.... enjoyed hj these eelehrities at home LEWIS STONE, distinguished star of the silver screen, says : "Good coffee is a good comrade whether you are working or playing. Coffee of delightful flavor is satisfying. Chase & Sanborn's Coffee gives me that satisfaction." NEVER before have you had such a guarantee of fresh, full-strength flavor in your coffee! For Chase & Sanborn's is the only coffee delivered by the same method which insures freshness in perishable fresh foods! The same fleet of "Standard Brands Incorporated, Daily Delivery" motor trucks which deliver Fleischmann's Yeast fresh to your grocer bring him also two deliveries a week of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. Fresh from the roaster! The date on which your grocer gets it is plainly stamped on each can! You will never find one more than ten days old, for they are taken back and replaced by fresh. For sixty-five years in many sections of the country, coffee lovers have preferred Chase & Sanborn's mellow blend. Once you taste this fine coffee ... as it comes to you always fresh, full strength, at the peak of its flavor . . . you will be unwilling ever again to risk disappointment with undated coffees. Ask your grocer today for Chase & Sanborn's Coffee — dated. GEORGE GERSHWIN, famous young composer of musical comedies and orchestral music, is vividly interested in every forward-looking accomplishment from the development of radio to as personal a benefit as fresher, better coffee. "I appreciate good coffee," he admits, " — coffee with a fresh, vigorous flavor. Chase & Sanborn's is especially good. look for the date ON THE CAN JOHN HELD, JR. . . .portraitist of the American "flapper". . . a brilliant host to gayly clever people. Chase & Sanborn's Coffee is served in his three homes, in New York, at Palm Beach and at his very famous farm. "Chase & Sanborn's Coffe»," he says, "has the verve, the fragrance, found only in good coffee freshly roasted." Chase and Sanhorns Coffee-DATEU £**?££ Copyright 1930. by Standard Brandt Ice. When you write to advertisers pleass mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.