Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 \ 1I9 LOOK FOR THIS WRAPPER This Frederics Vita Tonic Compound holds the secret of the gorgeous Vita Tonic permanent wave — the wave that is enthusiastically praised by k Hollywood's Lovely Screen Stars . CATtlCRIHC DALE OwT N INo matter where you may have seen this enchanting blue-eyed screen star, you cannot forget her soft, natural Vita Tonic Waves . . . their breath-taking beauty . . their youthful radiance! "Insist on a Genuine Frederics Vita Tonic Wave," says beautiful Catherine Dale Owen, "it is the modern way of placing appealing charm and loveliness into the hair." To be sure, howe\ er, that you are getting a Genuine Frederics Vita Tonic, ask to see the name "Frederics Vita Tonic on each wrapper used on every wound tress of hair. Let us send you our interesting booklet, which tells how to take care of your wave, together with one of Frederics Vita Tonic wrappers. Take this wrapper to your hairdresser when going for a permanent, see that she uses no harmful imitations on your hair. FREDERICS VilA-^ON iC WAVE* DEPT. 333 235-247 EAST 45th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. When you write to advertisers please me ntion PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.