Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for May, 1930 and-iced in at the South Pole. Isn't he?" someone demanded. " Oh, that fellow at the South Pole is really Lon Chaney, " someone wise-cracked. But then it was explained that the Commander Byrd presented by Doug is really Commander J. B-I-rd, formerly of the British royal air forces, and now a noted designer of racing airplanes. He's visiting Hollywood. THE tragic death of ten men in the plane crash while filming "Such Men Are Dangerous" has at least a kindly aftermath. The names of the eight Fox employees killed have been kept on the payroll for three months. In addition, each bereaved family will get S5,000 insurance money, and a share of the S25,0O0 subscribed by Fox studio employees. FATTY" ARBUCKLE is finally on the very verge of the come-back threshold. After what happened, Fatty has tried almost everything — repenting, roadhouse-operating, divorcing, lunchroom-proprieting, vaudeville, silence, and so on. Xow it's just about certain that James Cruze, of "Covered Wagon" fame, will, on the strength of his life-long friendship for Arbuckle, direct the big boy in a series of comedies. They'll be two-reelers, like those in the old days. And talkie. And we will be tickled to see him! IN the death of Lydia Yeamans Titus, Hollywood lost one of its most familiar and interesting characters. The genial Mrs. Titus had appeared in innumerable pictures, and in support of most of the greatest stars. But her last days, interesting as they were, lacked the glamour of her earlier career when she was young and beautiful. It was Lydia Yeamens Titus who made "Sally in Our Alley" one of the most famous songs of a long-gone decade. King Edward VII of England heard her sing that favorite tune, and gave her a gold bar pin showing the first notes of the song in diamonds. During the heyday of her prosperity Mrs. Titus gave S5,000 to the Actors' Fund for relief work. It was from this fund that she was cared for during her last days, together with the assistance of many loyal Hollywood friends. One of her bequests was that her friend, Margaret Livingston, should receive the cherished bar pin. THERE'S a depletion in the ranks of handsome, Hollywood juveniles. If it keeps up producers may have to start another of those "New Faces Contest" things. The sheiks with the wavy hair and melting eyes are deserting Filmania to become gigolos. Gigolos are as familiar as plumbers in London and Paris, but now they have made an official appearance on the Pacific Coast, where men have been men for the most part heretofore. One of the smartest of Santa Barbara hostelries, and that's pretty smart if you want to know, has installed tie sleek boys as part of the necessary equipment. Young actors in Hollywood have been offered jobs at fifty dollars a week and "expenses." With production quiet at the studios it sounded good to some of them. The requirements call for good looks, agreeable manners, an impressive wardrobe. And above all, he must be a mean hombrc on the ballroom floor. NOW that "Journey's End," the brilliant English war drama, will soon be seen on the screens of the world, there's a story to tell of its origin and the amazing profits it has garnered. A little more than a year ago its author, R. C. Sheriff, was an obscure London clerk at thirty dollars a week. Now the play is bringing in twenty thousand a week in royalties, and is being played all over the world. At first, every London producer turned thumbs down on it. Another war drama — pooh! It is still playing in London, New York, and at least three other American cities. The "It used to be fun to go shopping" "Why should I be so tired?" TOO tired to go shopping! Too tired for the bridge invitation in the afternoon! Too tired to feel like getting dinner and to be a real pal to him in the evening! 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