Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Photoplay Magazine for June, 1930 89 "I place Palmolive Soap first because of its vegetable oils' ' says Madame Elin Dahlstrand foremost beauty specialist of Stockholm "Time can do nothing to a skin that is safeguarded by Palmolive Soap and my special products. But remember that it must be Palmolive Soap, if you want to obtain these results. It cannot be done with ANY kind of soap." Hamngatan 10, Stockholm HOWEVER successful I am with my beauty treatments, all my efforts would be in vain if my clients did not continue the treatments in their own homes," says Mme. Dahlstrand. "My principle for home treatments is first of all to keep the skin clean, and Palmolive Soap is my valuable assistant in the service of beauty." In all Sweden there is no more important beauty shop than that of Mme. Dahlstrand, of Stockholm, whose beauty theory was learned in Paris, center of the cosmetic arts. "This fine facial soap," she goes on to say, "keeps the surface of the skin well protected. It is bland and neutral. Use it with warm water, for careful cleansing; then rinse with cold water (water The fine vegetable oils in Palmolive Soap are nature's most effective safeguard for the lovely texture of the skin of icy temperature is good) to prevent relaxation of the skin or sagging." In Paris, London, Rome, Madrid The great specialists all over the world, 19,813 of them, agree on the efficacy of Palmolive Soap. They may differ on dozens, hundreds of other theories. But on this one facial treatment they all agree. They all realize that soap must cleanse without irritating ; In the treatments given by ber assista tits Madame Dahlstrand finds that Palmolive is most beneficial. must refresh and beautify the skin without injuring its delicate texture. And Palmolive answers these needs perfectly. Its vegetable oils have been used by lovely women since the days of Cleopatra. It is used today by millions — for the bath as well as the face — because it costs so little. Palmolive owes its natural green color to palm and olive oils ... to no other fats whatever. The fresh odor of these oils makes unnecessary the addition of heavy perfumes. "Vegetable oils in soaps," says Mme. Dahlstrand, "will improve your color and tone up your skin." Take Mme. Dahlstrand's advice and begin this very day to use Palmolive. PALMOLIVE RADIO HOUR — Broadcast every Wednesday night— from 8:30 to 9:30 p. m.. Eastern time; 7:30 to 8:30 p. m., Central time; 6:30 to 7:30 p. m., Mountain time; 5:30 to 6:30 p. m., Pacific Coast time — over WEAF and 39 stations associated with The National Broadcasting Company. When you write to advertisers please mention PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE. Retail Price 1 V_J^ 5233