Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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124 Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 A?" 'I Easy steps to ^ c Instant „ JLovelxness QJ hade your upper eyelids with Maybelline Eye Shadow — see how much more "expression" comes into your eyes that very instant! Then darken your lashes with Maybelline Eyelash Darkener. Instantly they will appear longer and beautifully luxuriant . . . and your eyes will appear larger and more brilliant. Select Solid or Waterproof Liquid Maybelline Eyelash Darkener; either form in Black or Brown — 75c. Finish . . . with Maybelline Eyebrow Pencil. It's the new, indestructible type . . . clean and easy to handle. Choose Black or Brown — 35c. When purchasing Maybelline Eye Shadow, select Blue for blue and gray eyes; Brown for hazel and brown eyes ; Black for dark brown and violet eyes. Green ..tfCgflh maybelline co. CHICAGO may be used for all colors and is especially effective for evening wear. Any col \}jl or— 75c. pen Muvbellini products and youi satisfaction is assured—Obtain at at toilet goods counters 2& EYELASH DARKENER 3YE SHADOW EYEBROW PENCIL Instant Beautificrs for the Eues r rr 10 per set JruLif AeEMININE PROBLEM SOLVED YOU'VE always wanted "STAYETTE". The new, dainty, lingerie pin, so absolutely effective in keeping all shoulder straps in place. Relieves that usual i mental annoyance. Insures y complete comfort and physical poise. Invisible under your sheerest gown. At Woolworth, and other Chain and Depl. stores, or on receipt of 10 cents. no sewm ^TAYETlif^ ^ap LINGERIE PIN ■*==* Blessing Novelty Co., Inc., 303 4th Ave., New York News! Views! Gossip! of Stars and Studios! [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 122 ] TT'S a lazy star, these days, who hasn't a side -'-racket or two. Here are a few of them : Gary Cooper supplies America's beefsteak from dude ranches in Arizona and Montana. Edmund Lowe has 1,200 acres in grapes. Louise Dresser owns a garage in Hollywood. Lois Weber has hers invested in real estate. So has Betty Compson. Alexander Gray teaches singing on the side. Barthelmess swaps Hollywood business property. Director William Beaudine has a car-washing property. Mary Pickford is a collector of preferred stocks. And of course Noah Beery 's trout farm is famous. They say he keeps the fish so hungry that they have been known to leap five feet out of the tank to bite at a particularly pretty fly. AND Arthur Caesar has this legend printed across the bottom of his checks, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." IF any of you are planning to spend a summer vacation at Gary Cooper's dude ranch, the Seven Bar Nine in Montana, you might as well know the worst. Start saving right now. The rates are very picturesque. For a guest cottage one person must spend to the tune of $150 per week. Rates are a little more reasonable for two, $250 per week. In case you would care to sleep in a tent it's a mere $125 per week. If you take along your chauffeur, valet or maid, they will cost you exactly $75 per week. POLA NEGRI— what! you don't know who Pola Negri is? Why, she used to be a moving picture actress for Paramount or somebody, wasn't she? — well, anyway, Pola Negri is now a "patron of the arts," according to a European press notice. She financed a Polish ballet (which is NOT a jazz shoe-shining emporium !) of four men and four girls. It cost Pola $3,000. Results yet unreported. POOR Bob Armstrong! They just won't let him be an author or a fireman or an entomologist or a prestidigitator or even a song-writer on the screen! They just insist on — well, when he was signed for the lead in " Dumb Belles in Ermine, " the script called for the leading man to be an author. "Hooroo," chortled Bob, "now I can stop being a prize fighter in every picture!" Then they rewrote it. In the new script Bob is — yes, you guessed it — a prize fighter. Oh, well; just wait till he gets old and bewhiskered. WHO is the beautiful star who when asked to characterize Ernst Lubitsch briefly replied: "He tells naughty stories and is good to his wife?" A FTER her role of the sodden, old derelict -**-of the wharves in "Anna Christie," Marie Dressier was given the opportunity to be very elegant as a regal queen in "One Romantic Night." Strangely enough, though, Marie's greatest successes for years have been as congenial drunks. She used to sing inebriate songs during her old musical comedy days. It seems that not many women could do them with the proper savoir-faire, or whatever lady drunks are supposed to have. Not long ago in " Dangerous Females " Marie was a riot as a spinster who imbibed too freely of blackberry cordial. The greatest success of her whole career came as the drunken, humor ously pathetic Marthy in "Anna Christie." After that Marie will probably be a screen "souse" from now on. TACK OARTE, "Skeets" Gallagher and Leon JErrol appear together in a number in the Paramount Revue. Their skit comprises one of those "silly" songs delivered in a marked syncopated rhythm. The first time the scene was taken Errol forgot the words when half way through. Gallagher stopped too. But not Jack Oakie. He went on ad-libbing, and keeping in perfect rhythm. " Hurray for Mr. Lasky Hurray for Mr. Kent, And hurray for dear, old Paraminl." The director laughed so hard that he couldn't say "cut. " OLD CAL will never believe another story about the hardships of a location camp! The Universal publicity department sent out long stories about the strict military regime at their camp for "All Quiet on the Western Front. " The boys in the company would sleep in tents, and live the life of soldiers at the front. There was to be no monkey business. Absolutely not. But a little investigation found the "director, and the leading players, Lewis Ayres, Russell Gleason, William Bakewell, Scott Kolk and Owen Davis, Jr., living quite comfortably in a nearby hotel! The rooms were all prettied up with white enamel furniture with fancy flowers appliqued on the bedsteads, and with shower baths. The showers, of course, had nothing whatever to do with the appliqued flowers on the beds. According to a story from the Fox studio, the George O'Brien company is snowbound in Oregon, enduring many hardships. Old Cal wagers they have caviar and pistachio ice cream for breakfast. MAURICE CHEVALIER, in San Francisco as the headline attraction at the Auto Show, collapsed. "Influenza," diagnosed Dr. Frank A. Kinglow. "He'll be all right, but that thing in his lung isn't doing him any good." "What thing?" asked the reporters. "That piece of shrapnel he picked up in the war." THERE'S a knife-throwing scene in "Radio Revels" where a gypsy's blade pierces Bert Wheeler's silk hat. When they shot it, they rigged up invisible wires along which the knife slid to guide it through the hat. Mitchell Lewis was the thrower. The very first time they tried it, something went wrong, and the wire sagged. Zip! went the knife through the hat all right, and also through Wheeler's scalp! It took bandages and a lot of salve — verbal and otherwise — to make Wheeler able to go on for a retake. "Good thing it didn't hit his foot," commented Bob Woolsey, "instead of his head. THIS way it wasn't serious." TACK OAKIE pulled the big disappearing J act at Paramount recently. Studio officials were contemplating dragging lakes and calling emergency hospitals. The young star has been trying to get a release from his personal contract to Wesley Ruggles, his discoverer. A personal agent told Jack that the only way to bring Ruggles to terms was to walk out. Jack "walked" and went down to San Diego for a holiday. Every advertisement in PnOTOPLAY MAGAZrNE is guaranteed.