Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for June, 1930 8S A Saline for superb Complexions Sparkling eyes and glowing health are the rewards of those who use the saline method IN the quest for radiant loveliness, let this be your motto, this your shining guide, "True beauty comes only from within". For of all the truths that relate to beauty, the greatest is the secret of internal cleanliness — and the safe and natural means of keeping clean within is by the saline method with Sal Hepatica. Not for an instant does this famous laxative supplant the creams and lotions to which you are attached. Rather, it aids and augments them. For Sal Hepatica, by clearing the system of poisons and acids, frees the skin of blemishes and lifts from it the dull and sallow cast that denotes a sluggish system. It brings to your cheeks a moonlight clarity and a youthful, translucent smoothness. European beauties know well the benefits of the saline method. Whatever lotions they use, whatever treatments they take, they not only start the day with a mild saline solution in the morning, but they go, when they can, for the "saline cure" at the great sptings of Europe. To drink salines is fashionable as well as effective! oal Hepatica is the American equivalent of Europe's famous spas. By purifying your bloodstream, it helps your complexion. It gets at the source by eliminating poisons and acidity. That is why it is so good for headaches, colds, twinges of rheumatism, auto-intoxication, etc. Get a bottle of Sal Hepatica today. Keep internally clean for one whole week. See how much better you feel, how your complexion improves. Send the coupon for the free booklet, "To Clarice in quest of her youth", which tells in complete detail how to follow the saline path to health and beauty. Bristol-Myers Co.. Dept. G60, 71 West St., N. Y. Kindly send me the Ftee Booklet. ' 'To Clatice in quest of her youth", which explains the many benefits of Sal Hepatica. Sal Hepatica \^_J SI 1930 Name_ Street City . State When you write to advertisers ulease mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE.