Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Clarence Sinclair Bull Ruth Harriet Louise 1V/TY, MY, MY! What an "Alibi" ■'■*-*' can do for a young man, if properly applied ! It was the picture of that name that shot Mr. Chester Morris into phonoplay fame. His grand work as the gangster in the picture buried him under an avalanche of such parts, and Chester has been mean and murderous in every studio in Hollywood during the past year. And what a swell actor Chet is ! UNLIKE Chester, next door, this young man is swamped, by fan mail because he is such a nice, clean-cut boy. You just know he's kind to his mother, and courtly to the girls. Robert Montgomery, since his first picture for MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, has grown increasingly popular. He's the arch-type of the stage juveniles who have done so well in pictures since the talkies came