Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 i 1 LOG 11 } dICAAXJU/) 121 new/ modess compactequally efficient but thinner BY HALF Thousands of women have suggested something of the sort — a thinner Modess with the same superlative softness and high absorbency which have made 'regular Modess so acceptable. Modess Compact has exactly the same amount of material as regular Modess and is just as comfortable, but it has been slightly compressed so that it takes up only half the room — a real convenience for week-end case or pocketbook. Its inconspicuousness commends it for the snug silhouette. In every box of Modess with seal in upper right corner you will find three Modess Compact in a special wrap, and nine regular Modess. Use /' Modess Compact with the same confidence you have in regular Modess. Every woman who tries Modess is convinced that it is softer, more comfortable, amazingly absorbent and not clumsy. For eight months we have been offering to refund the price unless Modess impresses the purchaser as being better than the kind she has been using. Thousands have tried Modess on the strength of that offer. . . . Two women have asked us to return their money. The secret of Modess superiority is a remarkable new substance used for the filler. It is not in layers but is a gentle, fluffy mass like cotton, graciously soft, pliant and conforming. The sides of Modess are smoothly rounded and ends are tapered for greater comfort. The specially softened gauze is meshed with a film of cotton to prevent irritation. This offer is particularly addressed to you if you have not ■l tried Modess. Buy one box. Unless you are convinced that Modess is better, tear off front of box, write on it your name, address, and the price, and mail to us. We will refund the money. (IcttvnAovi ^(konnfrGvv [QOP/VJ World's largest makers of surgical dressings, bandages. Red Cross absorbent coiton,efC When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.