Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 rownina (jlor y -y -/ -y THE "RING OF RINGS You cannot choose with too much care the ring that is to keep this moment forever precious in memory. Only by insisting upon rings "Styled by Traub' can you be sure that you are getting Genuine Orange Blossom . . . by the world's leading manufacturer of engagement and wedding rings. You will find, too, that flawless beauty costs no more than commonness. For the better jewelers everywhere are displaying smart new Orange Blossom designs, priced as low as $12 . . . and a complete line of Traub gift rings as well. Our delightful booklet "Wedding Ring Sentiment", free on request TRAUB MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1933 McGraw Avenue ■'"'•'..■-■-■■■■■ More than 400 ring styles tn iridio platinum or gold, jeweled and un jeweled, priced as low as $12 — all readily identified by this tag. /he (Jnlu (genuine Oranqe. JJ Lossom J^inqs No ring without this trade-mark is Genuine Orange Blossom TttADE I© gg£ggg,S| MAR* When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.