Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Easy to Make * Windows Glisten! WHEN next you clean windows, try Energine — a tablespoonful or two to a gallon of clean warm water. See how quickly the dull glass sparkles. No soap or powder needed. No mussl Just a soft, clean cloth wrung out of the Energine-treated water. A gentle rub or two with a dry cloth — and they're crystal clear — sparkling! Energine cleans quickly, At all thoroughly. Dries instantly! Druggists You soon become an expert in cleaning with Energine by i . following simple directions on a| label. Energine cleans a world of things. And a little goes a long way. Large can 35c. Give Energine a trial — and, i like millions of others, LI you'll never be without it. W. World's Largest Seller LEAVES NO ODOR Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 twelve-year-old tap dancers and a Spanish guitar player are under personal contract to her. Lupe is going to put them over in pictures. But until they make their fame and fortune Lupe has them at her house every night to amuse the guests who drop in. Lupe has a quaint Mexican custom. When you enter the house she screams, " I hate you. Get out of my house. " But when you want to leave she locks the door and throws the key away. You can't get out until she lets you out. •""THERE are good and sufficient reasons why ■*■ the stars guard so zealously their home addresses and telephone numbers. Not long ago a woman writer included the Beverly Hills address of Corinne Griffith in her article. On the day the article appeared the doorbell began to ring. There were charity cases, real estate salesmen, and fans who just thought they'd drop in and say howdy to the Orchid One. The high point of the festivities arrived when an authentic maniac came stamping up the front walk. He was all for setting the house on fire and murdering the inhabitants. The Beverly Hills GRAY HAIR GONE F TEST BOTTLE "1 L FREE J Have ever-youthful hair this SAFE way. Make test yourself. No risk. No expense. We send complete Test Package FREE. This way you simply comb clear liquid through hair. Gray goes. Any shade wanted comes — black, brown, auburn, blonde. Won't rub off or stain. Wedonot ask you to buy — just try it at our expense. TCCT IT 3,000,000 women have used It * F-"^ * * * successfully. Snip off a lock of CD 17 f hair. Tost it first this Bate way. r f\ r. fi Mail coupon for Test Package. MARY T. GOLDMAN ! 2411 Goldman Bldg. St. Paul, Minn. J Name I Street I l City State I Color of your hair? I Hollywood friends have letters from her in Berlin. "Maybe some time I come back," is the wistful line she pens. Her only chance is a foreign role — like they're giving Vilma Banky, for instance ! — or a foreign version. YOU will be delighted to know that June Elvidge, your favorite picture star of a few years ago, is now earning a comfortable living for herself as buyer for Russeks' New York store. "\JOT so many years ago, Lois Weber was •L^one of the most famous directors in the business. She was the first woman to win success in the field. Only one woman since that time has attained real prominence, Dorothy Arzner. It has been a long time since Lois has brought her talents to the screen. She has taken over the management of a huge Los Angeles apartment house, in which she has a great deal of money invested. Her first party in the swanky new place brought out scores of her motion picture friends Prize Money For You! Your chance to get the cash you may need for business, home expenses, pleasure, or luxuries. Photoplay offers its readers $5,000 in Seventy prizes. Watch for the new Cut-Puzzle Contest which starts in the June issue. You cut out the several parts of the faces of picture stars, reassemble and name them correctly. That's all! The JUNE Issue on sale at all newsstands May 15 gendarmes finally led him away, handcuffed. Corinne has been spending most of her time lately at Malibu Beach. There aren't any telephones or addresses. RAMON NOVARRO is vacationing in Mexico. And when he gets back, so they say along the Boulevard, he's going to make "The Prisoner of Zenda" as his next after "The Singer of Seville." WE'D thought that Dick Arlen had already achieved enough distinction in Hollywood. But it seems that we're wrong. He is the only man to our immediate knowledge who has ever spent the night in a bed in a maternity ward. Dick was injured on the set when he did a realistic fisticuff scene in "The Light of the Western Stars. " He was rushed to the closest hospital. Every bed was taken except one in the stork room. He took it and spent the night there. But a Masonic oath of silence seals his lips. OUR friend Nick Stuart, recently juvenile lead with the Fox Company, is now doing two-reel talking pictures for Mack Sennett. CAMILLA HORN— remember that adorable little German blonde who flashed so briefly across the Hollywood sky? — wants to come back from Germany. "TvTO mere busted-up romance is going to sour ■^-^ Buster West on Hollywood. Whether Virginia Cherrill will have him or no, Buster is NOT going back East. He has signed a longterm contract to stay in Hollywood for pictures instead of going to New York to join his dad in eccentric dancing. Buster won the heart of the fair Virginia — Charlie Chaplin's new leading beauty — last year. But around Christmas time, Virginia wanted to know what was the sense of marrying if she and Buster couldn't agree even BEFORE marriage. So she gave him back his ring. Buster, good sport, gave her in return a $4,000 diamond bracelet as a Christmas present. They're still good friends. JACKIE COOGAN has made his firsttalkie. It was just a short newsreel flash in which Jackie, long-panted now, introduced his kid brother. TRAGEDY'S echo: Mary Astor has sold her lovely home in the hills to Magazine Writer Fred Mclsaac. The house was the one where Mary and her husband, Kenneth Hawks, were so happy, before death flamed out there over the Pacific. Mary is working hard. Hollywood, eyes tear-moist, admires her courage and the spirit that prohibits Mary from parading her grief. Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guaranteed.