Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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Remarkable Mods <=£ QlfJcr/u/ Handsome, dashing, colorful... very much the gay cavalier is this crack picture-taker. Not alone for its fine clothes and engaging air will this camera be famed . . . the Pocket Kodak Junior is as easy to use as a Brownie. Opens quickly, ready for pictures. A swagger companion for any man or woman who enjoys taking pictures, Pocket Kodak Junior makes the ideal Commencement gift. With case to match, it comes in attractive hues of blue, brown and green; also in black. As remarkable as the camera is the price. For No. 1, making 2% x 3% pictures, §9; with case, $11. For No. 1A, making 1% x 4J» pictures, $10; with case, $12.50. See the Pocket Kodak Juniors at any Kodak dealer's. Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York. junior.. Always ready for adventures in picture-taking. Two sizes, four colors. czJ^odaACPeiiie^ Toumtcj Kodaks Petite — Exquisite creations that are gay as Seventeen. as a new French hat. Colors: blue, gray, rose, lavender, green. Picture size: 1% x 2*2. Price: with case to match, $7.50. Colored Brott.mes — The ideal Graduation Gift for a child. Colors: red, green, gray, brown, blue. No. 2, making 2 % x 3% pictures, is $3; with case, $5. No. 2 A, making 2 M x 4 '4 pictures, is $4; with case, $6.