Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Velvetize your skin with the Velvetskin Patt er Pat-pat-pat — Beauty experts agree that patting the skin is the only proper way to apply creams and tone up facial muscles. How many women have the patience to follow up this treatment every day? The Velvetskin Patter changes a tiresome duty into an enjoyable relaxation. The gentle, caressing touch of the rapidly moving "fingers" of this little stimulator works the cream in and out of the pores — takes the "sag" and "fag "out of the facial muscles — brings the pink to the cheeks, and the velvet texture that Nature intended. Reauty Ms Your Heritage Pat away the lines of neglect. Erase the markings of time and age. Velvetskin Patter is endorsed and used by hundreds of stage and screen beauties to whom the care of the complexion is of utmost importance. Look for the Velvetskin Patter at Beauty Shops, Department Stores, Drug Stores or Electrical Stores. If you don't see it, mail the coupon for the Beauty Book describing Velvetskin' Patter and its uses or send $5.00 and tt will be sent to you. Try it for 30 days and if you are not delighted with it, return it and your money will be refunded. CONNECTICUT TELEPHONE AMI ELECTRIC CORPORATION Meriden, Coiin. (Division of Commercial Instrument Corp.) I Connecticut Telephone «fc Electric Corp., " GO Britannia St., Meriden Conn. Enclosed find check or money order tor which please send one Velvetskin Patter for 3u da? trial. Mark X here Q Fnr alternating current, complete $ii Mart X here D For direct current, $5.00 plus $2.50 for necessary D. ('. attachment (total $7.50). Mark X here □ For free heauty huoklet only. Name Address City My dealer's name Photoplay Magazine for June, 1930 These New Faces Watch for This Each Month JOAN 1 EERS ("Applause," Paramount) broke upon our delighted gaze in the Helen Morgan picture as one of the best young actresses ever to break into talkies. She is the daughter of Frank Peers, manager of the Adelphi Theater, Chicago, and made her first appearance on the stage at the age of three. Paramount took her to Hollywood. She now works for Columbia. RICHARD KEENE ("Happy Days," Fox) is another young song and dance man lured from the Broadway stage by the singies. Dick appeared in innumerable musical shows in New York, but Fox snared him and put him under contract. He made his picture debut in "Big Time," and since that big time has played in "Why Leave Home," "The Big Party" and "The Golden Calf." "GINGER" ROGERS ("Young Man of Manhattan," Paramount) is an Independence, Mo., girl who was discovered by Paul Ash, and was a sensation singing in Publix presentations. Then she went into "Top Speed, " a Broadway musical show, and scored again. Paramount, who found Helen Kane the same way, lost no time in getting "Ginger" on the dotted line. HARRY RICHM AN (" Puttin' on the Ritz, " United Artists) has been in the headlines for months as the "fiance" of Clara Bow. Harry got his start in New York singing in night clubs, several years ago. Then for two seasons he scored heavily singing the hit songs in George White's "Scandals." Now he has his own night spot, "The Club Richman. " JUDITH VOSSELLI ("The Rogue Song," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) is an 0 other talkie debutante from the stage. Born in Spain, she was brought to America when two years old. She has had a distinguished career in the American theater, usually playing menaces — also her forte in films. She made her talkie debut in Ina Claire's Pathe picture, "The Awful Truth." ALLAN PRIOR ' ("Bride of the Regiment," First National) has for some years been one of the leading lights in American operetta, notably those produced by the Messrs. Shubert during the recent operetta vogue. He did his best singing in "The Song of Love," done five years ago. With the present musical craze in pictures, it was certain Allan would be heard. JOBYNA HOWLAND ("Honey," Paramount) is one of the best known comediennes on the comedy stage. Over six feet tall, she was first famous for her work in Belasco's stage production of "The Gold Diggers," with Ina Claire. Later, she went to London for the same role. She played in the Eddie Cantor show, "Kid Boots," for three entire seasons. SCOTT KOLK ("Marianne," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) began his entertainment career as trap-drummer and dancer with a popular jazz band in Washington, D. C. Then followed an engagement in musical comedy, with his picture chores following in due course. His full name is Walter Scott Kolk. He will be seen soon in Universal's "All Quiet on the Western Front. " Every advertisement in PIIOTOVI..W MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.